Cumulative PR for all Updates from 1.2.10 - 1.2.14
Due to merge issues and some LFS shenanigans in GitHub, I was unable to get a full merge back to the main. That being said, this is an export of the full working project for 1.2.14 overlayed on the main to denote all of the changes that went into release 1.2.14.
This effectively brings the main back up to the current release state.
Change Log:
Fixed the TextMeshPro Blurry Fonts (thanks to Azumatt).
Put NPC Text back into a smaller box so that the text wraps appropriately.
Fixed Outline around Biome Name
Password dialogue now hides password.
Auga API has been updated to allow TooltipTextBox AddLine to overwrite instead of add.
Fixed (again) Enemy Nameplates to be clear.
Added Outlines on some HUD TMP Text boxes that were missing
Fixing Password, Portal, Signs, and Tamable Inputs
Removed some left over debugging
Mini-map pins were not working.
Now have mini-map pins working.
Chat Window text now wraps
NPC Dialog now wraps
Updates Valheim 0.216.9
Adds in additional fonts to hopfully fix blurry text on unit frames.
Cumulative PR for all Updates from 1.2.10 - 1.2.14
Due to merge issues and some LFS shenanigans in GitHub, I was unable to get a full merge back to the main. That being said, this is an export of the full working project for 1.2.14 overlayed on the main to denote all of the changes that went into release 1.2.14.
This effectively brings the main back up to the current release state.
Change Log: