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Telltale D3DMesh Assistance regarding T3MeshLODs and T3MeshBatch #3

Open frostbone25 opened 4 weeks ago

frostbone25 commented 4 weeks ago

Howdy, I know this isn't the ideal place to reach out but I'll keep it brief (I reached out to your twitter so if need be we can move this here and/or elsewhere so you can close this issue) but I'm a telltale modder, working with a fellow group of other telltale modders and my project is building out a fully fleshed out .d3dmesh converter.

I have experience with telltale formats and have built a .d3dtx converter that fully works both ways and am shifting focus to work on a d3dmesh converter. The game shipped with PDBs so we have gone in and fully reverse engineered all of the formats exactly how they are laid out in ida thanks to it, so my converter does fully extract all of the data from d3dmesh sucessfully. The issue I'm currently running into though is figuring out how to properly get/create submeshes and LOD groups using the T3MeshLOD and subsequent T3MeshBatch data blocks to pull the correct vertex/triangle indicies from the vertex buffers to create those submeshes. Just for additional context I get this data and am looking to feed it directly into ASSIMP which has quite a flexible data format for meshes that can be used to export into almost any kind of standard/recongizable model format.

I have made attempts to look at your 3DsMax script for reference... however I'm not familiar with MaxScript, and I'm having a bit of difficultly figuring out exactly how your handling T3MeshLOD and T3MeshBatch creation in an 11k lines long script... :P

NOTE: I have a mode in the program where I can make the assumption that it's all one single mesh and extract that sucesfully, and it all looks correct (atleast for meshes that don't have more than 1 T3MeshLOD). Just the issue is being able to use the data that is provided in the header to create the submeshes that the mesh originally had

frostbone25 commented 4 weeks ago

For reference also the project is on Github and you can have a look into the code if you are familiar with C++ But again I'm only just looking for advice/pointers on how you manage to use the submeshes/LODs to create the proper meshes from the wierd funky setup that telltale has in their header.