RaniSputnik / Flox-GML

A GameMaker port of the fantastic Flox backend service.
4 stars 1 forks source link

Cannot Delete Entities on Android #2

Open mavrick7705 opened 8 years ago

mavrick7705 commented 8 years ago

Hello! I've be communicating with you about this problem through email. I am unbale to destroy entities on Android. I am using GM Studio 1.4.1757 but had the same problem in 1.4.1749.

I ran the same exact code on both Windows and Androids. It works on Windows but produces a "404" Unkown error on Android. Here is my log:

--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
D/AndroidRuntime(26564): Shutting down VM
D/AndroidRuntime(26716): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.Run
timeInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime(26716): CheckJNI is OFF
D/AndroidRuntime(26716): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
D/AndroidRuntime(26716): Shutting down VM
I/yoyo    (26756): onCreate
I/yoyo    (26756): #######!!!!!!! Checking for runner! failed
I/yoyo    (26756): Found Runner flag in manifest, not using APK expansion
I/yoyo    (26756): ###@@@@!!!~~~~###### default orientation - 1
I/yoyo    (26756): File Path for INI:: /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDR
D/yoyo    (26756): found INI file - assets/options.ini
I/yoyo    (26756): INI loaded
I/yoyo    (26756): @@@@@@@ Build.Display = KOT49I.MS32310c BRAND=MetroPCS DEVICE
I/yoyo    (26756): @@@@@@@ XPeriaPlay=false manufacturer=false model=false
I/yoyo    (26756): Exception thrown trying to call method checkLicensing on Goog
I/yoyo    (26756): !!!!!!! Checking if APK Expansion file required...
I/yoyo    (26756):  + + + + setupView + + + +
I/yoyo    (26756): File Path for INI:: /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDR
D/yoyo    (26756): found INI file - assets/options.ini
I/yoyo    (26756): INI loaded
I/yoyo    (26756): RestrictOrientation setting from YYPrefs
I/yoyo    (26756): RestrictOrientation("true", "false"true"false")
I/yoyo    (26756): Reading GL config option...
I/yoyo    (26756): Using OpenGL ES 1 renderer
I/yoyo    (26756): DemoGLSurfaceView: CREATED
I/yoyo    (26756): onStart
I/yoyo    (26756): onResume
I/yoyo    (26756): calculated orientation - 1
I/yoyo    (26756): chooseConfig
I/yoyo    (26756): OpenGL ES Extensions : GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_AMD_compressed_
ATC_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot GL_ARB_v
ertex_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA
8888 GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_bl
end_func_separate GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_O
ES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_draw_t
exture GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_O
ES_matrix_palette GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_poi
nt_sprite GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_textur
e_cube_map GL_OES_texture_env_crossbar GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_half_
float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_texture_mirror
ed_repeat GL_QCOM_binning_control GL_QCOM_extended_get GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering
I/yoyo    (26756): Device supports 32bit display formats
I/yoyo    (26756): 16 bit colour depth forced
I/yoyo    (26756): Trying EGL config : EGLConfig 3: rgba=5650 depth=24 stencil=8
I/yoyo    (26756): Selected EGL config working
I/yoyo    (26756): Renderer instance is gl1.1, framebuffer object is: 0
I/yoyo    (26756): APK File Path :: /data/app/com.companyname.flox-1.apk
I/yoyo    (26756): OpenGL ES-2.0 is supported: 196608
I/yoyo    (26756): onWindowFocusChanged(true|false)
I/yoyo    (26756): onSurfaceChanged :: width=800 height=480
I/yoyo    (26756): State->Splash
I/yoyo    (26756): State->Splash    time: 1470158962115
I/yoyo    (26756): State->Splash endTime: 1470158962114
I/yoyo    (26756): State->Splash2
I/yoyo    (26756): !!! Asset file - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDROID
.zip true l=1470158951000
I/yoyo    (26756): !!! Lock file - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameDownload.loc
k true l=1470158951000
I/yoyo    (26756): GameDownload.lock exists, about to delete...
I/yoyo    (26756): After delete flock.exists() returns false
D/yoyo    (26756): doSetup called - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDROID
I/yoyo    (26756): checking 1 extensions for ad interface
I/yoyo    (26756): BILLING: setupInAppBilling
I/yoyo    (26756): Exception thrown trying to call method InitRunnerBilling on G
I/yoyo    (26756): BILLING: Google Play permissions not available, selecting NUL
L billing solution
I/yoyo    (26756): -----setup Push------
I/yoyo    (26756): GAMEPAD: Bonded Bluetooth devices read
D/yoyo    (26756): ****** Found API level 12 function! Joysticks supported
I/yoyo    (26756): GAMEPAD: Enumeration complete
I/yoyo    (26756): RestrictOrientation setting from YYPrefs
I/yoyo    (26756): RestrictOrientation("true", "false"true"false")
W/yoyo    (26756): AL lib: (EE) alc_opensl_init: Using OpenSLES
W/yoyo    (26756): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_ENGINE :: 5dbb6edc
W/yoyo    (26756): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFER
QUEUE :: 5dbb6eb4
W/yoyo    (26756): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_BUFFERQUEUE :: 5dbb
W/yoyo    (26756): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_PLAY :: 5dbb6e94
W/yoyo    (26756): AL lib: (EE) opensl_open_playback: engine->GetInterface 0 --
W/yoyo    (26756): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_VOLUME :: 5dbb6ed4
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Loading persistent data
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: No persistent data found, this is likely to be the firs
t time this game has run
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Request created with map, this will soon be removed
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: [Info] Game Started
I/yoyo    (26756): android.software.leanback = 0
I/yoyo    (26756): MANUFACTURER = LGE
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Request created with map, this will soon be removed
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Making Request Method=POST Path=logs
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpRequest("https://www.flox.cc/api/games/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab/l
ogs", "POST", "{ "deviceInfo": { "resolution": "800x480", "os": "Android" }, "la
nguageCode": "en", "installationId": "gvD5gxAH09NWikEi", "startTime": "2016-08-0
2T17:29:22Z", "gameVersion": "0.1" }", 0)
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Saving persistent data
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Failed to save persistent data 'assets/Flox.hpsIN4Wk756
I/yoyo    (26756): Setting do output to true
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpRequest: Found header Content-Type: application/json
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpRequest: Found header X-Flox: {"player":{"id":"RaPHRFhVzk
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpRequest: Got response code '204'
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpResult
I/yoyo    (26756): done memcopy 1  pBytes
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Processing response for path = logs
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Flox request successful
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Making Request Method=PUT Path=entities/TEST/H9suv0Cu0Y
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpRequest("https://www.flox.cc/api/games/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab/e
ntities/TEST/H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN", "PUT", "{ "updatedAt": "2016-08-02T17:29:22Z", "
publicAccess": "", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdAt": "2016-08-02T17:29
:22Z", "id": "H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN" }", 1)
I/yoyo    (26756): Setting do output to true
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpRequest: Found header Content-Type: application/json
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpRequest: Found header X-Flox: {"player":{"id":"RaPHRFhVzk
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Saving persistent data
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Failed to save persistent data 'assets/Flox.hpsIN4Wk756
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpRequest: Got response code '200'
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpResult
I/yoyo    (26756): done memcopy 103  pBytes
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Processing response for path = entities/TEST/H9suv0Cu0Y
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Flox request successful
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Caching response for path = entities/TEST/H9suv0Cu0Yiyx
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Fetching from cache path=entities/TEST/H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN
, eTag=null
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Saving persistent data
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Failed to save persistent data 'assets/Flox.hpsIN4Wk756
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Making Request Method=DELETE Path=entities/TEST/H9suv0C
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpRequest("https://www.flox.cc/api/games/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab/e
ntities/TEST/H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN", "DELETE", "", 2)
I/yoyo    (26756): Setting do output to true
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpRequest: Found header Content-Type: application/json
I/yoyo    (26756): HttpRequest: Found header X-Flox: {"player":{"id":"RaPHRFhVzk
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Processing response for path = entities/TEST/H9suv0Cu0Y
I/yoyo    (26756): Flox: Request was not successful, error = Unknown
I/yoyo    (26756): ShowMessage("Error Code: 404! Unknown STEP = 2")
I/yoyo    (26756): onWindowFocusChanged(false|false)
W/yoyo    (26756): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_VOLUME :: 5dbb6ed4
I/yoyo    (26756): onWindowFocusChanged(true|false)
W/yoyo    (26756): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_VOLUME :: 5dbb6ed4
RaniSputnik commented 8 years ago

