Ranchero-Software / NetNewsWire

RSS reader for macOS and iOS.
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All Unread Smart Feed should be cleared after marking all articles as read #870

Open jtaylor-software opened 5 years ago

jtaylor-software commented 5 years ago

Right now the All Unread smart feed is only cleared after I click off All Unread and then click it again. This should not be necessary It should auto refresh. I don't want to see articles I've marked as read in All Unread.

epaga commented 5 years ago

I do like that the articles don't immediately disappear from the "All Unread" smart feed after reading them, but would recommend that the articles marked as read disappear either:

sashkab commented 5 years ago

Another option can be adding a shortcut to clear all read articles from the list.

themacguru commented 4 years ago

I do like that the articles don't immediately disappear from the "All Unread" smart feed after reading them, but would recommend that the articles marked as read disappear either:

  • when refreshing the view (Cmd+R)

THIS. Or, better yet, when doing a global refresh of feeds, all reads in UNREAD would disappear from the feed.

BewhiskeredBard commented 3 years ago

The iOS version of the app has an option to hide the read items when refreshing. I would suggest that the macOS version should just implement the same behavior, with an option.

kolpanic commented 6 months ago

Shortcuts to the rescue! shortcut Here's the AppleScript:

on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "NetNewsWire"
        click menu item "Mark All as Read" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Article" of menu bar 1
        click menu item "Today" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Go" of menu bar 1
        click menu item "All Unread" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Go" of menu bar 1
        click menu item "Refresh" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
    end tell
    return input
end run

A couple of setup notes: