RandyGaul / qu3e

Lightweight and Simple 3D Open Source Physics Engine in C++
zlib License
920 stars 110 forks source link

Consider triangle mesh support #11

Closed Kazade closed 4 years ago

Kazade commented 8 years ago


First of all, let me thank you for such an awesome library. I've been looking for a lightweight (and portable) physics library for a while and after spending a day failing to get yocto-gl to work as I needed, Qu3e did what I wanted immediately! So, massive thanks!

Now on to the reason I'm creating an issue. I've read in your readme that you are considering sphere and capsule support, but not necessarily convex hulls and meshes. I just thought I'd let you know that support for triangle meshes (like those used for terrains in games) would be much appreciated. For the time-being I'm writing my own ray-casting code to deal with things moving over a terrain, but if Qu3e supported this kind of mesh as well as OBBs that would be amazing.

I would attempt this myself, but my algebra lets me down. If such a feature were to implemented, do you have any suggestions or thoughts on what approach would be most suitable?

Thanks again!

RandyGaul commented 8 years ago

Hi Kazade. I could definitely add in triangle mesh support, but the problem is that the Bullet library already has this feature. If you wanted to try adding it yourself I do have my old academic source available: https://bitbucket.org/rgaul/lm/

If I were to implement static triangle meshes I would definitely use this method. Files of interest are lmMeshData, lmMeshContact.

RandyGaul commented 8 years ago

Oh and lmMesh/lmAABBTree. Maybe a couple others.

RandyGaul commented 8 years ago

Oh and one more thing. Mesh support is definitely the most requested feature, so if this got implemented I think it would be appreciated the most out of all feature requests.

Kazade commented 8 years ago

Thanks I'll try to take a look at some point. I'm aware bullet has this feature, but my use case needs something as lightweight as possible, and bullet has much more than I need. Qu3e + static meshes would be ideal :)

VagueLobster commented 7 years ago

Hi i have also this feature request, i have this huge problem with Bullet... i simply cannot get it to work at all! i have tried everything and my engine just won't either render a physics object or actually use the step simulation... but i have high hopes for qu3e :) i really hope that more collision object will be added because i also really need them through a light-weighted library :)

RandyGaul commented 7 years ago

Hi standtall007, my friend recently made Bounce which is a fairly similar style to qu3e but with many more features. Please check it out and see if it is to your liking! qu3e is mainly intended for educational purposes and games that enjoy a strict limited feature set, but Bounce is quite actively developed (as of 2017), so I would recommend giving it a shot :)

VagueLobster commented 7 years ago

Hi RandyGaul, Thank you very much for the link, i have tried his testbed and i am extremely satisfied with his work :) i will try and integrate it into my game engine :) thanks you so very much once again!

Kazade commented 7 years ago

Bounce looks very interesting indeed! Thanks for the link @RandyGaul !

Burak0671 commented 6 years ago

Hi @RandyGaul , I've created a modern OpenGL game engine. I use GLEW, GLFW. I downloaded this library but I don't know how it works. Can anybody help me with that?

kaadmy commented 6 years ago

Bumping an almost two year old issue with an unrelated comment?

electrolys commented 4 years ago

what if the triangle meshes were inside a cube bounding box?

999pingGG commented 4 years ago

@RandyGaul do you know anything about what happened to your friend's Bounce library? All his repositories and activity are deleted!

RandyGaul commented 4 years ago

So has this become the place to just necro with unrelated comments? I mean I'm fine with it XD

@electrolys That doesn't help, but nice try :)

@999pingGG Looks like he also ragequit twitter?

Kazade commented 4 years ago

Sorry to also respond here, but does anyone have an up-to-date copy of the https://github.com/irlanrobson/Bounce repo?

I have a fork, but I haven't pulled upstream for a long time :(

RandyGaul commented 4 years ago

You can try getting a hold of Irlan on gamedev.net :(

999pingGG commented 4 years ago

Luckily, I have this untouched zip file of the bounce master branch, dated from 11/13/2019 https://www.mediafire.com/file/p1q70fy0lbk0uiw/bounce-master.zip/file

Sadly, my perfectionist part itches since I missed the last two months updates.

999pingGG commented 4 years ago

@RandyGaul Do you happen to know him in real life? This is a bit mysterious for me..

RandyGaul commented 4 years ago

I have no idea. I was not close with Irlan.

Kazade commented 4 years ago

Again, sorry to keep bumping this.

I've applied the zip file to the working tree that I had and pushed it to the upstream_final branch here: https://github.com/Kazade/bounce/tree/upstream_final

Hopefully the original project comes back, because it was amazing :(

RandyGaul commented 4 years ago

Thanks @Kazade :)