Hey @mavrick7705 thanks for posting those logs, but unfortunately there aren't any clues here for what might be going wrong. Could you open objFlox and set log level to fx_log_silly then run again? That should give us a more detailed log of exactly what is being sent / received between the game and the server.

I suspect this may be an issue with GameMaker itself and with additional logging detailing exactly what's going wrong, we should be able to put together a sample app that demonstrates the error.

mavrick7705 commented 8 years ago

ok here is the new log

--------- beginning of /dev/log/system --------- beginning of /dev/log/main D/AndroidRuntime( 2130): Shutting down VM D/AndroidRuntime( 4314): D/AndroidRuntime( 4314): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.Run timeInit <<<<<< D/AndroidRuntime( 4314): CheckJNI is OFF D/AndroidRuntime( 4314): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am D/AndroidRuntime( 4314): Shutting down VM I/yoyo ( 4343): onCreate I/yoyo ( 4343): #######!!!!!!! Checking for runner! failed I/yoyo ( 4343): Found Runner flag in manifest, not using APK expansion I/yoyo ( 4343): ###@@@@!!!~~~~###### default orientation - 1 I/yoyo ( 4343): File Path for INI:: /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDR OID.zip D/yoyo ( 4343): found INI file - assets/options.ini I/yoyo ( 4343): INI loaded I/yoyo ( 4343): @@@@@@@ Build.Display = KOT49I.MS32310c BRAND=MetroPCS DEVICE =w5 MANUFACTURER=LGE MODEL=LGMS323 PRODUCT=w5_mpcs_us I/yoyo ( 4343): @@@@@@@ XPeriaPlay=false manufacturer=false model=false I/yoyo ( 4343): Exception thrown trying to call method checkLicensing on Goog lePlayLicensingAsExt I/yoyo ( 4343): !!!!!!! Checking if APK Expansion file required... I/yoyo ( 4343): + + + + setupView + + + + I/yoyo ( 4343): File Path for INI:: /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDR OID.zip D/yoyo ( 4343): found INI file - assets/options.ini I/yoyo ( 4343): INI loaded I/yoyo ( 4343): RestrictOrientation setting from YYPrefs I/yoyo ( 4343): RestrictOrientation("true", "false"true"false") I/yoyo ( 4343): Reading GL config option... I/yoyo ( 4343): Using OpenGL ES 1 renderer I/yoyo ( 4343): DemoGLSurfaceView: CREATED I/yoyo ( 4343): onStart I/yoyo ( 4343): onResume I/yoyo ( 4343): calculated orientation - 1 I/yoyo ( 4343): chooseConfig I/yoyo ( 4343): OpenGL ES Extensions : GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_AMDcompressed ATC_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot GL_ARB_v ertex_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA 8888 GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_bl end_func_separate GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_O ES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_draw_t exture GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_O ES_matrix_palette GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_poi nt_sprite GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_textur e_cube_map GL_OES_texture_env_crossbar GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texturehalf float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_texture_mirror ed_repeat GL_QCOM_binning_control GL_QCOM_extended_get GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering I/yoyo ( 4343): Device supports 32bit display formats I/yoyo ( 4343): 16 bit colour depth forced I/yoyo ( 4343): Trying EGL config : EGLConfig 3: rgba=5650 depth=24 stencil=8 EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE=0 EGL_BUFFER_SIZE=16 EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE=12430 EGL_CONFIG _CAVEAT=0x3038 EGL_LEVEL=0 EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE=0 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH=4096 EGL_M AX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT=4096 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS=16777216 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT=40 96 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT=4096 EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE=0 EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE=0 EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE=71 EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS=0 EGL_SAMPLES=0 EGL_SURFACE_TYPE=1445 EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE=12344 EGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE=-1 EGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VA LUE=-1 EGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE=-1 I/yoyo ( 4343): Selected EGL config working I/yoyo ( 4343): Renderer instance is gl1.1, framebuffer object is: 0 I/yoyo ( 4343): APK File Path :: /data/app/com.companyname.flox-1.apk I/yoyo ( 4343): OpenGL ES-2.0 is supported: 196608 I/yoyo ( 4343): onWindowFocusChanged(true|false) I/yoyo ( 4343): onSurfaceChanged :: width=800 height=480 I/yoyo ( 4343): State->Splash I/yoyo ( 4343): State->Splash time: 1470561027674 I/yoyo ( 4343): State->Splash endTime: 1470561027674 I/yoyo ( 4343): State->Splash2 I/yoyo ( 4343): !!! Asset file - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDROID .zip true l=1470560963000 I/yoyo ( 4343): !!! Lock file - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameDownload.loc k true l=1470560963000 I/yoyo ( 4343): GameDownload.lock exists, about to delete... I/yoyo ( 4343): After delete flock.exists() returns false D/yoyo ( 4343): doSetup called - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDROID .zip I/yoyo ( 4343): checking 1 extensions for ad interface I/yoyo ( 4343): BILLING: setupInAppBilling I/yoyo ( 4343): Exception thrown trying to call method InitRunnerBilling on G ooglePlayServicesExtension I/yoyo ( 4343): BILLING: Google Play permissions not available, selecting NUL L billing solution I/yoyo ( 4343): -----setup Push------ I/yoyo ( 4343): GAMEPAD: Bonded Bluetooth devices read D/yoyo ( 4343): ****** Found API level 12 function! Joysticks supported I/yoyo ( 4343): GAMEPAD: Enumeration complete I/yoyo ( 4343): RestrictOrientation setting from YYPrefs I/yoyo ( 4343): RestrictOrientation("true", "false"true"false") W/yoyo ( 4343): AL lib: (EE) alc_opensl_init: Using OpenSLES W/yoyo ( 4343): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_ENGINE :: 5db5bedc W/yoyo ( 4343): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFER QUEUE :: 5db5beb4 W/yoyo ( 4343): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_BUFFERQUEUE :: 5db5 beb0 W/yoyo ( 4343): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_PLAY :: 5db5be94 W/yoyo ( 4343): AL lib: (EE) opensl_open_playback: engine->GetInterface 0 -- 0x61571dcc W/yoyo ( 4343): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_VOLUME :: 5db5bed4 I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Loading persistent data I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Data { "authentication": { "id": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "a uthType": "guest" }, "installationID": "gvD5gxAH09NWikEi", "session": { "numErro rs": 0.000000, "log": [ { "time": "2016-08-02T17:35:49Z", "type": "info", "messa ge": "Game Started" } ], "firstStartTime": 42584.728733, "startTime": 42584.7332 12, "duration": 1.366667 }, "currentPlayer": { "updatedAt": 42584.728733, "publi cAccess": "r", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdAt": 42584.728733, "id": " RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "type": ".player", "authType": "guest" }, "serviceQueue": [ ] , "serviceCache": { "entities\/TEST\/Fwcd63390xontGuD-eTag": "mdS6aflABoNE2D78", "entities\/TEST\/H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN": { "updatedAt": "2016-08-02T17:29:24.815Z", "publicAccess": "", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdAt": "2016-08-02T17:2 9:24.815Z", "id": "H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN" }, "entities\/TEST\/H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN-eTag": "rwTQNqyj6U3E44Pc", "entities\/TEST\/Fwcd63390xontGuD": { "updatedAt": "2016-08 -02T17:35:51.816Z", "publicAccess": "", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdA t" I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Loaded persistent data successfully I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Request created with map, this will soon be removed I/yoyo ( 4343): Removing map from session log I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: [Info] Game Started I/yoyo ( 4343): android.software.leanback = 0 I/yoyo ( 4343): MANUFACTURER = LGE I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Request created with map, this will soon be removed I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Making Request Method=POST Path=logs I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Headers { "Content-Type": "application\/json", "X-Flox" : "{\"player\":{\"id\":\"RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV\",\"authType\":\"guest\"},\"dispatchTi me\":\"2016-08-07T09:10:28Z\",\"sdk\":{\"type\":\"gml\",\"version\":\"0.5.2\"},\ "bodyCompression\":\"none\",\"gameKey\":\"FOyt3FnQTXCcwqyf\"}" } Body { "lastLog ": [ { "time": "2016-08-02T17:35:49Z", "type": "info", "message": "Game Started" } ], "lastDuration": 1.366667, "deviceInfo": { "resolution": "800x480", "os": " Android" }, "languageCode": "en", "installationId": "gvD5gxAH09NWikEi", "firstSt artTime": "2016-08-02T17:29:22Z", "lastStartTime": "2016-08-02T17:35:49Z", "star tTime": "2016-08-07T09:10:28Z", "gameVersion": "0.1" } Full URL https://www.flox .cc/api/games/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab/logs I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpRequest("https://www.flox.cc/api/games/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab/l ogs", "POST", "{ "lastLog": [ { "time": "2016-08-02T17:35:49Z", "type": "info", "message": "Game Started" } ], "lastDuration": 1.366667, "deviceInfo": { "resolu tion": "800x480", "os": "Android" }, "languageCode": "en", "installationId": "gv D5gxAH09NWikEi", "firstStartTime": "2016-08-02T17:29:22Z", "lastStartTime": "201 6-08-02T17:35:49Z", "startTime": "2016-08-07T09:10:28Z", "gameVersion": "0.1" }" , 0) I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Saving persistent data I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Data { "authentication": { "id": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "a uthType": "guest" }, "installationID": "gvD5gxAH09NWikEi", "session": { "numErro rs": 0.000000, "log": [ { "time": "2016-08-07T09:10:28Z", "type": "info", "messa ge": "Game Started" } ], "firstStartTime": 42584.728733, "startTime": 42589.3822 74, "duration": 0.033333 }, "currentPlayer": { "updatedAt": 42584.728733, "publi cAccess": "r", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdAt": 42584.728733, "id": " RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "type": ".player", "authType": "guest" }, "serviceQueue": [ { "path": "logs", "method": "POST", "authentication": { "id": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "authType": "guest" }, "data": { "lastLog": [ { "time": "2016-08-02T17:35:49Z", "type": "info", "message": "Game Started" } ], "lastDuration": 1.366667, "devic eInfo": { "resolution": "800x480", "os": "Android" }, "languageCode": "en", "ins tallationId": "gvD5gxAH09NWikEi", "firstStartTime": "2016-08-02T17:29:22Z", "las tStartTime": "2016-08-02T17:35:49Z", "startTime": "2016-08-07T09:10:28Z", "gameV er I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Failed to save persistent data 'assets/Flox.hpsIN4Wk756 FcSab.data' I/yoyo ( 4343): Setting do output to true I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpRequest: Found header Content-Type: application/json I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpRequest: Found header X-Flox: {"player":{"id":"RaPHRFhVzk AeivAV","authType":"guest"},"dispatchTime":"2016-08-07T09:10:28Z","sdk":{"type": "gml","version":"0.5.2"},"bodyCompression":"none","gameKey":"FOyt3FnQTXCcwqyf"} I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpRequest: Got response code '204' I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpResult I/yoyo ( 4343): done memcopy 1 pBytes I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Response { "http_status": 204.000000, "response_headers ": 26.000000, "id": 0.000000, "url": "https:\/\/www.flox.cc\/api\/games\/hpsIN4W k756FcSab\/logs", "status": 0.000000, "result": "" } I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Processing response for path = logs I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Flox request successful I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Making Request Method=PUT Path=entities/TEST/vLz65RPfrd rGIMfD I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Headers { "Content-Type": "application\/json", "X-Flox" : "{\"player\":{\"id\":\"RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV\",\"authType\":\"guest\"},\"dispatchTi me\":\"2016-08-07T09:10:29Z\",\"sdk\":{\"type\":\"gml\",\"version\":\"0.5.2\"},\ "bodyCompression\":\"none\",\"gameKey\":\"FOyt3FnQTXCcwqyf\"}" } Body { "updated At": "2016-08-07T09:10:28Z", "publicAccess": "", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdAt": "2016-08-07T09:10:28Z", "id": "vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD" } Full URL https:/ /www.flox.cc/api/games/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab/entities/TEST/vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpRequest("https://www.flox.cc/api/games/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab/e ntities/TEST/vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD", "PUT", "{ "updatedAt": "2016-08-07T09:10:28Z", " publicAccess": "", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdAt": "2016-08-07T09:10 :28Z", "id": "vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD" }", 1) I/yoyo ( 4343): Setting do output to true I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Saving persistent data I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpRequest: Found header Content-Type: application/json I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpRequest: Found