Randy-Blancett / bashLibrary

Library of bash script utilities
MIT License
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Ticket #29 #33

Closed Randy-Blancett closed 3 months ago

Randy-Blancett commented 3 months ago

Added new function to askUserSecret Fixed errors Updated bat version Closes #29

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

sh-checker report

To get the full details, please check in the job output.

shellcheck errors ``` 'shellcheck -e SC1091 -e SC2034' returned error 1 finding the following syntactical issues: ---------- In src/main/bash/lib/shellUtils.sh line 123: read -s -p "$PROMPT: " "RESPONSE" ^--^ SC2162 (info): read without -r will mangle backslashes. For more information: https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2162 -- read without -r will mangle backs... ---------- You can address the above issues in one of three ways: 1. Manually correct the issue in the offending shell script; 2. Disable specific issues by adding the comment: # shellcheck disable=NNNN above the line that contains the issue, where NNNN is the error code; 3. Add '-e NNNN' to the SHELLCHECK_OPTS setting in your .yml action file. ```
shfmt errors ``` shfmt checking is disabled. ```
github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

sh-checker report

To get the full details, please check in the job output.

shellcheck errors ``` 'shellcheck -e SC1091 -e SC2034' returned error 1 finding the following syntactical issues: ---------- In src/main/bash/lib/shellUtils.sh line 123: read -s -p "$PROMPT: " "RESPONSE" ^--^ SC2162 (info): read without -r will mangle backslashes. For more information: https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2162 -- read without -r will mangle backs... ---------- You can address the above issues in one of three ways: 1. Manually correct the issue in the offending shell script; 2. Disable specific issues by adding the comment: # shellcheck disable=NNNN above the line that contains the issue, where NNNN is the error code; 3. Add '-e NNNN' to the SHELLCHECK_OPTS setting in your .yml action file. ```
shfmt errors ``` shfmt checking is disabled. ```