RandomTBush / RTB-3DSMax-Scripts

Home to all of the model-importing scripts I've written for 3DS Max.
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The Wolf Among Us .skl files don't work anymore? #2

Open Quasi-Detective opened 4 months ago

Quasi-Detective commented 4 months ago

Tested on 3DS Max 2020, then 3DS Max 2013, with both the original Steam and "current" GOG releases of The Wolf Among Us (PC) -- no apparent differences in the files between these releases, but just wanted to be thorough.

Importing d3dmesh alone works fine, but obviously has no bones. Importing d3dmesh + skl results in nothing being imported, and the script failing with this error. It highlights "fn convertTo32 input16", and MaxScript Listener prints out that the "bone header seems malformed" before spitting out garbled data from the skl file when it tries to parse it.

image image

Am I missing something? I just wanted to try converting these models for myself again after all these years... :(

EDIT: Loading Beast's skeleton instead of Bigby's gets more progress, but then reverts back to #1 image