header X-Flox: {"player":{"id":"RaPHRFhVzk AeivAV","authType":"guest"},"dispatchTime":"2016-08-07T09:10:29Z","sdk":{"type": "gml","version":"0.5.2"},"bodyCompression":"none","gameKey":"FOyt3FnQTXCcwqyf"} I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Data { "authentication": { "id": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "a uthType": "guest" }, "installationID": "gvD5gxAH09NWikEi", "session": { "numErro rs": 0.000000, "log": [ { "time": "2016-08-07T09:10:28Z", "type": "info", "messa ge": "Game Started" } ], "firstStartTime": 42584.728733, "startTime": 42589.3822 74, "duration": 0.866667 }, "currentPlayer": { "updatedAt": 42584.728733, "publi cAccess": "r", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdAt": 42584.728733, "id": " RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "type": ".player", "authType": "guest" }, "serviceQueue": [ ] , "serviceCache": { "entities\/TEST\/Fwcd63390xontGuD-eTag": "mdS6aflABoNE2D78", "entities\/TEST\/H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN": { "updatedAt": "2016-08-02T17:29:24.815Z", "publicAccess": "", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdAt": "2016-08-02T17:2 9:24.815Z", "id": "H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN" }, "entities\/TEST\/H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN-eTag": "rwTQNqyj6U3E44Pc", "entities\/TEST\/Fwcd63390xontGuD": { "updatedAt": "2016-08 -02T17:35:51.816Z", "publicAccess": "", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdA t" I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Failed to save persistent data 'assets/Flox.hpsIN4Wk756 FcSab.data' I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpRequest: Got response code '200' I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpResult I/yoyo ( 4343): done memcopy 103 pBytes I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Response { "http_status": 200.000000, "response_headers ": 13.000000, "id": 1.000000, "url": "https:\/\/www.flox.cc\/api\/games\/hpsIN4W k756FcSab\/entities\/TEST\/vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD", "status": 0.000000, "result": "{\" updatedAt\":\"2016-08-07T09:10:30.547Z\",\"id\":\"vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD\",\"createdAt \":\"2016-08-07T09:10:30.547Z\"}" } I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Processing response for path = entities/TEST/vLz65RPfrd rGIMfD I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Flox request successful I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Caching response for path = entities/TEST/vLz65RPfrdrGI MfD I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Headers = { "ETag": "iyUrNgxysQd6TFEf", "Content-Type": "text\/html", "X-Android-Selected-Transport": "http\/1.1", "Vary": "Accept-Enco ding", "nokey": "HTTP\/1.1 200 OK", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET, PUT, P OST, DELETE", "X-Cloud-Trace-Context": "e0e1ed83a00fa01dcb774d4f8dbea9d4", "Date ": "Sun, 07 Aug 2016 09:10:30 GMT", "X-Android-Sent-Millis": "1470561029174", "X -Android-Response-Source": "NETWORK 200", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "C ontent-Length": "103", "X-Android-Received-Millis": "1470561029467", "Access-Con trol-Allow-Headers": "X-Flox, X-Flox-Session-Token", "Server": "Google Frontend" } I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Fetching from cache path=entities/TEST/vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD , eTag=null I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Saving persistent data I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Data { "authentication": { "id": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "a uthType": "guest" }, "installationID": "gvD5gxAH09NWikEi", "session": { "numErro rs": 0.000000, "log": [ { "time": "2016-08-07T09:10:28Z", "type": "info", "messa ge": "Game Started" } ], "firstStartTime": 42584.728733, "startTime": 42589.3822 74, "duration": 1.233333 }, "currentPlayer": { "updatedAt": 42584.728733, "publi cAccess": "r", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdAt": 42584.728733, "id": " RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "type": ".player", "authType": "guest" }, "serviceQueue": [ ] , "serviceCache": { "entities\/TEST\/Fwcd63390xontGuD-eTag": "mdS6aflABoNE2D78", "entities\/TEST\/H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN": { "updatedAt": "2016-08-02T17:29:24.815Z", "publicAccess": "", "ownerId": "RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV", "createdAt": "2016-08-02T17:2 9:24.815Z", "id": "H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN" }, "entities\/TEST\/H9suv0Cu0YiyxSHN-eTag": "rwTQNqyj6U3E44Pc", "entities\/TEST\/vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD-eTag": "iyUrNgxysQd6TFEf" , "entities\/TEST\/Fwcd63390xontGuD": { "updatedAt": "2016-08-02T17:35:51.816Z", " I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Failed to save persistent data 'assets/Flox.hpsIN4Wk756 FcSab.data' I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Making Request Method=DELETE Path=entities/TEST/vLz65RP frdrGIMfD I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Headers { "Content-Type": "application\/json", "X-Flox" : "{\"player\":{\"id\":\"RaPHRFhVzkAeivAV\",\"authType\":\"guest\"},\"dispatchTi me\":\"2016-08-07T09:10:29Z\",\"sdk\":{\"type\":\"gml\",\"version\":\"0.5.2\"},\ "bodyCompression\":\"none\",\"gameKey\":\"FOyt3FnQTXCcwqyf\"}" } Body Full URL https://www.flox.cc/api/games/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab/entities/TEST/vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpRequest("https://www.flox.cc/api/games/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab/e ntities/TEST/vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD", "DELETE", "", 2) I/yoyo ( 4343): Setting do output to true I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpRequest: Found header Content-Type: application/json I/yoyo ( 4343): HttpRequest: Found header X-Flox: {"player":{"id":"RaPHRFhVzk AeivAV","authType":"guest"},"dispatchTime":"2016-08-07T09:10:29Z","sdk":{"type": "gml","version":"0.5.2"},"bodyCompression":"none","gameKey":"FOyt3FnQTXCcwqyf"} I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Response { "http_status": 404.000000, "response_headers ": -1.000000, "id": 2.000000, "url": "https:\/\/www.flox.cc\/api\/games\/hpsIN4W k756FcSab\/entities\/TEST\/vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD", "status": 0.000000, "result": "HTT P request exception" } I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Processing response for path = entities/TEST/vLz65RPfrd rGIMfD I/yoyo ( 4343): Flox: Request was not successful, error = Unknown I/yoyo ( 4343): ShowMessage("Error Code: 404! Unknown STEP = 2") I/yoyo ( 4343): onWindowFocusChanged(false|false) W/yoyo ( 4343): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_VOLUME :: 5db5bed4 I/yoyo ( 4343): onWindowFocusChanged(true|false) W/yoyo ( 4343): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_VOLUME :: 5db5bed4

