Rantanen / node-opus

Opus bindings for Node.js
MIT License
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Error On Installation #60

Closed benben3963 closed 6 years ago

benben3963 commented 6 years ago

I have no idea what to do... But, here is the error log. 0 info it worked if it ends with ok 1 verbose cli [ 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe', 1 verbose cli 'C:\\Users\\benbe\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js', 1 verbose cli 'install', 1 verbose cli 'node-opus' ] 2 info using npm@6.4.0 3 info using node@v10.1.0 4 verbose config Skipping project config: C:\Users\benbe/.npmrc. (matches userconfig) 5 verbose npm-session f3fcc3badadecf70 6 silly install loadCurrentTree 7 silly install readLocalPackageData 8 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/node-opus 16ms (from cache) 9 silly pacote tag manifest for node-opus@latest fetched in 33ms 10 timing stage:loadCurrentTree Completed in 820ms 11 silly install loadIdealTree 12 silly install cloneCurrentTreeToIdealTree 13 timing stage:loadIdealTree:cloneCurrentTree Completed in 5ms 14 silly install loadShrinkwrap 15 timing stage:loadIdealTree:loadShrinkwrap Completed in 174ms 16 silly install loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree 17 silly resolveWithNewModule node-opus@0.3.0 checking installable status 18 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/bindings 8ms (from cache) 19 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/ogg-packet 8ms (from cache) 20 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/commander 9ms (from cache) 21 silly pacote range manifest for bindings@~1.2.1 fetched in 13ms 22 silly resolveWithNewModule bindings@1.2.1 checking installable status 23 silly pacote range manifest for ogg-packet@^1.0.0 fetched in 12ms 24 silly resolveWithNewModule ogg-packet@1.0.0 checking installable status 25 silly pacote range manifest for commander@^2.9.0 fetched in 12ms 26 silly resolveWithNewModule commander@2.17.1 checking installable status 27 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/ref-struct 2ms (from cache) 28 silly pacote range manifest for ref-struct@* fetched in 3ms 29 silly resolveWithNewModule ref-struct@1.1.0 checking installable status 30 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/ref 3ms (from cache) 31 silly pacote range manifest for ref@1 fetched in 4ms 32 silly resolveWithNewModule ref@1.3.5 checking installable status 33 timing stage:loadIdealTree:loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree Completed in 225ms 34 timing stage:loadIdealTree Completed in 453ms 35 silly currentTree mybot@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- @types/node@10.5.2 35 silly currentTree +-- ajv@5.5.2 35 silly currentTree +-- asn1@0.2.3 35 silly currentTree +-- assert-plus@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- async-limiter@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- asynckit@0.4.0 35 silly currentTree +-- aws-sign2@0.7.0 35 silly currentTree +-- aws4@1.7.0 35 silly currentTree +-- base64-js@0.0.8 35 silly currentTree +-- bcrypt-pbkdf@1.0.2 35 silly currentTree |-- tweetnacl@0.14.5 35 silly currentTree +-- bl@1.2.2 35 silly currentTree +-- bluebird@3.5.1 35 silly currentTree +-- boolbase@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- buffer-alloc-unsafe@1.1.0 35 silly currentTree +-- buffer-alloc@1.2.0 35 silly currentTree +-- buffer-crc32@0.2.13 35 silly currentTree +-- buffer-fill@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- buffer@3.6.0 35 silly currentTree +-- caseless@0.12.0 35 silly currentTree +-- cheerio@1.0.0-rc.2 35 silly currentTree +-- co@4.6.0 35 silly currentTree +-- combined-stream@1.0.6 35 silly currentTree +-- commander@2.8.1 35 silly currentTree +-- core-util-is@1.0.2 35 silly currentTree +-- css-select@1.2.0 35 silly currentTree +-- css-what@2.1.0 35 silly currentTree +-- dashdash@1.14.1 35 silly currentTree +-- debug@2.6.9 35 silly currentTree +-- decompress-tar@4.1.1 35 silly currentTree +-- decompress-tarbz2@4.1.1 35 silly currentTree | -- file-type@6.2.0 35 silly currentTree +-- decompress-targz@4.1.1 35 silly currentTree +-- decompress-tarxz@2.1.1 35 silly currentTree |-- file-type@3.9.0 35 silly currentTree +-- decompress-unzip@4.0.1 35 silly currentTree | -- file-type@3.9.0 35 silly currentTree +-- decompress@4.2.0 35 silly currentTree +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- discord.js@11.4.2 35 silly currentTree +-- dom-serializer@0.1.0 35 silly currentTree |-- domelementtype@1.1.3 35 silly currentTree +-- domelementtype@1.3.0 35 silly currentTree +-- domhandler@2.4.2 35 silly currentTree +-- domutils@1.5.1 35 silly currentTree +-- ecc-jsbn@0.1.1 35 silly currentTree +-- end-of-stream@1.4.1 35 silly currentTree +-- entities@1.1.1 35 silly currentTree +-- extend@3.0.1 35 silly currentTree +-- extsprintf@1.3.0 35 silly currentTree +-- fast-deep-equal@1.1.0 35 silly currentTree +-- fast-json-stable-stringify@2.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- fd-slicer@1.1.0 35 silly currentTree +-- ffmpeg-binaries@4.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- file-type@5.2.0 35 silly currentTree +-- follow-redirects@1.5.1 35 silly currentTree | -- debug@3.1.0 35 silly currentTree +-- forever-agent@0.6.1 35 silly currentTree +-- form-data@2.3.2 35 silly currentTree +-- fs-constants@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- get-stream@2.3.1 35 silly currentTree +-- getpass@0.1.7 35 silly currentTree +-- graceful-fs@4.1.11 35 silly currentTree +-- graceful-readlink@1.0.1 35 silly currentTree +-- har-schema@2.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- har-validator@5.0.3 35 silly currentTree +-- htmlparser2@3.9.2 35 silly currentTree +-- http-signature@1.2.0 35 silly currentTree +-- ieee754@1.1.12 35 silly currentTree +-- inherits@2.0.3 35 silly currentTree +-- is-natural-number@4.0.1 35 silly currentTree +-- is-stream@1.1.0 35 silly currentTree +-- is-typedarray@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- isarray@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- isstream@0.1.2 35 silly currentTree +-- jsbn@0.1.1 35 silly currentTree +-- json-schema-traverse@0.3.1 35 silly currentTree +-- json-schema@0.2.3 35 silly currentTree +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1 35 silly currentTree +-- jsprim@1.4.1 35 silly currentTree +-- lodash@4.17.10 35 silly currentTree +-- long@4.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- lzma-native@3.0.8 35 silly currentTree | +-- abbrev@1.1.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- ajv@4.11.8 35 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-regex@2.1.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- aproba@1.2.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- are-we-there-yet@1.1.4 35 silly currentTree | +-- asn1@0.2.3 35 silly currentTree | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- asynckit@0.4.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- aws4@1.7.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- balanced-match@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- bcrypt-pbkdf@1.0.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- block-stream@0.0.9 35 silly currentTree | +-- boom@2.10.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- brace-expansion@1.1.11 35 silly currentTree | +-- caseless@0.12.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- co@4.6.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- code-point-at@1.1.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- combined-stream@1.0.6 35 silly currentTree | +-- concat-map@0.0.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- console-control-strings@1.1.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5 35 silly currentTree | +-- dashdash@1.14.1 35 silly currentTree | |-- assert-plus@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- debug@2.6.9 35 silly currentTree | +-- deep-extend@0.5.