Ranchero-Software / NetNewsWire

RSS reader for macOS and iOS.
MIT License
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Network failure error on refresh, but network is online #3661

Open ashinonyx opened 2 years ago

ashinonyx commented 2 years ago


I am getting the above error message when I try to refresh feeds on Mac. This happened last week and force quitting the app, then reopening, seemed to help, but no dice this time around.

The internet connection is definitely online. My feeds refresh properly on mobile, just not Mac.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

brentsimmons commented 2 years ago

Is iCloud working otherwise on this machine?

Have you tried restarting your Mac?

Is there anything out of the ordinary about your network, or any changes you made recently? (Such as adding firewall software, for instance.)

vincode-io commented 2 years ago

@ashinonyx Did you get this to work? That message comes from Apple code, not NetNewsWire code. It means that for some reason your computer can't communicate with Apple's iCloud servers.

brentsimmons commented 1 year ago

Are you still seeing this bug?

herrbischoff commented 1 year ago

Just today I ran into this issue as well. macOS 13.4 (22F66), NetNewsWire Version 6.1.2 (6114).

Explosion-Scratch commented 8 months ago

Running into this issue as well - AdGuard has been paused and accessing the URL in browser is working fine. I'm using https://rss.MY_DOMAIN/api/greader.php as the url. No cookies/login is required other than the default FreshRSS auth

Explosion-Scratch commented 8 months ago

Update: I didn't realize there was an API password for FreshRSS, go to https://DOMAIN/i/?c=user&a=profile to set it