Ranchero-Software / NetNewsWire

RSS reader for macOS and iOS.
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Feature request: keyboard shortcut for reader view and share sheet. #3489

Open tomleary opened 2 years ago

tomleary commented 2 years ago

If I had a hotkey for these, I could use the app completely mouse-free.

vincode-io commented 2 years ago

The hotkey for Reader View is shift-command-R.

vruyr commented 2 years ago

Is there a hotkey to open the share sheet? I don't see it in Shared/Resources/GlobalKeyboardShortcuts.plist. I've tried to use the App Shortcuts feature in System Preferences but to no avail.

vincode-io commented 2 years ago

There isn't currently.

benlandsberg commented 2 years ago

Ditto, this would be super helpful. One way to introduce this might be to enable the macOS wide "Share" menu under the System Menu Bar. E.g., "Edit->Share->Messages". This would allow users to assign their own keyboard shortcuts using System Preferences->Keyboard->Shortcuts->App Shortcuts.

Here is what this menu looks like in, for example, Safari.

Screen Shot 2022-04-25 at 7 12 46 PM

Currently, the Share menu in NetNewsWire is enabled but only accessible via the Toolbar "Share" item in the toolbar, which does not appear to support keyboard shortcuts.

Screen Shot 2022-04-25 at 7 18 25 PM

vruyr commented 2 years ago

As a workaround to lack of keyboard support for share, here is an example script that monitors the clipboard in a busy-loop and adds the content to Pocket. With the new "Copy Article URL" menu entry, it is now possible to skim though the feeds and save selected items with keyboard alone.

set previousCipboard to (the clipboard)
    repeat 1 times
        if (the clipboard) is equal to previousCipboard then
            exit repeat
        end if
        set previousCipboard to (the clipboard)
        log (previousCipboard)
        set currentApp to (path to frontmost application as text)
        activate application "Pocket"
        tell application "System Events" to keystroke "s" using command down
        activate application currentApp
    end repeat
end repeat
vincode-io commented 2 years ago

Share has been added to the File menu and will be in the upcoming 6.2 release as the fix for #3692. You should then be able to add it to the System Preferences App Shortcuts when released.

schpet commented 2 years ago

oh wow, thanks so much for adding this!

for anyone looking to add a keyboard shortcut, i expect it will work with this setup that works for me on chrome and safari:

you can open "System Preferences", go to "Keyboard", select the "Shortcuts" tab, select "App shortcuts" from the left nav, click the "+" to add a new one, and then in the "Menu Title" field use a value like this: File->Share->Pocket (replace "Pocket" with the app you want to set the keyboard shortcut to share to)

screenshot showing the mac os keyboard shortcut ui. the shortcuts tab is selected. "App Shortcuts" is selected on the left hand nav. A special shortcut with the text "File->Share->Pocket" has been added as an item below the "Show help menu" which is there by default

references: #3692

benlandsberg commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, macOS Ventura eliminated the ability to assign keyboard shortcuts to the share sheet.

schpet commented 1 year ago

@benlandsberg that is disappointing!

i still have pocket setup with a keyboard shortcut:


and if it's useful to you, and after some digging, i found this in my defaults:

$ defaults read "Apple Global Domain" NSUserKeyEquivalents
    "\033File\033Share\033Pocket" = "@^$s";

not as nice as using settings, but maybe still viable for some people.

benlandsberg commented 1 year ago

@schpet Fascinating, is this screenshot on Ventura??

Here is what the File->Share menu looks like for me under Ventura: Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 12 18 43 PM

Clicking the "Share..." menu item, or calling it from a keyboard shortcut, now just pulls up a version of the share sheet that is detached from the menu bar: Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 12 25 57 PM

The detached share sheet appears to function similarly to versions accessed via toolbars and doesn't respond to keyboard shortcuts: Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 12 29 20 PM

This is despite still technically having the shortcut assigned in System Preferences Settings: Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 12 30 43 PM

Here is an example of an article suggesting that this functionality has been depreciated:

The Share menu, which has undergone a redesign in Ventura, removes a couple of features that would be useful with Shortcuts that I hope are added back. First, it’s no longer possible to reorder share extensions in System Settings. I’d like to move Shortcuts to the top of my list, but I can’t. Second, because the Share menu is now an independent floating pallette instead of a submenu of File → Share, individual share extensions can no longer be assigned a keyboard shortcut in System Settings.

schpet commented 1 year ago

@benlandsberg oh interesting – i'm running macos ventura 13.0 (22A380)

note that my "app shortcuts" doesn't list anything

Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 12 51 05 PM
schpet commented 1 year ago

@benlandsberg ah, i see now that you're using safari. yeah i have same issue as you do there. chrome and firefox still let me share as i demonstrated in my screenshot.

benlandsberg commented 1 year ago

@schpet Ah, good point. If adopting the updated "Share..." menu item is an app specific choice then NetNewsWire could still use the older, keyboard shortcut supporting version once the 6.2 update rolls out.

Does your System Settings panel show your pocket keyboard shortcut if you tap the ">" symbol to expand the list of system wide shortcuts? I don't love that the updated Settings app has totally inconsistent interface elements everywhere.

benlandsberg commented 10 months ago

@vincode-io Any updates on this or suggestions for another workaround?

benlandsberg commented 10 months ago

The best workaround I've found so far is to use "⌘ Right Arrow" when browsing in NewNewsWire to open the page in my browser (Safari). Then use the built-in "^ S" from the Instapaper Save web extension to save to Instapaper.

brentsimmons commented 2 months ago

Reopening because this needs additional verification.