RaphaelRoyerRivard / MicroMachine

Starcraft 2 Bot
MIT License
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Probe rush can still beat us #1423

Closed RaphaelRoyerRivard closed 3 years ago

RaphaelRoyerRivard commented 3 years ago


RaphaelRoyerRivard commented 3 years ago

Maybe we should try to push back the Probes with a few SCVs when they are in the "fleeing" stage so it would take them more time to come back.

RaphaelRoyerRivard commented 3 years ago

According to Ketroc, spudde is able to attack Probes with stacked SCVs. And it also mineral walks forward to trap the Probes.

RaphaelRoyerRivard commented 3 years ago

Idea from Ketroc, build the Refinery before the Barracks.

RaphaelRoyerRivard commented 3 years ago

Another one, keep producing SCVs and mine with injured ones. Not spending minerals on buildings.