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- delegates@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- detect-libc@1.0.3 35 silly currentTree | +-- ecc-jsbn@0.1.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- extend@3.0.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- extsprintf@1.3.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- form-data@2.1.4 35 silly currentTree | +-- fs.realpath@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- fstream-ignore@1.0.5 35 silly currentTree | +-- fstream@1.0.11 35 silly currentTree | +-- gauge@2.7.4 35 silly currentTree | +-- getpass@0.1.7 35 silly currentTree | | -- assert-plus@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- glob@7.1.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- graceful-fs@4.1.11 35 silly currentTree | +-- har-schema@1.0.5 35 silly currentTree | +-- har-validator@4.2.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- has-unicode@2.0.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- hawk@3.1.3 35 silly currentTree | +-- hoek@2.16.3 35 silly currentTree | +-- http-signature@1.1.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- inflight@1.0.6 35 silly currentTree | +-- inherits@2.0.3 35 silly currentTree | +-- ini@1.3.5 35 silly currentTree | +-- is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- is-typedarray@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- isstream@0.1.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- jsbn@0.1.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- json-schema@0.2.3 35 silly currentTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- jsonify@0.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- jsprim@1.4.1 35 silly currentTree | |-- assert-plus@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- mime-db@1.33.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- mime-types@2.1.18 35 silly currentTree | +-- minimatch@3.0.4 35 silly currentTree | +-- minimist@0.0.8 35 silly currentTree | +-- mkdirp@0.5.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- ms@2.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 35 silly currentTree | +-- nopt@4.0.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- npmlog@4.1.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- number-is-nan@1.0.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- object-assign@4.1.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- once@1.4.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- os-homedir@1.0.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- os-tmpdir@1.0.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- osenv@0.1.5 35 silly currentTree | +-- path-is-absolute@1.0.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- performance-now@0.2.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- process-nextick-args@2.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- punycode@1.4.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- qs@6.4.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- rc@1.2.7 35 silly currentTree | | -- minimist@1.2.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.3.6 35 silly currentTree | +-- request@2.81.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- rimraf@2.6.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- safe-buffer@5.1.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- semver@5.5.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- set-blocking@2.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- signal-exit@3.0.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- sntp@1.0.9 35 silly currentTree | +-- sshpk@1.14.1 35 silly currentTree | |-- assert-plus@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- string_decoder@1.1.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- string-width@1.0.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- stringstream@0.0.5 35 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- strip-json-comments@2.0.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- tar-pack@3.4.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- tar@2.2.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- tough-cookie@2.3.4 35 silly currentTree | +-- tunnel-agent@0.6.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- tweetnacl@0.14.5 35 silly currentTree | +-- uid-number@0.0.6 35 silly currentTree | +-- util-deprecate@1.0.2 35 silly currentTree | +-- uuid@3.2.1 35 silly currentTree | +-- verror@1.10.0 35 silly currentTree | | -- assert-plus@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree | +-- wide-align@1.1.2 35 silly currentTree |-- wrappy@1.0.2 35 silly currentTree +-- make-dir@1.3.0 35 silly currentTree | -- pify@3.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- mime-db@1.33.0 35 silly currentTree +-- mime-types@2.1.18 35 silly currentTree +-- ms@2.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- nan@2.10.0 35 silly currentTree +-- nth-check@1.0.1 35 silly currentTree +-- oauth-sign@0.8.2 35 silly currentTree +-- object-assign@4.1.1 35 silly currentTree +-- once@1.4.0 35 silly currentTree +-- parse5@3.0.3 35 silly currentTree +-- pend@1.2.0 35 silly currentTree +-- performance-now@2.1.0 35 silly currentTree +-- pify@2.3.0 35 silly currentTree +-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1 35 silly currentTree +-- pinkie@2.0.4 35 silly currentTree +-- prism-media@0.0.3 35 silly currentTree +-- process-nextick-args@2.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- punycode@1.4.1 35 silly currentTree +-- qs@6.5.2 35 silly currentTree +-- readable-stream@2.3.6 35 silly currentTree +-- request-promise-core@1.1.1 35 silly currentTree +-- request-promise@4.2.2 35 silly currentTree +-- request@2.87.0 35 silly currentTree +-- roblox-js@4.0.2 35 silly currentTree +-- safe-buffer@5.1.2 35 silly currentTree +-- safer-buffer@2.1.2 35 silly currentTree +-- seek-bzip@1.0.5 35 silly currentTree +-- signalr-client@0.0.17 35 silly currentTree +-- snekfetch@3.6.4 35 silly currentTree +-- sshpk@1.14.2 35 silly currentTree |-- tweetnacl@0.14.5 35 silly currentTree +-- stealthy-require@1.1.1 35 silly currentTree +-- string_decoder@1.1.1 35 silly currentTree +-- strip-dirs@2.1.0 35 silly currentTree +-- tar-stream@1.6.1 35 silly currentTree +-- through@2.3.8 35 silly currentTree +-- to-buffer@1.1.1 35 silly currentTree +-- tough-cookie@2.3.4 35 silly currentTree +-- tunnel-agent@0.6.0 35 silly currentTree +-- tweetnacl@1.0.0 35 silly currentTree +-- typedarray-to-buffer@3.1.5 35 silly currentTree +-- unbzip2-stream@1.2.5 35 silly currentTree +-- util-deprecate@1.0.2 35 silly currentTree +-- uuid@3.3.2 35 silly currentTree +-- verror@1.10.0 35 silly currentTree +-- websocket@1.0.26 35 silly currentTree +-- wrappy@1.0.2 35 silly currentTree +-- ws@4.1.0 35 silly currentTree +-- xtend@4.0.1 35 silly currentTree +-- yaeti@0.0.6 35 silly currentTree -- yauzl@2.10.0 36 silly idealTree mybot@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- @types/node@10.5.2 36 silly idealTree +-- ajv@5.5.2 36 silly idealTree +-- asn1@0.2.3 36 silly idealTree +-- assert-plus@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- async-limiter@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- asynckit@0.4.0 36 silly idealTree +-- aws-sign2@0.7.0 36 silly idealTree +-- aws4@1.7.0 36 silly idealTree +-- base64-js@0.0.8 36 silly idealTree +-- bcrypt-pbkdf@1.0.2 36 silly idealTree |-- tweetnacl@0.14.5 36 silly idealTree +-- bindings@1.2.1 36 silly idealTree +-- bl@1.2.2 36 silly idealTree +-- bluebird@3.5.1 36 silly idealTree +-- boolbase@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- buffer-alloc-unsafe@1.1.0 36 silly idealTree +-- buffer-alloc@1.2.0 36 silly idealTree +-- buffer-crc32@0.2.13 36 silly idealTree +-- buffer-fill@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- buffer@3.6.0 36 silly idealTree +-- caseless@0.12.0 36 silly idealTree +-- cheerio@1.0.0-rc.2 36 silly idealTree +-- co@4.6.0 36 silly idealTree +-- combined-stream@1.0.6 36 silly idealTree +-- commander@2.8.1 36 silly idealTree +-- core-util-is@1.0.2 36 silly idealTree +-- css-select@1.2.0 36 silly idealTree +-- css-what@2.1.0 36 silly idealTree +-- dashdash@1.14.1 36 silly idealTree +-- debug@2.6.9 36 silly idealTree +-- decompress-tar@4.1.1 36 silly idealTree +-- decompress-tarbz2@4.1.1 36 silly idealTree | -- file-type@6.2.0 36 silly idealTree +-- decompress-targz@4.1.1 36 silly idealTree +-- decompress-tarxz@2.1.1 36 silly idealTree |-- file-type@3.9.0 36 silly idealTree +-- decompress-unzip@4.0.1 36 silly idealTree | -- file-type@3.9.0 36 silly idealTree +-- decompress@4.2.0 36 silly idealTree +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- discord.js@11.4.2 36 silly idealTree +-- dom-serializer@0.1.0 36 silly idealTree |-- domelementtype@1.1.3 36 silly idealTree +-- domelementtype@1.3.0 36 silly idealTree +-- domhandler@2.4.2 36 silly idealTree +-- domutils@1.5.1 36 silly idealTree +-- ecc-jsbn@0.1.1 36 silly idealTree +-- end-of-stream@1.4.1 36 silly idealTree +-- entities@1.1.1 36 silly idealTree +-- extend@3.0.1 36 silly idealTree +-- extsprintf@1.3.0 36 silly idealTree +-- fast-deep-equal@1.1.0 36 silly idealTree +-- fast-json-stable-stringify@2.