RaniSputnik commented 8 years ago

Hey @mavrick7705 would you mind testing out the following sample on your Android device? (I don't have one here to test with unfortunately)


The sample simply sends the same request that Flox is making above, but without using any of the fluff of Flox to confuse things. When the request completes, a message will be displayed. If the message reads;

Request failed: {response details}

Then there is a bug in GameMaker, the request status was < 1. If it crashes, take a look at the debug log, that should have a print out of the response you got. On Windows, I get the following response;

Successful response: The entity you are trying to delete does not exist

And this indicates that the request has run successfully. If you get a success on Android, one last thing to try would be to edit the URL of the request and try and delete an entity that actually does exist. This should lead to an empty 204 response.

Sorry I can't do this for you, but without an Android device my hands are tied I'm afraid. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the tests/sample.

mavrick7705 commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I ran this code on android and got a "undefined value" error. I posted the log below. It ran fine when i ran it on windows.

--------- beginning of /dev/log/system --------- beginning of /dev/log/main D/AndroidRuntime( 424): Shutting down VM D/AndroidRuntime( 584): D/AndroidRuntime( 584): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.Run timeInit <<<<<< D/AndroidRuntime( 584): CheckJNI is OFF D/AndroidRuntime( 584): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am D/AndroidRuntime( 584): Shutting down VM I/yoyo ( 629): onCreate I/yoyo ( 629): #######!!!!!!! Checking for runner! failed I/yoyo ( 629): Found Runner flag in manifest, not using APK expansion I/yoyo ( 629): ###@@@@!!!~~~~###### default orientation - 1 I/yoyo ( 629): File Path for INI:: /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDR OID.zip D/yoyo ( 629): found INI file - assets/options.ini I/yoyo ( 629): INI loaded I/yoyo ( 629): @@@@@@@ Build.Display = KOT49I.MS32310c BRAND=MetroPCS DEVICE =w5 MANUFACTURER=LGE MODEL=LGMS323 PRODUCT=w5_mpcs_us I/yoyo ( 629): @@@@@@@ XPeriaPlay=false manufacturer=false model=false I/yoyo ( 629): Attempting to call extension function with no extensions load ed checkLicensing on class GooglePlayLicensingAsExt I/yoyo ( 629): !!!!!!! Checking if APK Expansion file required... I/yoyo ( 629): + + + + setupView + + + + I/yoyo ( 629): File Path for INI:: /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDR OID.zip D/yoyo ( 629): found INI file - assets/options.ini I/yoyo ( 629): INI loaded I/yoyo ( 629): RestrictOrientation setting from YYPrefs I/yoyo ( 629): RestrictOrientation("true", "true"true"true") I/yoyo ( 629): Reading GL config option... I/yoyo ( 629): Using OpenGL ES 1 renderer I/yoyo ( 629): DemoGLSurfaceView: CREATED I/yoyo ( 629): onStart I/yoyo ( 629): onResume I/yoyo ( 629): chooseConfig I/yoyo ( 629): OpenGL ES Extensions : GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_AMDcompressed ATC_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot GL_ARB_v ertex_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA 8888 GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_bl end_func_separate GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_O ES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_draw_t exture GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_O ES_matrix_palette GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_poi nt_sprite GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_textur e_cube_map GL_OES_texture_env_crossbar GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texturehalf float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_texture_mirror ed_repeat GL_QCOM_binning_control GL_QCOM_extended_get GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering I/yoyo ( 629): Device supports 32bit display formats I/yoyo ( 629): 16 bit colour depth forced I/yoyo ( 629): Trying EGL config : EGLConfig 3: rgba=5650 depth=24 stencil=8 EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE=0 EGL_BUFFER_SIZE=16 EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE=12430 EGL_CONFIG _CAVEAT=0x3038 EGL_LEVEL=0 EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE=0 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH=4096 EGL_M AX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT=4096 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS=16777216 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT=40 96 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT=4096 EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE=0 EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE=0 EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE=71 EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS=0 EGL_SAMPLES=0 EGL_SURFACE_TYPE=1445 EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE=12344 EGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE=-1 EGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VA LUE=-1 EGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE=-1 I/yoyo ( 629): Selected EGL config working I/yoyo ( 629): Renderer instance is gl1.1, framebuffer object is: 0 I/yoyo ( 629): APK File Path :: /data/app/com.companyname.AndroidDeleteReque sts-1.apk I/yoyo ( 629): OpenGL ES-2.0 is supported: 196608 I/yoyo ( 629): onWindowFocusChanged(true|false) I/yoyo ( 629): onSurfaceChanged :: width=480 height=800 I/yoyo ( 629): State->Splash I/yoyo ( 629): State->Splash time: 1471338526189 I/yoyo ( 629): State->Splash endTime: 1471338526189 I/yoyo ( 629): State->Splash2 I/yoyo ( 629): !!! Asset file - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDROID .zip true l=1471338252000 I/yoyo ( 629): !!! Lock file - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameDownload.loc k true l=1471338252000 I/yoyo ( 629): GameDownload.lock exists, about to delete... I/yoyo ( 629): After delete flock.exists() returns false D/yoyo ( 629): doSetup called - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/GameAssetsDROID .zip I/yoyo ( 629): No extensions defined prior to advertising check I/yoyo ( 629): BILLING: setupInAppBilling I/yoyo ( 629): Attempting to call extension function with no extensions load ed InitRunnerBilling on class GooglePlayServicesExtension I/yoyo ( 629): BILLING: Google Play permissions not available, selecting NUL L billing solution I/yoyo ( 629): -----setup Push------ I/yoyo ( 629): GAMEPAD: Bonded Bluetooth devices read I/yoyo ( 629): GAMEPAD: Found Bluetooth device VS-BTS I/yoyo ( 629): GAMEPAD: Registering device connected 1,40,42 D/yoyo ( 629): ****\ Found API level 12 function! Joysticks supported I/yoyo ( 629): GAMEPAD: Enumeration complete I/yoyo ( 629): RestrictOrientation setting from YYPrefs I/yoyo ( 629): RestrictOrientation("true", "true"true"true") W/yoyo ( 629): AL lib: (EE) alc_opensl_init: Using OpenSLES W/yoyo ( 629): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_ENGINE :: 5db53edc W/yoyo ( 629): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFER QUEUE :: 5db53eb4 W/yoyo ( 629): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_BUFFERQUEUE :: 5db5 3eb0 W/yoyo ( 629): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_PLAY :: 5db53e94 W/yoyo ( 629): AL lib: (EE) opensl_open_playback: engine->GetInterface 0 -- 0x61245da4 W/yoyo ( 629): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_VOLUME :: 5db53ed4 I/yoyo ( 629): HttpRequest(" https://www.flox.cc/api/games/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab/e ntities/TEST/vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD", "DELETE", "", 0) I/yoyo ( 629): android.software.leanback = 0 I/yoyo ( 629): MANUFACTURER = LGE I/yoyo ( 629): Setting do output to true I/yoyo ( 629): HttpRequest: Found header Content-Type: application/json I/yoyo ( 629): HttpRequest: Found header X-Flox: {"player":{"id":"RaPHRFhVzk AeivAV","authType":"guest"},"dispatchTime":"2016-08-07T09:10:29Z","sdk":{"type": "gml","version":"0.5.2"},"bodyCompression":"none","gameKey":"FOyt3FnQTXCcwqyf"} I/yoyo ( 629): Response: { "http_status": 404.000000, "response_headers": -1 .000000, "id": 0.000000, "url": "https:\/\/www.flox.cc \/api\/games\/hpsIN4Wk756F cSab\/entities\/TEST\/vLz65RPfrdrGIMfD", "status": 0.000000, "result": "HTTP req uest exception" } I/yoyo ( 629): ShowMessage(" I/yoyo ( 629): ___ I/yoyo ( 629): ############################################################# ############################### I/yoyo ( 629): FATAL ERROR in I/yoyo ( 629): action number 1 I/yoyo ( 629): of Async Event: HTTP I/yoyo ( 629): for object objTest: I/yoyo ( 629): I/yoyo ( 629): DoAdd :1: undefined value I/yoyo ( 629): at gml_Object_objTest_WebAsyncEvent_1 (line 9)

