RangoDisco / zelvy

Tracking my fitness related goals
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Handle off days #1

Closed RangoDisco closed 1 month ago

RangoDisco commented 2 months ago

Allow me to use a slash command to set an off day for today for any of the goals

Pefouk commented 1 month ago


The goal of this repo is to track the physical activity of the user EVERYDAY, allowing the user to bypass so easily seems very dumb to me and completely dishonest. Don't expect me to allow such a feature on this project. 🤨

RangoDisco commented 1 month ago

si je suis malade je fais comment fdp

RangoDisco commented 1 month ago

.+ y'a un jour de repo par semaine chef

Pefouk commented 1 month ago

Hey, Please only comment in English in order to be welcoming for future new maintainers. My take is that sick days should not be an excuse for lazy day. One day off on the other hand seems okay-ish but only if it is planned and can't be changed on the go.

Kindly, Pefouk

Pefouk commented 1 month ago

Et ratio

RangoDisco commented 1 month ago

Bah qu'ils aillent bien se faire foutre les anglophones là. Ensuite je prend un jour off si je veux t'es pas mon daron

RangoDisco commented 1 month ago

Sorry I let my self go.

While I fully understand your concerns. The goal of the offday feature is to allow me to be flexible and disable a goal for a specific day.

For example, I often take my workout rest day of sunday, but sometimes on tuesday. The public nature of the rest days allows discord users to message me and say whether or not they feel like I'm going too far.

To be clear I will take rest days but I should not take it out of laziness or poor life choices. The 4 only correct reasons are:

Also sometimes, e.g. during holliday, I'd want to disable the kcal consumed goal. Goals are not strictly fixed, you can see them more as a general guidelines.


Pefouk commented 1 month ago


Pefouk commented 1 month ago


Hey mate, Seems like you edited MY comment there bud. I will ask you to NOT do that again. Otherwise I will deny the PR of your code on your repo and there is nothing you can do about that (other than ignoring my feedback, which would be understable) I will also be obligated to come to your place and pet your cat.

Veuillez agréer de mes salutations distinguées, Pefouk

RangoDisco commented 1 month ago

@Pefouk done here https://github.com/RangoDisco/zelby/commit/43140a8df9e3c956c3692274d11b78978cd56ce5

Pefouk commented 1 month ago

No pull request ? 🥹

RangoDisco commented 1 month ago

No PR for things that are not even half baked. Will start using issues, PR & branches now that the bot/server are in stable-ish condition