RandomFractals / vscode-data-preview

Data Preview 🈸 extension for importing 📤 viewing 🔎 slicing 🔪 dicing 🎲 charting 📊 & exporting 📥 large JSON array/config, YAML, Apache Arrow, Avro, Parquet & Excel data files
Apache License 2.0
550 stars 59 forks source link

Preview Data on JSON file not showing anything #158

Closed elliottyates closed 4 years ago

elliottyates commented 4 years ago

Not sure what should be happening here, but my status bar shows "Activating Extensions..." for a few moments, then nothing appears to happen at all in the IDE window. The Dev Tools show no messages. Can you recommend a way to get more helpful troubleshooting information? Thanks!

RandomFractals commented 4 years ago


That doesn't sound right at all. You should see messages in dev tools & new web view panel created + 🈸 Activated! message in the status bar :)

Plus you should see Preview Data commands in the View -> Command Pallette... if you search for Data:

Try restarting vscode if you just installed this extension and then some of the data files from this folder: https://github.com/RandomFractals/vscode-data-preview/tree/master/data/json

Also, please share vscode v. & OS you are on.

elliottyates commented 4 years ago

@RandomFractals thanks for your reply. I tried cars.json from the samples you provided, and it works fine. I think the issue is the JSON I'm trying to investigate -- it's a 4mb file. "Activating extension..." appears when I open it, then disappears after a few seconds. From that point forward, nothing happens, and subsequent attempts to open even small files, like cars.json, no longer do anything. So I imagine the extension is caught crunching the big file and isn't making it to any further operations.

I'm using VS Code 1.40.0 for what it's worth, on Mac OSX 10.14.6.

I guess I'll need a different approach to analyzing this large JSON file. Cheers!

RandomFractals commented 4 years ago

try converting it to csv. without you sharing your json data file I really can't help much.

I would run Data Preview on some other small json data file first. Once it's activated it should be availabe for other data file previews.

So, then try loading your large json data file. I did test this ext. with large json & arrow data files on Win & while I saw vscode stall for some time for larger data files, just reading them from disk, I have not seen ext. activation fail.

It still doesn't sound right to me. Please share your data file if you'd like further assistance.

RandomFractals commented 4 years ago

also, are you sure it's not vscode failing to load your large json data file?

Uninstall Data Preview & try to load your json data file first in code editor.

Does that work || is it too large for vscode to handle? I suspect ext. activation has nothing to do with it.

Do try converting it to csv.

RandomFractals commented 4 years ago

also, you don't have to open your json file to preview it with this extension.

Right click on your file in File Explorer & then click Preview Data. That should launch Data Preview and try to load your large json data.

However, you still have not told me if you even see Activated msgs in the status bar. so, ...

elliottyates commented 4 years ago



RandomFractals commented 4 years ago

that's more helpful. have you tried loading my large data samples?


let me know how they fair.

I did not just put loading large data files for preview in vscode for something, but I am sure there are limits on my & vscode end.

I do intend to add data streaming soon that should streamline that process drastically. just been busy with other things atm.

elliottyates commented 4 years ago

@RandomFractals I had not yet tried the large data samples. The 3.6mb JSON file loads fine, after about 15-20 seconds where it looks like nothing's happening. So perhaps there's something quirky about my 4mb file that's causing issues. Nice to hear about streaming. I'll keep my ear to the repo updates, and if I find out anything more I'll try to give you more info. I appreciate the help, suggestions, and your great work with the extension.

RandomFractals commented 4 years ago

cool. I'll do some more testing on larger OSS json data files later this week. still keeping this issue closed since while it's tantalizing I don't think we dove into it deep enough to identify the actual problem and find a resolution for it. so, kind of non-reproducable atm :(

btw, I might be posting updates on this ext. in this dev.to post to make it more available for dev feedkback: https://dev.to/tarasnovak/visual-studio-code-data-preview-41no