On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 3:56 AM, Ryan Loader notifications@github.com wrote:

Hey @mavrick7705 https://github.com/mavrick7705 would you mind testing out the following sample on your Android device? (I don't have one here to test with unfortunately)

AndroidDeleteRequests.zip https://github.com/RaniSputnik/Flox-GML/files/408424/AndroidDeleteRequests.zip

The sample simply sends the same request that Flox is making above, but without using any of the fluff of Flox to confuse things. When the request completes, a message will be displayed. If the message reads;

Request failed: {response details}

Then there is a bug in GameMaker, the request status was < 1. If it crashes, take a look at the debug log, that should have a print out of the response you got. On Windows, I get the following response;

Successful response: The entity you are trying to delete does not exist

And this indicates that the request has run successfully. If you get a success on Android, one last thing to try would be to edit the URL of the request and try and delete an entity that actually does exist. This should lead to an empty 204 response.

Sorry I can't do this for you, but without an Android device my hands are tied I'm afraid. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the tests/sample.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/RaniSputnik/Flox-GML/issues/2#issuecomment-238480726, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AT1iFha45eB1CO6KKgCVETIwBab6R74iks5qeDKrgaJpZM4Ja3TJ .

RaniSputnik commented 8 years ago

Hi @mavrick7705, did you run it on Windows first by any chance? It seems on Android you got a 404 (which is the expected behaviour when the entity has already been deleted). Do you mind going into the sample and changing the URL to an entity that you know does exist, then trying again? I suspect the problem comes when the DELETE is successful.

mavrick7705 commented 8 years ago

Okay, I took another crack at this. I changed url to a entity I know exists and ran on Android. I got error stating:

undefined value

*I/yoyo ( 860): at gml_Object_objTest_WebAsyncEvent_1 (line 9)

  • sho* _w_message_async("Successful response: " + ds_map_findvalue(response, "message")

Afterwards I checked the server and noticed that the entity was still present.

Next I ran on Windows and received the following pop up message:

Request failed: { "http_status": 204.000000, "response_headers": 1.000000, "id": 0.000000, "url": "https:\/\/www.flox.cc \/api\/games\/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab\/entities\/TEST\/uOF7Ublefs6

The actual full text in the windows message compile log reads: Response: { "http_status": 204.000000, "response_headers": 1.000000, "id": 0.000000, "url": "https:\/\/www.flox.cc\/api\/games\/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab\/entities\/TEST\/uOF7Ublefs6Bl914", "status": -1.000000, "result": "" }

After running the windows version and checked the server and noticed that the entity was successfully deleted.

Below is the full log for when I ran on Android. --------- beginning of /dev/log/system --------- beginning of /dev/log/main D/AndroidRuntime( 1356): Shutting down VM D/AndroidRuntime( 1546): D/AndroidRuntime( 1546): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.Run timeInit <<<<<< D/AndroidRuntime( 1546): CheckJNI is OFF D/AndroidRuntime( 1546): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am D/AndroidRuntime( 1546): Shutting down VM I/yoyo ( 1585): onCreate I/yoyo ( 1585): #######!!!!!!! Checking for runner! failed I/yoyo ( 1585): Found Runner flag in manifest, not using APK expansion I/yoyo ( 1585): ###@@@@!!!~~~~###### default orientation - 1 I/yoyo ( 1585): File Path for INI:: /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/ GameAssetsDR OID.zip D/yoyo ( 1585): found INI file - assets/options.ini I/yoyo ( 1585): INI loaded I/yoyo ( 1585): @@@@@@@ Build.Display = KOT49I.MS32310c BRAND=MetroPCS DEVICE =w5 MANUFACTURER=LGE MODEL=LGMS323 PRODUCT=w5_mpcs_us I/yoyo ( 1585): @@@@@@@ XPeriaPlay=false manufacturer=false model=false I/yoyo ( 1585): Attempting to call extension function with no extensions load ed checkLicensing on class GooglePlayLicensingAsExt I/yoyo ( 1585): !!!!!!! Checking if APK Expansion file required... I/yoyo ( 1585): + + + + setupView + + + + I/yoyo ( 1585): File Path for INI:: /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/ GameAssetsDR OID.zip D/yoyo ( 1585): found INI file - assets/options.ini I/yoyo ( 1585): INI loaded I/yoyo ( 1585): RestrictOrientation setting from YYPrefs I/yoyo ( 1585): RestrictOrientation("true", "true"true"true") I/yoyo ( 1585): Reading GL config option... I/yoyo ( 1585): Using OpenGL ES 1 renderer I/yoyo ( 1585): DemoGLSurfaceView: CREATED I/yoyo ( 1585): onStart I/yoyo ( 1585): onResume I/yoyo ( 1585): chooseConfig I/yoyo ( 1585): OpenGL ES Extensions : GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_AMDcompressed ATC_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot GL_ARB_v ertex_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA 8888 GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_bl end_func_separate GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_O ES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_draw_t exture GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_O ES_matrix_palette GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_poi nt_sprite GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_textur e_cube_map GL_OES_texture_env_crossbar GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texturehalf float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_texture_mirror ed_repeat GL_QCOM_binning_control GL_QCOM_extended_get GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering I/yoyo ( 1585): Device supports 32bit display formats I/yoyo ( 1585): 16 bit colour depth forced I/yoyo ( 1585): Trying EGL config : EGLConfig 3: rgba=5650 depth=24 stencil=8 EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE=0 EGL_BUFFER_SIZE=16 EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE=12430 EGL_CONFIG _CAVEAT=0x3038 EGL_LEVEL=0 EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE=0 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH=4096 EGL_M AX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT=4096 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS=16777216 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT=40 96 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT=4096 EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE=0 EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE=0 EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE=71 EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS=0 EGL_SAMPLES=0 EGL_SURFACE_TYPE=1445 EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE=12344 EGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE=-1 EGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VA LUE=-1 EGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE=-1 I/yoyo ( 1585): Selected EGL config working I/yoyo ( 1585): onWindowFocusChanged(true|false) I/yoyo ( 1585): Renderer instance is gl1.1, framebuffer object is: 0 I/yoyo ( 1585): APK File Path :: /data/app/com.companyname. AndroidDeleteReque sts-1.apk I/yoyo ( 1585): OpenGL ES-2.0 is supported: 196608 I/yoyo ( 1585): onSurfaceChanged :: width=480 height=800 I/yoyo ( 1585): State->Splash I/yoyo ( 1585): State->Splash time: 1472683373788 I/yoyo ( 1585): State->Splash endTime: 1472683373788 I/yoyo ( 1585): State->Splash2 I/yoyo ( 1585): !!! Asset file - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/ GameAssetsDROID .zip true l=1472683362000 I/yoyo ( 1585): !!! Lock file - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/ GameDownload.loc k true l=1472683362000 I/yoyo ( 1585): GameDownload.lock exists, about to delete... I/yoyo ( 1585): After delete flock.exists() returns false D/yoyo ( 1585): doSetup called - /storage/emulated/0/GMstudio/ GameAssetsDROID .zip I/yoyo ( 1585): No extensions defined prior to advertising check I/yoyo ( 1585): BILLING: setupInAppBilling I/yoyo ( 1585): Attempting to call extension function with no extensions load ed InitRunnerBilling on class GooglePlayServicesExtension I/yoyo ( 1585): BILLING: Google Play permissions not available, selecting NUL L billing solution I/yoyo ( 1585): -----setup Push------ I/yoyo ( 1585): GAMEPAD: Bonded Bluetooth devices read D/yoyo ( 1585): ****\ Found API level 12 function! Joysticks supported I/yoyo ( 1585): GAMEPAD: Enumeration complete I/yoyo ( 1585): RestrictOrientation setting from YYPrefs I/yoyo ( 1585): RestrictOrientation("true", "true"true"true") W/yoyo ( 1585): AL lib: (EE) alc_opensl_init: Using OpenSLES W/yoyo ( 1585): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_ENGINE :: 5dbfeedc W/yoyo ( 1585): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFER QUEUE :: 5dbfeeb4 W/yoyo ( 1585): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_BUFFERQUEUE :: 5dbf eeb0 W/yoyo ( 1585): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_PLAY :: 5dbfee94 W/yoyo ( 1585): AL lib: (EE) opensl_open_playback: engine->GetInterface 0 -- 0x62688014 W/yoyo ( 1585): AL lib: (EE) dlGetIID: dlsymIID :: SL_IID_VOLUME :: 5dbfeed4 I/yoyo ( 1585): HttpRequest("https://www.flox. cc/api/games/hpsIN4Wk756FcSab/e ntities/TEST/uOF7Ublefs6Bl914", "DELETE", "", 0) I/yoyo ( 1585): android.software.leanback = 0 I/yoyo ( 1585): MANUFACTURER = LGE I/yoyo ( 1585): Setting do output to true I/yoyo ( 1585): HttpRequest: Found header Content-Type: application/json I/yoyo ( 1585): HttpRequest: Found header X-Flox: {"player":{"id":"RaPHRFhVzk AeivAV","authType":"guest"},"dispatchTime":"2016-08-07T09: 10:29Z","sdk":{"type": "gml","version":"0.5.2"},"bodyCompression":"none"," gameKey":"FOyt3FnQTXCcwqyf"} I/yoyo ( 1585): Response: { "http_status": 404.000000, "response_headers": -1 .000000, "id": 0.000000, "url": "https:\/\/www.flox.cc\/api\/ games\/hpsIN4Wk756F cSab\/entities\/TEST\/uOF7Ublefs6Bl914", "status": 0.000000, "result": "HTTP req uest exception" } I/yoyo ( 1585): ShowMessage(" I/yoyo ( 1585): ___ I/yoyo ( 1585): ############################## ############################### ############################### I/yoyo ( 1585): FATAL ERROR in I/yoyo ( 1585): action number 1 I/yoyo ( 1585): of Async Event: HTTP I/yoyo ( 1585): for object objTest: I/yoyo ( 1585): I/yoyo ( 1585): DoAdd :1: undefined value I/yoyo ( 1585): at gml_Object_objTest_WebAsyncEvent_1 (line 9)

