RangoDisco / zelvy

Tracking my fitness related goals
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Programmatically pay winner #2

Open Pefouk opened 1 month ago

Pefouk commented 1 month ago

Send the money

In order to avoid the tracked user to play unfair and not send the money to the winner, I think the server should automatically send the money to the random winner through the PayPal's API or something like that. I guess in order to make it work the eligible potential winners should link their PayPal account with the bot thank to a slash command or through a website dedicated (seems overkill tho).

With all due respect, Pefouk

RangoDisco commented 1 month ago


Pefouk commented 1 month ago

Cimer chef

Respectfully, Pefouk

RangoDisco commented 1 month ago

non c'est mort je mets le tag wont do

RangoDisco commented 1 month ago

@Pefouk starting this as I speak. Also starting a dashboard website soon

RangoDisco commented 1 month ago

Big roadblock, not a lot of APIs are available to do that kind of wonky shit. For now I'll juste allow users to use a / command to add their email so I don't have to ask them everytime. Will see in the futur if I can sort out how I can programmatically send money but for now it's too much trouble for not enough reward