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- fd-slicer@1.1.0 36 silly idealTree +-- ffmpeg-binaries@4.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- file-type@5.2.0 36 silly idealTree +-- follow-redirects@1.5.1 36 silly idealTree | -- debug@3.1.0 36 silly idealTree +-- forever-agent@0.6.1 36 silly idealTree +-- form-data@2.3.2 36 silly idealTree +-- fs-constants@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- get-stream@2.3.1 36 silly idealTree +-- getpass@0.1.7 36 silly idealTree +-- graceful-fs@4.1.11 36 silly idealTree +-- graceful-readlink@1.0.1 36 silly idealTree +-- har-schema@2.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- har-validator@5.0.3 36 silly idealTree +-- htmlparser2@3.9.2 36 silly idealTree +-- http-signature@1.2.0 36 silly idealTree +-- ieee754@1.1.12 36 silly idealTree +-- inherits@2.0.3 36 silly idealTree +-- is-natural-number@4.0.1 36 silly idealTree +-- is-stream@1.1.0 36 silly idealTree +-- is-typedarray@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- isarray@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- isstream@0.1.2 36 silly idealTree +-- jsbn@0.1.1 36 silly idealTree +-- json-schema-traverse@0.3.1 36 silly idealTree +-- json-schema@0.2.3 36 silly idealTree +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1 36 silly idealTree +-- jsprim@1.4.1 36 silly idealTree +-- lodash@4.17.10 36 silly idealTree +-- long@4.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- lzma-native@3.0.8 36 silly idealTree | +-- abbrev@1.1.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- ajv@4.11.8 36 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-regex@2.1.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- aproba@1.2.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- are-we-there-yet@1.1.4 36 silly idealTree | +-- asn1@0.2.3 36 silly idealTree | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- asynckit@0.4.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- aws4@1.7.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- balanced-match@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- bcrypt-pbkdf@1.0.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- block-stream@0.0.9 36 silly idealTree | +-- boom@2.10.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- brace-expansion@1.1.11 36 silly idealTree | +-- caseless@0.12.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- co@4.6.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- code-point-at@1.1.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- combined-stream@1.0.6 36 silly idealTree | +-- concat-map@0.0.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- console-control-strings@1.1.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5 36 silly idealTree | +-- dashdash@1.14.1 36 silly idealTree | |-- assert-plus@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- debug@2.6.9 36 silly idealTree | +-- deep-extend@0.5.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- delegates@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- detect-libc@1.0.3 36 silly idealTree | +-- ecc-jsbn@0.1.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- extend@3.0.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- extsprintf@1.3.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- form-data@2.1.4 36 silly idealTree | +-- fs.realpath@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- fstream-ignore@1.0.5 36 silly idealTree | +-- fstream@1.0.11 36 silly idealTree | +-- gauge@2.7.4 36 silly idealTree | +-- getpass@0.1.7 36 silly idealTree | | -- assert-plus@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- glob@7.1.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- graceful-fs@4.1.11 36 silly idealTree | +-- har-schema@1.0.5 36 silly idealTree | +-- har-validator@4.2.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- has-unicode@2.0.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- hawk@3.1.3 36 silly idealTree | +-- hoek@2.16.3 36 silly idealTree | +-- http-signature@1.1.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- inflight@1.0.6 36 silly idealTree | +-- inherits@2.0.3 36 silly idealTree | +-- ini@1.3.5 36 silly idealTree | +-- is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- is-typedarray@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- isstream@0.1.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- jsbn@0.1.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- json-schema@0.2.3 36 silly idealTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- jsonify@0.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- jsprim@1.4.1 36 silly idealTree | |-- assert-plus@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- mime-db@1.33.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- mime-types@2.1.18 36 silly idealTree | +-- minimatch@3.0.4 36 silly idealTree | +-- minimist@0.0.8 36 silly idealTree | +-- mkdirp@0.5.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- ms@2.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 36 silly idealTree | +-- nopt@4.0.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- npmlog@4.1.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- number-is-nan@1.0.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- object-assign@4.1.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- once@1.4.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- os-homedir@1.0.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- os-tmpdir@1.0.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- osenv@0.1.5 36 silly idealTree | +-- path-is-absolute@1.0.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- performance-now@0.2.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- process-nextick-args@2.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- punycode@1.4.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- qs@6.4.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- rc@1.2.7 36 silly idealTree | | -- minimist@1.2.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@2.3.6 36 silly idealTree | +-- request@2.81.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- rimraf@2.6.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- safe-buffer@5.1.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- semver@5.5.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- set-blocking@2.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- signal-exit@3.0.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- sntp@1.0.9 36 silly idealTree | +-- sshpk@1.14.1 36 silly idealTree | |-- assert-plus@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- string_decoder@1.1.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- string-width@1.0.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- stringstream@0.0.5 36 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- strip-json-comments@2.0.