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 4:27 AM, Ryan Loader notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi @mavrick7705 https://github.com/mavrick7705, did you run it on Windows first by any chance? It seems on Android you got a 404 (which is the expected behaviour when the entity has already been deleted). Do you mind going into the sample and changing the URL to an entity that you know does exist, then trying again? I suspect the problem comes when the DELETE is successful.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/RaniSputnik/Flox-GML/issues/2#issuecomment-240657372, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AT1iFkf-jmQMKeP-AhtyP86T0JudZbjVks5qhBeKgaJpZM4Ja3TJ .

RaniSputnik commented 8 years ago

Oh man, so there are two weird bugs going on here.

On Windows, notice how the status = -1? That's incorrect. Status should indicate whether or not the request was successful and a 204 response IS a success. I have actually mitigated this in the latest version of Flox but that's a GameMaker bug that should be fixed.

The second bug is even more confusing. You are receiving a 404 response - that's definitely another GameMaker bug, but I suspect it's a problem with the way GameMaker is making the request. I'll have to setup a test server to try and reproduce this I think.

Thanks for your help so far @mavrick7705 much appreciated!

mavrick7705 commented 7 years ago

Hello again. It's been a while since our last exchange. I know you're very busy. I assume nothing has changed with the Entity deleting on android problem?

Any ways I though you'd be interested in seeing what I've been working on all this time so I've sent you a small game play video: youtu.be/lMLgjvRd6xo. https://youtu.be/lMLgjvRd6xo I haven't had any new major issues with the flox functions as of yet, But hopefully if any thing pops up I can depend of you for some assistance :)

On Sat, Sep 3, 2016 at 4:30 AM, Ryan Loader notifications@github.com wrote:

Oh man, so there are two weird bugs going on here.

On Windows, notice how the status = -1? That's incorrect. Status should indicate whether or not the request was successful and a 204 response IS a success. I have actually mitigated this in the latest version of Flox but that's a GameMaker bug that should be fixed.

The second bug is even more confusing. You are receiving a 404 response - that's definitely another GameMaker bug, but I suspect it's a problem with the way GameMaker is making the request. I'll have to setup a test server to try and reproduce this I think.

Thanks for your help so far @mavrick7705 https://github.com/mavrick7705 much appreciated!

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/RaniSputnik/Flox-GML/issues/2#issuecomment-244534490, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AT1iFuJWpxWHgKEDl9vylvB2k71TGnwkks5qmTAqgaJpZM4Ja3TJ .

mavrick7705 commented 7 years ago

Hello! Are you still around?

On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 7:38 AM, ricki ricki mavrick7705@gmail.com wrote:

Hello again. It's been a while since our last exchange. I know you're very busy. I assume nothing has changed with the Entity deleting on android problem?

Any ways I though you'd be interested in seeing what I've been working on all this time so I've sent you a small game play video: youtu.be/lMLgjvRd6xo. https://youtu.be/lMLgjvRd6xo I haven't had any new major issues with the flox functions as of yet, But hopefully if any thing pops up I can depend of you for some assistance :)

On Sat, Sep 3, 2016 at 4:30 AM, Ryan Loader notifications@github.com wrote:

Oh man, so there are two weird bugs going on here.

On Windows, notice how the status = -1? That's incorrect. Status should indicate whether or not the request was successful and a 204 response IS a success. I have actually mitigated this in the latest version of Flox but that's a GameMaker bug that should be fixed.

The second bug is even more confusing. You are receiving a 404 response - that's definitely another GameMaker bug, but I suspect it's a problem with the way GameMaker is making the request. I'll have to setup a test server to try and reproduce this I think.

