RaphaelRoyerRivard / MicroMachine

Starcraft 2 Bot
MIT License
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Handle neural parasite #1367

Open Unusual229 opened 3 years ago

Unusual229 commented 3 years ago

When an infestor energy drops by 100 (or 99 because of regen), check the rotation of the infestor. The cast range is 8, but once casted the unit (infestor cannot move) can move up to what looks like 12 when compared to a tempest range, the exact number is not available on the wiki or in-game. We could consider it to be 14 since its clearly more than enough.

If the targeted unit type is BC, we have two options, we can cast yamato on the infestor to instantly kill it and keep our BC, if yamato is on cooldown, we can teleport far away from the infestor enough to just cancel the parasite, so something like 14 tiles away in a safe location.

If the targeted unit type is Sieged tank, we should unsiege to reduce the maximum damage output we can do and cause the neural parasite to lose some dps because of the unsiege animation.

If the target unit type is a Banshee, we can cloak to dodge the neural parasite (only works if there is no detector).

I don't think other unit types will ever be targeted, but if we want to handle them we can : Marine/Marauder, stim to death. Our unit will die in 1 hit and cause minimal damage to us. Hellion/Hellbat morph to reduce the time parasited Thor morph to which ever type would do less damage to us Liberator create a bad cycle that is either useless or targets only his units