RandomNinjaAtk / docker-lidarr-extended

lidarr-extended :: Lidarr application packaged with multiple scripts to provide additional functionality
GNU General Public License v3.0
275 stars 24 forks source link

[Bug]: No files present after download #247

Closed fscorrupt closed 1 year ago

fscorrupt commented 1 year ago

i set up lidarr extended yesterday and configured everything.

this is my yaml:

version: "2.1"
        hostname: "lidarr-extended"
        container_name: "lidarr-extended"
            - "PGID=${ID}"
            - "PUID=${ID}"
            - "TZ=${TZ}"
            - "UMASK=${UMASK}"
            - "DOCKER_MODS=ghcr.io/gilbn/theme.park:lidarr"
            - "TP_THEME=${LIDARRTHEME}"
            - "autoStart=true"
            - "enableAudioScript=true"
            - "enableVideoScript=false"
            - "scriptInterval=15m"
            - "configureLidarrWithOptimalSettings=true"
            - "searchSort=date"
            - "audioFormat=native"
            - "audioBitrate=lossless"
            - "requireQuality=true"
            - "enableReplaygainTags=true"
            - "audioLyricType=both"
            - "dlClientSource=deezer"
            - "arlToken=REDACTED"
            - "tidalCountryCode=US"
            - "addDeezerTopArtists=false"
            - "addDeezerTopAlbumArtists=false"
            - "addDeezerTopTrackArtists=false"
            - "topLimit=0"
            - "addRelatedArtists=false"
            - "numberOfRelatedArtistsToAddPerArtist=5"
            - "addFeaturedVideoArtists=false"
            - "plexUrl=http://plex:32400"
            - "plexToken=REDACTED"
            - "youtubeSubtitleLanguage=en"
            - "enableQueueCleaner=false"
        image: "randomninjaatk/lidarr-extended:latest"
        restart: "${RESTARTAPP}"
            - ${DOCKERNETWORK}
            - "${APPFOLDER}/lidarr-extended:/config:rw"
            - "unionfs:/mnt"
            - "/mnt/downloads/amd:/downloads-lidarr-extended"
            - "traefik.enable=true"
            - "traefik.docker.network=proxy"
            - "dockupdater.enable=true"
            - "traefik.http.routers.lidarr-extended-rtr.entrypoints=https"
            - "traefik.http.routers.lidarr-extended-rtr.rule=Host(`lidarr-extended.${DOMAIN}`)"
            - "traefik.http.routers.lidarr-extended-rtr.tls=true"
            - "traefik.http.routers.lidarr-extended-rtr.tls.certresolver=dns-cloudflare"
            - "traefik.http.routers.lidarr-extended-rtr.middlewares=chain-authelia@file"
            - "traefik.http.routers.lidarr-extended-rtr.service=lidarr-extended-svc"
            - "traefik.http.services.lidarr-extended-svc.loadbalancer.server.port=8686"
        driver: proxy
        external: true
        driver: local-persist
            mountpoint: /mnt

i added indexers to lidar and also sab as download client and my root folder /mnt/unionfs/music if i manually download in lidarr threw sab all works.

but if it starts downloading via deezer i have following behavior It searches, it downloads the files to the incomplete folder then i see in log "all done" after that the files are gone, they are not present in the complete folder or in my music root folder, also under incomplete they are gone.

Any idea on how i can track this? cause i have no errors in log: image

RandomNinjaAtk commented 1 year ago

You need to provide the complete logging output for the search and download of a single album to be able to look at it any further... What you provided isn't enough information to go off of...

fscorrupt commented 1 year ago

okey, i hope all is in the audio.txt? then here is the startup + first search & download:

2023-06-01 13:38:43 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-06-01 13:38:43 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 ::  |~) _ ._ _| _ ._ _ |\ |o._ o _ |~|_|_|
2023-06-01 13:38:43 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 ::  |~\(_|| |(_|(_)| | || \||| |_|(_||~| | |<
2023-06-01 13:38:43 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 ::  Presents: lidarr-extended (1.0.4)
2023-06-01 13:38:43 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 ::  Docker Version: amd64-1.0.34
2023-06-01 13:38:43 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 ::  May the beats be with you!
2023-06-01 13:38:43 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-06-01 13:38:43 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Donate: https://github.com/sponsors/RandomNinjaAtk
2023-06-01 13:38:43 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Project: https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/docker-lidarr-extended
2023-06-01 13:38:43 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Support: https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/docker-lidarr-extended/discussions
2023-06-01 13:38:43 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-06-01 13:38:48 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 
2023-06-01 13:38:48 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Lift off in...
2023-06-01 13:38:49 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 5
2023-06-01 13:38:50 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 4
2023-06-01 13:38:51 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 3
2023-06-01 13:38:52 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 2
2023-06-01 13:38:53 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1
2023-06-01 13:38:54 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: To kill script, use the following command:
2023-06-01 13:38:54 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: kill -9 375
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Lidarr Version:
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Add Deezer Top Artists is disabled (enable by setting addDeezerTopArtists=true)
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Add Deezer Top Album Artists is disabled (enable by setting addDeezerTopAlbumArtists=true)
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Add Deezer Top Track Artists is disabled (enable by setting addDeezerTopTrackArtists=true)
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Add Deezer Related Artists is disabled (enable by setting addRelatedArtists=true)
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Download Location: /downloads-lidarr-extended
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Output format: native
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Output bitrate:
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Download Quality Check Enabled
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Preferred audio lyric type: both
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Tidal Country Code set to: US
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Replaygain Tagging Enabled
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Match Distance: 5
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Beets Tagging Enabled
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Beets Matching Threshold 90%
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Removing prevously completed downloads that failed to import...
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: DEEZER :: Verifying deemix configuration
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: DEEZER :: ARL Token: Configured
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: DEEZER :: Configuring deemix client
2023-06-01 13:38:56 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: DEEZER :: Purging album list cache...
2023-06-01 13:38:58 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: FINDING MISSING ALBUMS :: sorted by date
2023-06-01 13:38:58 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 36399 Missing Albums Found!
2023-06-01 13:38:58 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: Getting Missing Album IDs
2023-06-01 13:38:58 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: Downloading page 1... (0 - 1000 of 36399 Results)
2023-06-01 13:39:00 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: Filtering Album IDs by removing previously searched Album IDs (/config/extended/logs/notfound/<files>)
2023-06-01 13:39:00 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 986 albums found to process!
2023-06-01 13:39:00 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: Searching for 986 items
2023-06-01 13:39:01 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Starting Search...
2023-06-01 13:39:01 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:01 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:01 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:01 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Explicit :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Searching 7842330... (Track Count: 5-5)...
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Explicit :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Filtering results by lyric type and "The"...
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Explicit :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: 1 search results found
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Explicit :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: ERROR :: Albums found, but none matching search criteria...
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Explicit :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: ERROR :: Album not found...
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Fuzzy Search :: Deezer :: Explicit :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Searching... (Track Count: 5-5)
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Fuzzy Search :: Deezer :: Explicit :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: 1 search results found
2023-06-01 13:39:02 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Getting Album info...
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Album info downloaded and verified...
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Fuzzy Search :: Deezer :: Explicit :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: ERROR :: Results found, but none matching search criteria...
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Searching 7842330... (Track Count: 5-5)...
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Filtering results by lyric type and "The"...
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: 5 search results found
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Getting Album info...
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Album info downloaded and verified...
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: TheManFromWacoRedux vs TheManfromWacoRedux :: Checking for Match...
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: TheManFromWacoRedux vs TheManfromWacoRedux :: Calculating Similarity...
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: TheManFromWacoRedux vs TheManfromWacoRedux :: Deezer MATCH Found :: Calculated Difference = 0
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Downloading 5 Tracks :: The Man from Waco (Redux) (2023)
2023-06-01 13:39:03 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Download Attempt number 1
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Getting tags.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Tags got.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Getting download URL.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Desired bitrate not found, falling back to lower bitrate.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Download URL got.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Downloading album art.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Album art downloaded.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Downloading track. Downloading 3332387 bytes.
[album_425303257_9] Download at 2%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 4%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 6%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 8%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 10%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 12%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 14%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 16%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 18%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 20%
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Track downloaded.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Tagging track.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Track tagged.
[album_425303257_9] Completed download of /101 - The Man From Waco (Billy Horton Sessions).mp3
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Getting tags.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Tags got.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Getting download URL.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Desired bitrate not found, falling back to lower bitrate.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Download URL got.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Downloading album art.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Album art downloaded.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Downloading track. Downloading 3790052 bytes.