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- tar-pack@3.4.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- tar@2.2.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- tough-cookie@2.3.4 36 silly idealTree | +-- tunnel-agent@0.6.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- tweetnacl@0.14.5 36 silly idealTree | +-- uid-number@0.0.6 36 silly idealTree | +-- util-deprecate@1.0.2 36 silly idealTree | +-- uuid@3.2.1 36 silly idealTree | +-- verror@1.10.0 36 silly idealTree | | -- assert-plus@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree | +-- wide-align@1.1.2 36 silly idealTree |-- wrappy@1.0.2 36 silly idealTree +-- make-dir@1.3.0 36 silly idealTree | -- pify@3.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- mime-db@1.33.0 36 silly idealTree +-- mime-types@2.1.18 36 silly idealTree +-- ms@2.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- nan@2.10.0 36 silly idealTree +-- node-opus@0.3.0 36 silly idealTree |-- commander@2.17.1 36 silly idealTree +-- nth-check@1.0.1 36 silly idealTree +-- oauth-sign@0.8.2 36 silly idealTree +-- object-assign@4.1.1 36 silly idealTree +-- ogg-packet@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- once@1.4.0 36 silly idealTree +-- parse5@3.0.3 36 silly idealTree +-- pend@1.2.0 36 silly idealTree +-- performance-now@2.1.0 36 silly idealTree +-- pify@2.3.0 36 silly idealTree +-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1 36 silly idealTree +-- pinkie@2.0.4 36 silly idealTree +-- prism-media@0.0.3 36 silly idealTree +-- process-nextick-args@2.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- punycode@1.4.1 36 silly idealTree +-- qs@6.5.2 36 silly idealTree +-- readable-stream@2.3.6 36 silly idealTree +-- ref-struct@1.1.0 36 silly idealTree +-- ref@1.3.5 36 silly idealTree +-- request-promise-core@1.1.1 36 silly idealTree +-- request-promise@4.2.2 36 silly idealTree +-- request@2.87.0 36 silly idealTree +-- roblox-js@4.0.2 36 silly idealTree +-- safe-buffer@5.1.2 36 silly idealTree +-- safer-buffer@2.1.2 36 silly idealTree +-- seek-bzip@1.0.5 36 silly idealTree +-- signalr-client@0.0.17 36 silly idealTree +-- snekfetch@3.6.4 36 silly idealTree +-- sshpk@1.14.2 36 silly idealTree | -- tweetnacl@0.14.5 36 silly idealTree +-- stealthy-require@1.1.1 36 silly idealTree +-- string_decoder@1.1.1 36 silly idealTree +-- strip-dirs@2.1.0 36 silly idealTree +-- tar-stream@1.6.1 36 silly idealTree +-- through@2.3.8 36 silly idealTree +-- to-buffer@1.1.1 36 silly idealTree +-- tough-cookie@2.3.4 36 silly idealTree +-- tunnel-agent@0.6.0 36 silly idealTree +-- tweetnacl@1.0.0 36 silly idealTree +-- typedarray-to-buffer@3.1.5 36 silly idealTree +-- unbzip2-stream@1.2.5 36 silly idealTree +-- util-deprecate@1.0.2 36 silly idealTree +-- uuid@3.3.2 36 silly idealTree +-- verror@1.10.0 36 silly idealTree +-- websocket@1.0.26 36 silly idealTree +-- wrappy@1.0.2 36 silly idealTree +-- ws@4.1.0 36 silly idealTree +-- xtend@4.0.1 36 silly idealTree +-- yaeti@0.0.6 36 silly idealTree-- yauzl@2.10.0 37 silly install generateActionsToTake 38 timing stage:generateActionsToTake Completed in 49ms 39 silly diffTrees action count 6 40 silly diffTrees add bindings@1.2.1 41 silly diffTrees add ref@1.3.5 42 silly diffTrees add ref-struct@1.1.0 43 silly diffTrees add commander@2.17.1 44 silly diffTrees add ogg-packet@1.0.0 45 silly diffTrees add node-opus@0.3.0 46 silly decomposeActions action count 48 47 silly decomposeActions fetch bindings@1.2.1 48 silly decomposeActions extract bindings@1.2.1 49 silly decomposeActions preinstall bindings@1.2.1 50 silly decomposeActions build bindings@1.2.1 51 silly decomposeActions install bindings@1.2.1 52 silly decomposeActions postinstall bindings@1.2.1 53 silly decomposeActions finalize bindings@1.2.1 54 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json bindings@1.2.1 55 silly decomposeActions fetch ref@1.3.5 56 silly decomposeActions extract ref@1.3.5 57 silly decomposeActions preinstall ref@1.3.5 58 silly decomposeActions build ref@1.3.5 59 silly decomposeActions install ref@1.3.5 60 silly decomposeActions postinstall ref@1.3.5 61 silly decomposeActions finalize ref@1.3.5 62 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json ref@1.3.5 63 silly decomposeActions fetch ref-struct@1.1.0 64 silly decomposeActions extract ref-struct@1.1.0 65 silly decomposeActions preinstall ref-struct@1.1.0 66 silly decomposeActions build ref-struct@1.1.0 67 silly decomposeActions install ref-struct@1.1.0 68 silly decomposeActions postinstall ref-struct@1.1.0 69 silly decomposeActions finalize ref-struct@1.1.0 70 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json ref-struct@1.1.0 71 silly decomposeActions fetch commander@2.17.1 72 silly decomposeActions extract commander@2.17.1 73 silly decomposeActions preinstall commander@2.17.1 74 silly decomposeActions build commander@2.17.1 75 silly decomposeActions install commander@2.17.1 76 silly decomposeActions postinstall commander@2.17.1 77 silly decomposeActions finalize commander@2.17.1 78 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json commander@2.17.1 79 silly decomposeActions fetch ogg-packet@1.0.0 80 silly decomposeActions extract ogg-packet@1.0.0 81 silly decomposeActions preinstall ogg-packet@1.0.0 82 silly decomposeActions build ogg-packet@1.0.0 83 silly decomposeActions install ogg-packet@1.0.0 84 silly decomposeActions postinstall ogg-packet@1.0.0 85 silly decomposeActions finalize ogg-packet@1.0.0 86 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json ogg-packet@1.0.0 87 silly decomposeActions fetch node-opus@0.3.0 88 silly decomposeActions extract node-opus@0.3.0 89 silly decomposeActions preinstall node-opus@0.3.0 90 silly decomposeActions build node-opus@0.3.0 91 silly decomposeActions install node-opus@0.3.0 92 silly decomposeActions postinstall node-opus@0.3.0 93 silly decomposeActions finalize node-opus@0.3.0 94 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json node-opus@0.3.0 95 silly install executeActions 96 silly doSerial global-install 48 97 verbose correctMkdir C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_locks correctMkdir not in flight; initializing 98 timing audit compress Completed in 4ms 99 info audit Submitting payload of 10078bytes 100 verbose lock using C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_locks\staging-c53b8475059bad49.lock for C:\Users\benbe\node_modules.staging 101 silly doParallel extract 6 102 silly extract bindings@1.2.1 103 silly extract ref@1.3.5 104 silly extract ref-struct@1.1.0 105 silly extract commander@2.17.1 106 silly extract ogg-packet@1.0.0 107 silly extract node-opus@0.3.0 108 silly tarball trying bindings@~1.2.1 by hash: sha1-FK1hE4EtLTfXLme0ystLtyZQXxE= 109 silly tarball trying ref@1 by hash: sha512-2cBCniTtxcGUjDpvFfVpw323a83/0RLSGJJY5l5lcomZWhYpU2cuLdsvYqMixvsdLJ9+sTdzEkju8J8ZHDM2nA== 110 silly tarball trying ref-struct@ by hash: sha1-XV7mWtQc78Olxf60BYcmHkee3BM= 111 silly tarball trying commander@^2.9.0 by hash: sha512-wPMUt6FnH2yzG95SA6mzjQOEKUU3aLaDEmzs1ti+1E9h+CsrZghRlqEM/EJ4KscsQVG8uNN4uVreUeT8+drlgg== 112 silly tarball trying ogg-packet@^1.0.0 by hash: sha1-RbiFchrI991c8iOR1CEGrlM6xng= 113 silly tarball trying node-opus@latest by hash: sha512-Hih2TCi/vQUY4D9PBiATT6fluJSjMJPLBfCNgAxJx03v6jT+UlVmXUKR62RXYWyijhXNghsFJMyeBe7MBm3cmQ== 114 silly extract bindings@~1.2.1 extracted to C:\Users\benbe\node_modules.staging\bindings-3022664e (72ms) 115 silly extract ogg-packet@^1.0.0 extracted to C:\Users\benbe\node_modules.staging\ogg-packet-32cb5f0c (81ms) 116 silly extract commander@^2.9.0 extracted to C:\Users\benbe\node_modules.staging\commander-9054fc67 (114ms) 117 silly extract ref-struct@ extracted to C:\Users\benbe\node_modules.staging\ref-struct-f5f1e04e (115ms) 118 silly extract ref@1 extracted to C:\Users\benbe\node_modules.staging\ref-bcaac743 (240ms) 119 timing audit submit Completed in 557ms 120 http fetch POST 