RanniSch / webserv

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Port Issues: Launch multiple servers at the same time with different configurations but with common ports. Does it work? If it does, ask why the server should work if one of the configurations isn't functional. Keep going. #73

Open MaxIhme opened 10 months ago

MaxIhme commented 10 months ago

started webserve from 2 different terminals. The second one says: (looks good for me)

"mbp:simplified-serv maxrehberg$ make e ./webserv conf/webserve.conf Information: cannot open your config file. Will take default Config. TestServer constructor called! Start Listening... bind failed... : Address already in use make: *** [e] Error 1"

RanniSch commented 10 months ago

2 different terminals: started the left one first with "./webserv web.conf" and then the right one with "./webserv default.conf"


Isn't that a "PROBLEM" at MaxIhme ?

EDIT Max: left and right are running with the default config (./webserv conf/default.conf). In the right Terminal you can see:"Information: cannot open your config file. Will take default Config." That will be the same for the left one. It's then not different Configurations but same ports. Right server does not work -> so second point (server does not run) is ok. See next Comment.

MaxIhme commented 10 months ago

@RanniSch try that one: (pull the main before) Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-02 um 14 57 24

different conf: root /www;

server { listen 8000; allowed_Methods GET DELETE POST; autoindex off; host example.com; max_body_size 500; timeout 10; }

default conf:

... listen 8000 8080 8010; ...

-> for me ok

RanniSch commented 10 months ago

@MaxIhme ok same for me. The only message that irritates me, is the following image