RandstormBTC / randstorm

Bitcoin Randstorm Exploit - Very Fast Private Key and Address Generator
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randstorm issues #18

Open knox66 opened 6 months ago

knox66 commented 6 months ago

After changing the script to a very short Unix time range, unfortunately, it still does not find the correct time range and key. Even if the time range is set to the maximum - it's known to take too long. However, within the range 1310690661000 to 1310692661000, it does not find 1310691661000, which is the correct Seed: 1310691661000 Hexadecimal: 6ad2d763712eae6428e2922d7181f92fb70d0e564d1dd38dd0aa9b34b844c0cb P2PKH: 1JbryLqejpB17zLDNspRyJwjL5rjXW7gyw. Please verify the correctness of the script, as I may have made some errors and the script may not be functioning correctly. However, without modifying the script beyond providing the time range, it does not find the key or seed for the address. This is just an example test I subjected the script to

The generate_compressed_P2P_address function is missing the definition of the coincurve library. Ensure that coincurve is installed and imported correctly at the beginning of the script.

The search_for_match function is attempting to access the memory-mapped file mmapped_file directly as a set, but mmapped_file is actually a mmap.mmap object. You should first read the contents of the memory-mapped file into a set and then perform the search.

In the search_for_match function, the compressed_p2pkh_address variable is being checked against the memory-mapped file for a match. However, the address is generated as a base58 encoded string, while the contents of the memory-mapped file are likely raw byte representations of Bitcoin addresses. You should decode the addresses from the memory-mapped file to strings before comparison.

The result_queue is being used to communicate results from child processes to the main process. However, the code doesn't appear to be retrieving and processing results from the queue correctly. Ensure that you properly handle items retrieved from the queue and write them to the output file.

The winner.txt file is opened in append mode ('a') inside the loop over the result queue. This means that each time a result is retrieved from the queue, it will open the file and append to it. You should consider opening the file in write mode ('w') before the loop and closing it after processing all results.

The p2sh_p2wpkh_address key in the result dictionary is referenced, but it is not defined in the script. Ensure that you define this variable or remove the reference to it.

The file_path variable is set to the name of the Bitcoin addresses file, but it is passed as an argument to the search_for_match function instead of the mmapped_file object. You should use the mmapped_file object directly in the function.
demonluca commented 6 months ago

Hi Knox, unfortunately the owner hasn’t been active for a while but a few of us discuss the program via telegram, feel free to join https://t.me/+D76Vy-Q3KydiOTU8

knox66 commented 6 months ago

the link doesn't work, it's probably expired

demonluca commented 6 months ago


agoora commented 6 months ago

Hey, For those new who are interested in this project, please leave a valid telegram link. Thank you.

fcinumber81 commented 2 months ago

I would like an invite to join up, thanks

fcinumber81 commented 2 months ago

Hey, For those new who are interested in this project, please leave a valid telegram link. Thank you.

Send me an invite, thanks