Closed veer9002 closed 5 years ago
You can change tint color in RAMItemAnimation
thank @ober01 ober01 for your answer
Anyone can you help me to set unselected item color for RAMAnimatedTabBarController
I am not able to change even the unselected item color to default color.
I've created the following convenience init method, I hope it helps you guys
extension RAMAnimatedTabBarItem {
convenience init(title: String, image: UIImage?, tag: Int, animation: RAMItemAnimation, selectedColor: UIColor, unselectedColor: UIColor) {
self.init(title: title, image: image, tag: 0)
animation.iconSelectedColor = selectedColor
animation.textSelectedColor = selectedColor
self.animation = animation
self.textColor = unselectedColor
self.iconColor = unselectedColor
it's worked!
First a fall, I want to say thank you very much for creating such a beautiful library. I love your lib, but I want to change the selectedItemImageColor and it's text color. I am able to change the tabbar item's text and icon color but not find any solution to change the default blue color for selectedItem. I want to change the color of selectedItemText and icon color. I tried Image tint from tab bar (storyboard) but still not changing the selectedItem color. When I change the class of tabbar controller to its default class (UITabbarController). It allow me to change the the selected item color.