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/-/npm/v1/security/audits/quick 557ms 121 timing audit body Completed in 0ms 122 silly extract node-opus@latest extracted to C:\Users\benbe\node_modules.staging\node-opus-f8720ed4 (1867ms) 123 timing action:extract Completed in 1872ms 124 silly doReverseSerial unbuild 48 125 silly doSerial remove 48 126 silly doSerial move 48 127 silly doSerial finalize 48 128 silly finalize C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\bindings 129 silly finalize C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref 130 silly finalize C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref-struct 131 silly finalize C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\node-opus\node_modules\commander 132 silly finalize C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ogg-packet 133 silly finalize C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\node-opus 134 timing action:finalize Completed in 15ms 135 silly doParallel refresh-package-json 6 136 silly refresh-package-json C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\bindings 137 silly refresh-package-json C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref 138 silly refresh-package-json C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref-struct 139 silly refresh-package-json C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\node-opus\node_modules\commander 140 silly refresh-package-json C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ogg-packet 141 silly refresh-package-json C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\node-opus 142 timing action:refresh-package-json Completed in 436ms 143 silly doParallel preinstall 6 144 silly preinstall bindings@1.2.1 145 info lifecycle bindings@1.2.1~preinstall: bindings@1.2.1 146 silly preinstall ref@1.3.5 147 info lifecycle ref@1.3.5~preinstall: ref@1.3.5 148 silly preinstall ref-struct@1.1.0 149 info lifecycle ref-struct@1.1.0~preinstall: ref-struct@1.1.0 150 silly preinstall commander@2.17.1 151 info lifecycle commander@2.17.1~preinstall: commander@2.17.1 152 silly preinstall ogg-packet@1.0.0 153 info lifecycle ogg-packet@1.0.0~preinstall: ogg-packet@1.0.0 154 silly preinstall node-opus@0.3.0 155 info lifecycle node-opus@0.3.0~preinstall: node-opus@0.3.0 156 timing action:preinstall Completed in 2ms 157 silly doSerial build 48 158 silly build bindings@1.2.1 159 info linkStuff bindings@1.2.1 160 silly linkStuff bindings@1.2.1 has C:\Users\benbe\node_modules as its parent node_modules 161 silly build ref@1.3.5 162 info linkStuff ref@1.3.5 163 silly linkStuff ref@1.3.5 has C:\Users\benbe\node_modules as its parent node_modules 164 silly build ref-struct@1.1.0 165 info linkStuff ref-struct@1.1.0 166 silly linkStuff ref-struct@1.1.0 has C:\Users\benbe\node_modules as its parent node_modules 167 silly build commander@2.17.1 168 info linkStuff commander@2.17.1 169 silly linkStuff commander@2.17.1 has C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\node-opus\node_modules as its parent node_modules 170 silly build ogg-packet@1.0.0 171 info linkStuff ogg-packet@1.0.0 172 silly linkStuff ogg-packet@1.0.0 has C:\Users\benbe\node_modules as its parent node_modules 173 silly build node-opus@0.3.0 174 info linkStuff node-opus@0.3.0 175 silly linkStuff node-opus@0.3.0 has C:\Users\benbe\node_modules as its parent node_modules 176 timing action:build Completed in 2ms 177 silly doSerial global-link 48 178 silly doParallel update-linked 0 179 silly doSerial install 48 180 silly install bindings@1.2.1 181 info lifecycle bindings@1.2.1~install: bindings@1.2.1 182 silly install ref@1.3.5 183 info lifecycle ref@1.3.5~install: ref@1.3.5 184 verbose lifecycle ref@1.3.5~install: unsafe-perm in lifecycle true 185 verbose lifecycle ref@1.3.5~install: PATH: C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\node-gyp-bin;C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref\node_modules.bin;C:\Users\benbe\node_modules.bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files\Heroku\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm;;C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin 186 verbose lifecycle ref@1.3.5~install: CWD: C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref 187 silly lifecycle ref@1.3.5~install: Args: [ '/d /s /c', 'node-gyp rebuild' ] 188 silly lifecycle ref@1.3.5~install: Returned: code: 1 signal: null 189 info lifecycle ref@1.3.5~install: Failed to exec install script 190 silly install commander@2.17.1 191 info lifecycle commander@2.17.1~install: commander@2.17.1 192 silly install node-opus@0.3.0 193 info lifecycle node-opus@0.3.0~install: node-opus@0.3.0 194 verbose lifecycle node-opus@0.3.0~install: unsafe-perm in lifecycle true 195 verbose lifecycle node-opus@0.3.0~install: PATH: C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\node-gyp-bin;C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\node-opus\node_modules.bin;C:\Users\benbe\node_modules.bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files\Heroku\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm;;C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin 196 verbose lifecycle node-opus@0.3.0~install: CWD: C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\node-opus 197 silly lifecycle node-opus@0.3.0~install: Args: [ '/d /s /c', 'node-gyp rebuild' ] 198 silly lifecycle node-opus@0.3.0~install: Returned: code: 1 signal: null 199 info lifecycle node-opus@0.3.0~install: Failed to exec install script 200 timing action:install Completed in 734ms 201 verbose unlock done using C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_locks\staging-c53b8475059bad49.lock for C:\Users\benbe\node_modules.staging 202 timing stage:rollbackFailedOptional Completed in 200ms 203 timing stage:runTopLevelLifecycles Completed in 4718ms 204 silly saveTree mybot@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree +-- discord.js@11.4.2 204 silly saveTree | +-- long@4.0.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- prism-media@0.0.3 204 silly saveTree | +-- snekfetch@3.6.4 204 silly saveTree | +-- tweetnacl@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | -- ws@4.1.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- async-limiter@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree |-- safe-buffer@5.1.2 204 silly saveTree +-- ffmpeg-binaries@4.0.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- decompress-tarxz@2.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | +-- decompress-tar@4.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- file-type@5.2.0 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- is-stream@1.1.0 204 silly saveTree | | | -- tar-stream@1.6.1 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- bl@1.2.2 204 silly saveTree | | | |-- readable-stream@2.3.6 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- inherits@2.0.3 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- isarray@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- process-nextick-args@2.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- string_decoder@1.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | -- util-deprecate@1.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- buffer-alloc@1.2.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- buffer-alloc-unsafe@1.1.0 204 silly saveTree | | | |-- buffer-fill@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- end-of-stream@1.4.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | -- once@1.4.0 204 silly saveTree | | | |-- wrappy@1.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- fs-constants@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- readable-stream@2.3.6 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- to-buffer@1.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | -- xtend@4.