Raphhh / samurai

PHP scaffolding tool - bootstrap a new project
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Tests not running with PHPUnit 6 #5

Closed editionslva closed 7 years ago

editionslva commented 7 years ago

PHP Fatal error: Class 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' not found when running tests with PHPunit v6

Raphhh commented 7 years ago

"@stable" version in the composer.json should be changed.

editionslva commented 7 years ago

En effet c'est une solution plus rapide mais je voulais proposer une solution plus pérenne mais visiblement le pull request n'a pas passé la barrière Travis à cause de la config PHP 7

Raphhh commented 7 years ago

I do not understand how you get PHPUnit 6? When I install the project, everything seems to be ok: it is PHPUnit 4.

Raphhh commented 7 years ago

Build is ok: https://travis-ci.org/Raphhh/samurai/builds/212200201

editionslva commented 7 years ago


En fait après clonage sur local et composer update, il récupère la dernière version stable comme indiqué dans le json.

Par contre je lance bien /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit tests et non phpunit tests (au cas où il y aurait une vieille version de php unit installée en global dans composer etqui serait lancée en utilisant le PATH)

Raphhh commented 7 years ago

1/If you want to develop the project (and not install it globally), after git clone, you should run "$ composer install" and not "$ composer update".

2/ Indeed, to run PHPUnit, you should run "$ vendor/bin/phpunit" (which comes from vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit)

editionslva commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the clarification.