RaphaelRoyerRivard / MicroMachine

Starcraft 2 Bot
MIT License
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Turret placement is causing problems on some bases #1378

Closed RaphaelRoyerRivard closed 3 years ago

RaphaelRoyerRivard commented 3 years ago

In the third base of DeathAuraLE, workers can't reach their mineral patch and Mule is stuck. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5833235/114310869-60967600-9aba-11eb-87ae-f81d203ee155.mp4

RaphaelRoyerRivard commented 3 years ago

Also happens on the third and fourth bases of GoldenWallLE. image image

Unusual229 commented 3 years ago

Can also cause true idle workers where the mineral micro tells the worker to mine a patch, but the pathfinding has to take a detour, causing a move action to be given again, preventing the worker from ever taking the detour and being stuck in an infinite loop. Just moving the turret so all mineral patches are minable will fix this bug.

Unusual229 commented 3 years ago

Example, but imagine its with a turret image

Unusual229 commented 3 years ago

turret was moved behind the mineral line