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | +-- file-type@3.9.0 204 silly saveTree | | +-- is-stream@1.1.0 204 silly saveTree | |-- lzma-native@3.0.8 204 silly saveTree | | +-- nan@2.10.0 204 silly saveTree | | +-- node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- detect-libc@1.0.3 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- hawk@3.1.3 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- boom@2.10.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | -- hoek@2.16.3 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- hoek@2.16.3 204 silly saveTree | | | |-- sntp@1.0.9 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- mkdirp@0.5.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | -- minimist@0.0.8 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- nopt@4.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- abbrev@1.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | |-- osenv@0.1.5 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- os-homedir@1.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | -- os-tmpdir@1.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- npmlog@4.1.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- are-we-there-yet@1.1.4 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- delegates@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | |-- readable-stream@2.3.6 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- inherits@2.0.3 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- isarray@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- process-nextick-args@2.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- safe-buffer@5.1.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- string_decoder@1.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | -- util-deprecate@1.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- console-control-strings@1.1.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- gauge@2.7.4 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- aproba@1.2.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- has-unicode@2.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- object-assign@4.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- signal-exit@3.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- string-width@1.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | +-- code-point-at@1.1.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | +-- is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | |-- number-is-nan@1.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | -- strip-ansi@3.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | |-- ansi-regex@2.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | -- wide-align@1.1.2 204 silly saveTree | | | |-- set-blocking@2.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- rc@1.2.7 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- deep-extend@0.5.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- ini@1.3.5 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- minimist@1.2.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | -- strip-json-comments@2.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- request@2.81.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- aws4@1.7.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- caseless@0.12.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- combined-stream@1.0.6 204 silly saveTree | | | | |-- delayed-stream@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- extend@3.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- form-data@2.1.4 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- asynckit@0.4.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | -- mime-types@2.1.18 204 silly saveTree | | | | |-- mime-db@1.33.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- har-validator@4.2.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- ajv@4.11.8 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | +-- co@4.6.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | -- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | |-- jsonify@0.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | -- har-schema@1.0.5 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- http-signature@1.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- jsprim@1.4.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | +-- assert-plus@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | +-- extsprintf@1.3.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | +-- json-schema@0.2.3 204 silly saveTree | | | | | |-- verror@1.10.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | -- assert-plus@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | |-- sshpk@1.14.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- asn1@0.2.3 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- assert-plus@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- bcrypt-pbkdf@1.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | -- tweetnacl@0.14.5 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- dashdash@1.14.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | |-- assert-plus@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- ecc-jsbn@0.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | -- jsbn@0.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- getpass@0.1.7 204 silly saveTree | | | | | |-- assert-plus@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- jsbn@0.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | -- tweetnacl@0.14.5 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- is-typedarray@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- isstream@0.1.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- mime-types@2.1.18 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- performance-now@0.2.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- qs@6.4.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- stringstream@0.0.5 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- tough-cookie@2.3.4 204 silly saveTree | | | | |-- punycode@1.4.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- tunnel-agent@0.6.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | -- uuid@3.2.1 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- rimraf@2.6.2 204 silly saveTree | | | |-- glob@7.1.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- fs.realpath@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- inflight@1.0.6 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- once@1.4.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | | | -- wrappy@1.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | |-- wrappy@1.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- minimatch@3.0.4 204 silly saveTree | | | | | -- brace-expansion@1.1.11 204 silly saveTree | | | | | +-- balanced-match@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | |-- concat-map@0.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- once@1.4.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | -- path-is-absolute@1.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- semver@5.5.0 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- tar-pack@3.4.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- debug@2.6.9 204 silly saveTree | | | | |-- ms@2.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- fstream-ignore@1.0.5 204 silly saveTree | | | | | -- fstream@1.0.11 204 silly saveTree | | | | |-- graceful-fs@4.1.11 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- fstream@1.0.11 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- tar@2.2.1 204 silly saveTree | | | | | -- block-stream@0.0.9 204 silly saveTree | | | |-- uid-number@0.0.6 204 silly saveTree | | | -- tar@2.2.1 204 silly saveTree | | +-- readable-stream@2.3.6 204 silly saveTree | |-- rimraf@2.6.2 204 silly saveTree | +-- decompress-unzip@4.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | +-- file-type@3.9.0 204 silly saveTree | | +-- get-stream@2.3.1 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- object-assign@4.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | -- pinkie-promise@2.