Thanks for your help so far @mavrick7705 https://github.com/mavrick7705 much appreciated!

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/RaniSputnik/Flox-GML/issues/2#issuecomment-244534490, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AT1iFuJWpxWHgKEDl9vylvB2k71TGnwkks5qmTAqgaJpZM4Ja3TJ .

RaniSputnik commented 7 years ago

Hi @mavrick7705 still around yes.

Still haven't made any progress on this issue I'm afraid though I am working on getting another version of Flox out the door some time this week. It will have many more assertions which will hopefully help out a tonne in the future with issues raised like this.

I am having trouble as I don't have an Android device to test on and I may need some help from you working out this issue. Have you ever used Charles Proxy before? You can point your device at it and use it to capture web request information. Capturing a couple of sessions with the buggy behaviour would be very useful for working out exactly what's going wrong here.

Sorry, as I said this is what I would do myself but without an Android phone I'm a bit stuck. I'll ping you again once I've made some progress on the next release.

Cheers, Ryan.

mavrick7705 commented 7 years ago

Well ts just nice to know you're still around:) I do not have any experience with Charles Proxy https://www.charlesproxy.com/ sadly. For now I can work around this issue so it's not really a big issue for me.

I seem to still be having problems with "flox_entity_free" however. I thought I had a firm understanding of it when you explained it to me earlier but I find Im still running into "missing map" and "entity does not exists" errors when ever i use this function. Can you perhaps instruct me on the proper way of using this function. In most cases, I'd free entity 'A' but then entity 'B' starts throwing errors and such.


ex 1. When I use flox_entity_save(my_entity,complete,error) Should I always use flox_entity_free(argument0) in the complete script since it is just a copy?

ex 2. What about when I load entity using flox_entity_load_type(...)? For example, I have my opponent's entity data set to the variable "opp_entity". If i want to check on my opponent's state, every ~10 seconds I would reload their entity using flox_entity_load_type.(You advised me that the refresh function does not work correctly).

So I would do something like: flox_entity_load_type("match",opp_id,complete,error) // OnComplete // Free the current entity of opponent if flox_entity_exists(opp_entity) flox_entity_free(opp_entity); // Set the new opponent entity opp_entity = argument0;

Lastly, this is the one that confuses me the most. How do I safely free the entities that are returned in the ds list when I perform a query? Say the query returns a list of 10 entities... When I no longer require the entities do I simply use ds_list_destroy()? Or do I need to free each of the entities that were returned in the list?

Your Help would be greatly appreciated.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 3:35 AM, Ryan Loader notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi @mavrick7705 https://github.com/mavrick7705 still around yes.

Still haven't made any progress on this issue I'm afraid though I am working on getting another version of Flox out the door some time this week. It will have many more assertions which will hopefully help out a tonne in the future with issues raised like this.

I am having trouble as I don't have an Android device to test on and I may need some help from you working out this issue. Have you ever used Charles Proxy https://www.charlesproxy.com/ before? You can point your device at it and use it to capture web request information. Capturing a couple of sessions with the buggy behaviour would be very useful for working out exactly what's going wrong here.

Sorry, as I said this is what I would do myself but without an Android phone I'm a bit stuck. I'll ping you again once I've made some progress on the next release.

Cheers, Ryan.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/RaniSputnik/Flox-GML/issues/2#issuecomment-271809037, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AT1iFoZxtVVXhA5iZ628EUe_Z4PYQRRoks5rRJRfgaJpZM4Ja3TJ .

mavrick7705 commented 7 years ago

Forgot to ask...

If I use flox_query_ids_only() and a list of 100 Ids are returned, does flox still count that as 100 entities loaded and reduce it to from my remaining Server ops?

On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 3:38 PM, ricki ricki mavrick7705@gmail.com wrote:

Well ts just nice to know you're still around:) I do not have any experience with Charles Proxy https://www.charlesproxy.com/ sadly. For now I can work around this issue so it's not really a big issue for me.

I seem to still be having problems with "flox_entity_free" however. I thought I had a firm understanding of it when you explained it to me earlier but I find Im still running into "missing map" and "entity does not exists" errors when ever i use this function. Can you perhaps instruct me on the proper way of using this function. In most cases, I'd free entity 'A' but then entity 'B' starts throwing errors and such.


ex 1. When I use flox_entity_save(my_entity,complete,error) Should I always use flox_entity_free(argument0) in the complete script since it is just a copy?

ex 2. What about when I load entity using flox_entity_load_type(...)? For example, I have my opponent's entity data set to the variable "opp_entity". If i want to check on my opponent's state, every ~10 seconds I would reload their entity using flox_entity_load_type.(You advised me that the refresh function does not work correctly).

So I would do something like: flox_entity_load_type("match",opp_id,complete,error)

// OnComplete // Free the current entity of opponent if flox_entity_exists(opp_entity) flox_entity_free(opp_entity); // Set the new opponent entity opp_entity = argument0;

Lastly, this is the one that confuses me the most. How do I safely free the entities that are returned in the ds list when I perform a query? Say the query returns a list of 10 entities... When I no longer require the entities do I simply use ds_list_destroy()? Or do I need to free each of the entities that were returned in the list?

Your Help would be greatly appreciated.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 3:35 AM, Ryan Loader notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi @mavrick7705 https://github.com/mavrick7705 still around yes.

Still haven't made any progress on this issue I'm afraid though I am working on getting another version of Flox out the door some time this week. It will have many more assertions which will hopefully help out a tonne in the future with issues raised like this.

I am having trouble as I don't have an Android device to test on and I may need some help from you working out this issue. Have you ever used Charles Proxy https://www.charlesproxy.com/ before? You can point your device at it and use it to capture web request information. Capturing a couple of sessions with the buggy behaviour would be very useful for working out exactly what's going wrong here.

Sorry, as I said this is what I would do myself but without an Android phone I'm a bit stuck. I'll ping you again once I've made some progress on the next release.

Cheers, Ryan.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/RaniSputnik/Flox-GML/issues/2#issuecomment-271809037, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AT1iFoZxtVVXhA5iZ628EUe_Z4PYQRRoks5rRJRfgaJpZM4Ja3TJ .

RaniSputnik commented 7 years ago

Hi @mavrick7705, thanks for the questions.

I seem to still be having problems with "flox_entity_free" however.

I'm afraid I don't remember off the top of my head, I'll take a look through the code, update the docs and get back to you.

If I use flox_query_ids_only() and a list of 100 Ids are returned, does flox still count that as 100 entities loaded and reduce it to from my remaining Server ops?

No, you are only charged 1 operation for the query. Queries work by making one request that gets the ids of all the entities that match the criteria and then making a separate request for each of the entities that need loading. So you end up being charged 1 operation to load the ids + 1 operation * the number of entities to load. When you query ids only, only the first request is made, so you are only charged 1 operation.

PS: Just as an aside, I'd prefer that if you have separate questions you open them as different issues. When I commit a change that fixes an issue, I reference the issue - if there are multiple questions in a single issue it's less clear what I have fixed. If you have any more questions in future feel free to create new issues for each one with the "Question" label attached.