RangerMauve / hyper-sdk

Make your own hyper apps!
MIT License
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Feature Request: AddPeer #59

Open HughIsaacs2 opened 4 years ago

HughIsaacs2 commented 4 years ago

It'd be awesome if this SDK had a WebTorrent style AddPeer feature for adding peers manually.

It'd be extra awesome if it accepted simple-peer instances too (like WebTorrent) for WebRTC peers.

EDIT: Also removePeer.

RangerMauve commented 4 years ago

Ooo, that'd be awesome.

I think it'd be nice to have an API added to corestore-swarm-networking which accepted a duplex stream for connections (there's a private one already), and then expose that API inside the SDK.

From there you could use anything that provides a duplex stream including webrtc based stuff.

PRs would be very much welcome!