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | |-- pinkie@2.0.4 204 silly saveTree | | +-- pify@2.3.0 204 silly saveTree | | -- yauzl@2.10.0 204 silly saveTree | | +-- buffer-crc32@0.2.13 204 silly saveTree | |-- fd-slicer@1.1.0 204 silly saveTree | | -- pend@1.2.0 204 silly saveTree |-- decompress@4.2.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- decompress-tarbz2@4.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | +-- file-type@6.2.0 204 silly saveTree | | +-- seek-bzip@1.0.5 204 silly saveTree | | | -- commander@2.8.1 204 silly saveTree | | |-- graceful-readlink@1.0.1 204 silly saveTree | | -- unbzip2-stream@1.2.5 204 silly saveTree | | +-- buffer@3.6.0 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- base64-js@0.0.8 204 silly saveTree | | |-- ieee754@1.1.12 204 silly saveTree | | -- through@2.3.8 204 silly saveTree | +-- decompress-targz@4.1.1 204 silly saveTree | +-- graceful-fs@4.1.11 204 silly saveTree | +-- make-dir@1.3.0 204 silly saveTree | |-- pify@3.0.0 204 silly saveTree | -- strip-dirs@2.1.0 204 silly saveTree |-- is-natural-number@4.0.1 204 silly saveTree +-- follow-redirects@1.5.1 204 silly saveTree | -- debug@3.1.0 204 silly saveTree |-- ms@2.0.0 204 silly saveTree +-- node-opus@0.3.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- bindings@1.2.1 204 silly saveTree | +-- commander@2.17.1 204 silly saveTree | -- ogg-packet@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree |-- ref-struct@1.1.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- debug@2.6.9 204 silly saveTree | -- ref@1.3.5 204 silly saveTree-- roblox-js@4.0.2 204 silly saveTree +-- bluebird@3.5.1 204 silly saveTree +-- cheerio@1.0.0-rc.2 204 silly saveTree | +-- css-select@1.2.0 204 silly saveTree | | +-- boolbase@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | +-- css-what@2.1.0 204 silly saveTree | | +-- domutils@1.5.1 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- dom-serializer@0.1.0 204 silly saveTree | | | | +-- domelementtype@1.1.3 204 silly saveTree | | | | -- entities@1.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | |-- domelementtype@1.3.0 204 silly saveTree | | -- nth-check@1.0.1 204 silly saveTree | +-- dom-serializer@0.1.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- entities@1.1.1 204 silly saveTree | +-- htmlparser2@3.9.2 204 silly saveTree | |-- domhandler@2.4.2 204 silly saveTree | +-- lodash@4.17.10 204 silly saveTree | -- parse5@3.0.3 204 silly saveTree |-- @types/node@10.5.2 204 silly saveTree +-- entities@1.1.1 204 silly saveTree +-- request-promise@4.2.2 204 silly saveTree | +-- request-promise-core@1.1.1 204 silly saveTree | +-- stealthy-require@1.1.1 204 silly saveTree | -- tough-cookie@2.3.4 204 silly saveTree |-- punycode@1.4.1 204 silly saveTree +-- request@2.87.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.7.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- aws4@1.7.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- caseless@0.12.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- combined-stream@1.0.6 204 silly saveTree | | -- delayed-stream@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- extend@3.0.1 204 silly saveTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1 204 silly saveTree | +-- form-data@2.3.2 204 silly saveTree | | +-- asynckit@0.4.0 204 silly saveTree | |-- mime-types@2.1.18 204 silly saveTree | | -- mime-db@1.33.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- har-validator@5.0.3 204 silly saveTree | | +-- ajv@5.5.2 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- co@4.6.0 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- fast-deep-equal@1.1.0 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- fast-json-stable-stringify@2.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | |-- json-schema-traverse@0.3.1 204 silly saveTree | | -- har-schema@2.0.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- http-signature@1.2.0 204 silly saveTree | | +-- assert-plus@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | | +-- jsprim@1.4.1 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- extsprintf@1.3.0 204 silly saveTree | | | +-- json-schema@0.2.3 204 silly saveTree | | |-- verror@1.10.0 204 silly saveTree | | -- sshpk@1.14.2 204 silly saveTree | | +-- asn1@0.2.3 204 silly saveTree | | +-- bcrypt-pbkdf@1.0.2 204 silly saveTree | | |-- tweetnacl@0.14.5 204 silly saveTree | | +-- dashdash@1.14.1 204 silly saveTree | | +-- ecc-jsbn@0.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | | -- jsbn@0.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | +-- getpass@0.1.7 204 silly saveTree | | +-- jsbn@0.1.1 204 silly saveTree | | +-- safer-buffer@2.1.2 204 silly saveTree | |-- tweetnacl@0.14.5 204 silly saveTree | +-- is-typedarray@1.0.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- isstream@0.1.2 204 silly saveTree | +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1 204 silly saveTree | +-- mime-types@2.1.18 204 silly saveTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.2 204 silly saveTree | +-- performance-now@2.1.0 204 silly saveTree | +-- qs@6.5.2 204 silly saveTree | +-- tunnel-agent@0.6.0 204 silly saveTree | -- uuid@3.3.2 204 silly saveTree-- signalr-client@0.0.17 204 silly saveTree -- websocket@1.0.26 204 silly saveTree +-- typedarray-to-buffer@3.1.5 204 silly saveTree-- yaeti@0.0.6 205 warn discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of bufferutil@^3.0.3 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. 206 warn discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of erlpack@discordapp/erlpack but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. 207 warn discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of node-opus@^0.2.7 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. 208 warn discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of opusscript@^0.0.6 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. 209 warn discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of sodium@^2.0.3 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. 210 warn discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of libsodium-wrappers@^0.7.3 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. 211 warn discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of uws@^9.14.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. 212 warn mybot@1.0.0 No description 213 warn mybot@1.0.0 No repository field. 214 warn optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: ref@1.3.5 (node_modules\ref): 215 warn optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: ref@1.3.5 install: node-gyp rebuild 215 warn optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Exit status 1 216 verbose optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: 216 verbose optional Failed at the ref@1.3.5 install script. 216 verbose optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. 217 verbose stack Error: node-opus@0.3.0 install: node-gyp rebuild 217 verbose stack Exit status 1 217 verbose stack at EventEmitter. (C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\index.js:304:16) 217 verbose stack at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:182:13) 217 verbose stack at ChildProcess. (C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\lib\spawn.js:55:14) 217 verbose stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:182:13) 217 verbose stack at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:957:16) 217 verbose stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:246:5) 218 verbose pkgid node-opus@0.3.0 219 verbose cwd C:\Users\benbe\Desktop\Bot 220 verbose Windows_NT 10.0.17134 221 verbose argv "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "install" "node-opus" 222 verbose node v10.1.0 223 verbose npm v6.4.0 224 error code ELIFECYCLE 225 error errno 1 226 error node-opus@0.3.0 install: node-gyp rebuild 226 error Exit status 1 227 error Failed at the node-opus@0.3.0 install script. 227 error This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. 228 verbose exit [ 1, true ] `

