RandomNinjaAtk / docker-lidarr-extended

lidarr-extended :: Lidarr application packaged with multiple scripts to provide additional functionality
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Album tagging fix #253

Closed jsaddiction closed 1 year ago

jsaddiction commented 1 year ago

An even more edge case was noticed when an album processed by beets doesn't quite match Lidarr. This only happens when multiple releases are identified by beets and the wrong one (from Lidarr's perspective) is selected. The result in this case is two similarly named albums within the same artist.

RandomNinjaAtk commented 1 year ago

Actually probably don't want to do this, because it could be possible that you matched an album that doesn't match the same release group, and forcing it to be the same would cause you to import data incorrectly.

jsaddiction commented 1 year ago

Not sure I understand exactly what you mean. I realize that an album may have several releases and that the downloaded tracks may come from those different release groups.

The problem I am trying to solve is where an artist would have 2 or more listings of the same album in kodi. Upon further investigation I noticed that the two albums have different album ids.

To Me, even if the album id is forced to be consistent with lidarr's understanding of the album construct then the appearance in kodi would also be commensurate with lidarr.

Does lidarr change a release upon import to match the tracks it's found? If so then I see your point and then it should be up to lidarr to tag with the appropriate album id and release id after it's made that decision

RandomNinjaAtk commented 1 year ago

Lidarr uses the tags to match an album for import. So changing the tags could result undesirable import results by making lidarr think its a different album than it really is...

Your issue seems like its caused by not having lidarr or beets retag the album after import...

jsaddiction commented 1 year ago

I do have lidarr set where it doesn't mess with tags. This was in attempt to get beets to process tags more to my liking, ie. genre whitelist. Lidarr doesn't seem to have a method for limiting which tags are written. Seems I'm at a stalemate with that functionality unless you have any ideas.

RandomNinjaAtk commented 1 year ago

You should have lidarr tag and use the post processing script to re-process with beets.

That's what I do anyways.

Edit, you'll use this script for post processing:
