RaphaelDDL / e7db-ui

EpicSevenDB.com UI for game information, such as Heroes, Artifacts, Gear, Skills and anything else necessary to present the DB. Made with NUXT.js (Vue.js, Express, SASS)
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Finish Chinese(T) translation #33

Closed zx900930 closed 4 years ago

RaphaelDDL commented 4 years ago

@zx900930 Just a follow up on this, I still haven't put into prod as I still haven't found a way of redirecting anyone from /cn/ into the new /zht/. Right now, trying to access a /cn will give 404 pages when I switch to zht on url path, so that will hit SEO.

So, i'm looking into how add a custom handler to nuxt-i18n to handle these changes.

When I did change from /kr to /ko, it was a nightmare SEO-wise since all indexed /kr became 404's and hurt SEO pretty bad

zx900930 commented 4 years ago

@RaphaelDDL In nuxt-i18n the language code is code of ISO 639-1 and code of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, with a hyphen.(ex: 'en-US') so it should be 'zh-TW' & 'zh-CN' instead of 'zht' & 'zhs'.

RaphaelDDL commented 4 years ago

I mean, for the code @ https://github.com/EpicSevenDB/ui/blob/master/lang/config.js

So for example:

            name: "普通话",
            code: "cn",
            iso: "zh-CN",
            file: "zh-CN.js",
            countries: ["China"],

From what we discussed previously, the current zh-CN will become zh-TW (zht) and the new zh-CN (zhs) will be the one you translated.

So I was thinking in having it changed to be epicsevendb.com/zht/ and epicsevendb.com/zhs/, where I need to make some kind of handler that if anyone access epicsevendb.com/cn/* it'll 301 redirect to epicsevendb.com/zhs/, without htat, any /cn/ will go into 404.


Or should I just keep zh-TW as /tw/ and zh-CN as /cn/? What you think it's better; tw/cn or zht/zhs in the url?

Keeping tw/cn would be easier since cn would only now point to a newly created zh-CN instead of current zh-CN (which is actually a zh-TW)

zx900930 commented 4 years ago

@RaphaelDDL Keeping tw/cn in the url is better in this case.

RaphaelDDL commented 4 years ago

@zx900930 Okay, I've incorporated opencc that you suggested into my build script

Can you please confirm if was done correctly? I see some kanjis changed so I guess it worked.


    "ef101_desc": "蘊含光明之力的神秘之劍,能持續注入活力。",
    "ef101_name": "太陽之劍",
    "sk_ef101_de": "攻擊力增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef102_desc": "傳說被那把槍射中的人一定會受到詛咒。",
    "ef102_name": "惡魔手槍",
    "sk_ef102_de": "暴擊率增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef103_desc": "說說看你想做什麼樣的夢吧!我會讓你看見一切夢想。",
    "ef103_name": "夢之卷軸",
    "sk_ef103_de": "效果抗性增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef104_desc": "以風一般的速度飛走,攻擊敵人要害的飛鏢。",
    "ef104_name": "寒風飛鏢",
    "sk_ef104_de": "暴擊傷害增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef105_desc": "若擁有這顆寶珠,金星的祝福便會與你同在。",
    "ef105_name": "金星寶珠",
    "sk_ef105_de": "效果命中增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef106_desc": "用一般攻擊不會碎裂的特殊強化拳套",
    "ef106_name": "強化拳套",
    "sk_ef106_de": "防禦力增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef201_desc": "那把劍一旦從劍鞘出鞘,就一定得奪走一條人命,否則死的就會是你。",
    "ef201_name": "必殺大劍",

converted zhs:

    "ef101_desc": "蕴含光明之力的神秘之剑,能持续注入活力。",
    "ef101_name": "太阳之剑",
    "sk_ef101_de": "攻击力增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef102_desc": "传说被那把枪射中的人一定会受到诅咒。",
    "ef102_name": "恶魔手枪",
    "sk_ef102_de": "暴击率增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef103_desc": "说说看你想做什么样的梦吧!我会让你看见一切梦想。",
    "ef103_name": "梦之卷轴",
    "sk_ef103_de": "效果抗性增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef104_desc": "以风一般的速度飞走,攻击敌人要害的飞镖。",
    "ef104_name": "寒风飞镖",
    "sk_ef104_de": "暴击伤害增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef105_desc": "若拥有这颗宝珠,金星的祝福便会与你同在。",
    "ef105_name": "金星宝珠",
    "sk_ef105_de": "效果命中增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef106_desc": "用一般攻击不会碎裂的特殊强化拳套",
    "ef106_name": "强化拳套",
    "sk_ef106_de": "防御力增加{{variable}}。",
    "ef201_desc": "那把剑一旦从剑鞘出鞘,就一定得夺走一条人命,否则死的就会是你。",
    "ef201_name": "必杀大剑",

Relevant commits: https://github.com/EpicSevenDB/gamedatabase/commit/4dad4873dd4ccb54f2aab9a23085d35ab2d23ebd https://github.com/EpicSevenDB/api/commit/177f821b9c1f11c31c60d5fbb68bafd96e6a9165

Now to do the changes in EpicSevenDB/ui itself

RaphaelDDL commented 4 years ago

last relevant change https://github.com/EpicSevenDB/ui/commit/2cbbeeed699731587c5c153d26b15b2fa52a208b

Let me know if it's all good and I'll put it in prod

zx900930 commented 4 years ago

@RaphaelDDL I'll fix some minor translation issues and send a PR.

changes 1. rename lang/{zh-TW.js => zh-CN.js} rename lang/{zh-CN.js => zh-TW.js}

2.minor translation fix.

see : https://github.com/EpicSevenDB/ui/pull/35/

suggestion: /lang/config.js { name: "简体中文", code: "cn", iso: "zh-CN", file: "zh-CN.js", countries: ["China","Singapore"], }, { name: "繁體中文", code: "tw", iso: "zh-TW", file: "zh-TW.js", countries: ["Taiwan","Hong-Kong","Macau"], },

Add the counties or regions using Chinese and add the flags to https://assets.epicsevendb.com/website/flags/

RaphaelDDL commented 4 years ago

Great, thank you.

For the suggestion, I don't think the flag pack I got has HK or Macau, so I'll have to edit it myself, but it's cool.