Rantanen commented 6 years ago
186 verbose lifecycle ref@1.3.5install: CWD: C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref
187 silly lifecycle ref@1.3.5install: Args: [ '/d /s /c', 'node-gyp rebuild' ]
188 silly lifecycle ref@1.3.5install: Returned: code: 1 signal: null
189 info lifecycle ref@1.3.5install: Failed to exec install script

You need to set up a Node.js build environment.

benben3963 commented 6 years ago


Rantanen commented 6 years ago


benben3963 commented 6 years ago

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.228] (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\benbe\Desktop\DiscordSoundBot>npm install node-opus

ref@1.3.5 install C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref node-gyp rebuild

C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node "C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\node-gyp-bin\....\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild ) else (node "C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild ) Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch. C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref\build\binding.vcxproj(20,3): error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that t he file exists on disk. gyp ERR! build error gyp ERR! stack Error: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\msbuild.exe failed with exit code: 1 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\build.js:262:23) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:182:13) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:235:12) gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.17134 gyp ERR! command "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" gyp ERR! cwd C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref gyp ERR! node -v v10.1.0 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.8.0 gyp ERR! not ok

node-opus@0.3.0 install C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\node-opus node-gyp rebuild

C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\node-opus>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node "C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\node-gyp-bin\....\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild ) else (node "C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild ) Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch. C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\node-opus\build\deps\libopus.vcxproj(20,3): error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk. gyp ERR! build error gyp ERR! stack Error: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\msbuild.exe failed with exit code: 1 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\build.js:262:23) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:182:13) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:235:12) gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.17134 gyp ERR! command "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" gyp ERR! cwd C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\node-opus gyp ERR! node -v v10.1.0 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.8.0 gyp ERR! not ok npm WARN discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of bufferutil@^3.0.3 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of erlpack@discordapp/erlpack but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of node-opus@^0.2.7 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of opusscript@^0.0.6 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of sodium@^2.0.3 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of libsodium-wrappers@^0.7.3 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN discord.js@11.4.2 requires a peer of uws@^9.14.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN mybot@1.0.0 No description npm WARN mybot@1.0.0 No repository field. npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: ref@1.3.5 (node_modules\ref): npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: ref@1.3.5 install: node-gyp rebuild npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Exit status 1

npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! node-opus@0.3.0 install: node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the node-opus@0.3.0 install script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\benbe\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2018-09-04T23_32_02_597Z-debug.log


It failed... I installed build tools.

Rantanen commented 6 years ago
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch.
C:\Users\benbe\node_modules\ref\build\binding.vcxproj(20,3): error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that 

Sorry but that path for the C++ props file is just wrong. I don't know what's the issue with your environment but unfortunately it's nothing node-opus can fix. You might want to report this issue for the windows build tools package.