RanniSch / webserv

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Check with a browser: Try to list a directory. #52

Open RanniSch opened 10 months ago

RanniSch commented 10 months ago

The browser does not list the content of a directory.

Tested with: localhost:8000/www

Max: our root directory is www/ config: ... root /www; ...

thats why when you want: localhost:8000/www it want's you to give ...webserve/simplified-serv/www/www and not ...webserve/simplified-serv/www/

to list www/ you have to turn autoindex on; and no index argument for that location. location / means in browser localhost:8000/ and locally ...webserve/simplified-serv/www/ config: location / { allowed_Methods GET POST;

index index.html;

    autoindex on;

then go to localhost:8000/ in browser

MaxIhme commented 10 months ago

for me works (as described in first post) for: http://localhost:8000/ and http://localhost:8000/dir_listing/ and http://localhost:8000/dir_listing/sub/

Ranja: for me the second and third URL work. The first redirects to index.html.

LukasKava commented 10 months ago

Semms to be working