[album_425303257_9] Download at 22%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 24%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 26%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 28%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 30%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 32%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 34%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 36%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 38%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 40%
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Track downloaded.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Tagging track.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Track tagged.
[album_425303257_9] Completed download of /102 - I'm Just A Clown (Billy Horton Sessions).mp3
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Getting tags.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Tags got.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Getting download URL.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Desired bitrate not found, falling back to lower bitrate.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Download URL got.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Downloading album art.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Album art downloaded.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Downloading track. Downloading 2621021 bytes.
[album_425303257_9] Download at 42%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 44%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 46%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 48%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 50%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 52%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 54%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 56%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 58%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 60%
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Track downloaded.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Tagging track.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Track tagged.
[album_425303257_9] Completed download of /103 - July Jackson (Billy Horton Sessions).mp3
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Getting tags.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Tags got.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Getting download URL.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Desired bitrate not found, falling back to lower bitrate.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Download URL got.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Downloading album art.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Album art downloaded.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Downloading track. Downloading 2759365 bytes.
[album_425303257_9] Download at 62%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 64%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 66%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 68%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 70%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 72%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 74%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 76%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 78%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 80%
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Track downloaded.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Tagging track.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions) :: Track tagged.
[album_425303257_9] Completed download of /104 - Just Like Honey (Billy Horton Sessions).mp3
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version) :: Getting tags.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version) :: Tags got.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version) :: Getting download URL.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version) :: Desired bitrate not found, falling back to lower bitrate.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version) :: Download URL got.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version) :: Downloading album art.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version) :: Album art downloaded.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version) :: Downloading track. Downloading 3755362 bytes.
[album_425303257_9] Download at 82%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 84%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 86%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 88%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 90%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 92%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 94%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 96%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 98%
[album_425303257_9] Download at 100%
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version) :: Track downloaded.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version) :: Tagging track.
[album_425303257_9] Charley Crockett - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version) :: Track tagged.
[album_425303257_9] Completed download of /105 - Tom Turkey (Alternate Version).mp3
[album_425303257_9] Finished downloading
All done!
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Success
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking for unwanted files
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Unwanted files found!
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Performing cleanup...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: ERROR :: All download Attempts failed...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Logging 425303257 as failed download...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: ERROR :: Albums found, but none matching search criteria...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Artist Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: ERROR :: Album not found...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Fuzzy Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Searching... (Track Count: 5-5)
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Fuzzy Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: 1 search results found
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Getting Album info...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Album info downloaded and verified...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Fuzzy Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: TheManFromWacoRedux vs TheManfromWacoRedux :: Checking for Match...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Fuzzy Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: TheManFromWacoRedux vs TheManfromWacoRedux :: Calculating Similarity...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Fuzzy Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: TheManFromWacoRedux vs TheManfromWacoRedux :: Deezer MATCH Found :: Calculated Difference = 0
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Fuzzy Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: Downloading 5 Tracks :: The Man from Waco (Redux) (2023)
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: ERROR :: Previously Attempted Download (425303257)...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Fuzzy Search :: Deezer :: Clean :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: ERROR :: Results found, but none matching search criteria...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Musicbrainz URL :: Deezer :: Searching for Album ID...
2023-06-01 13:39:33 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Musicbrainz URL :: Deezer :: NOT FOUND!
2023-06-01 13:39:33 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking Lidarr for existing files
2023-06-01 13:39:33 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: 0% Tracks found
2023-06-01 13:39:33 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Album Not found
2023-06-01 13:39:33 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Marking Album as notfound
2023-06-01 13:39:33 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Search Complete...```
RandomNinjaAtk commented 1 year ago

You have to read the logs, it tells you what is wrong...

2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Checking for unwanted files
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Unwanted files found!
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: Performing cleanup...
2023-06-01 13:39:32 :: Audio :: 1.0.4 :: 1 :: missing :: 1 of 986 :: Charley Crockett :: The Man From Waco: Redux :: EP :: ERROR :: All download Attempts failed...

Its working as intended based on your config. Review the readme and all of the configuration options to get a better understanding...

fscorrupt commented 1 year ago

i found the setting by trying out, its not clear based on the description, its a mix of quality in setting and fileformat in description.

-e requireQuality=true | true = enabled :: Downloads will be required to have the requested file format -- | --

Better use: Downloads will be checked for quality and require to have the requested file format & quality.

But thanks for your hint.

RandomNinjaAtk commented 1 year ago

Took your words and updated the readme