Rappsilber-Laboratory / XiSearch

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Out of memmory #56

Closed MNTsnowman closed 3 years ago

MNTsnowman commented 3 years ago


I am currently trying to search for links in a dataset. However it keeps running out of memmory, and using the GUI I can't find any way to change this. I tried to use the -Xmx option as described in the readme by adding it in the text field and set it to 16GB, but nothing happened. I'm unsure of how to start the tool via the commandline since I can't find any examples of how to do this. Therefore, at this point i'm stuck. So, does anyone have some experience with this?

MNTsnowman commented 3 years ago

And to answer my own question. The mentioned -Xmx command has to be used in the commandline, thus it can be added for opening xiSEARCH. An example for how to open xiSEARCH via the command line is the following:

An example for the command needed to to open the GUI with, in this case 23Gb of dedicated memmory would be

java -jar -d64 -Xmx23552m C:\ ... \xiSEARCH.jar

A warning though. For the dedicated memmory, do not assign more memmory to the process then what is free on the system. Thus, if you have 32Gb of memmory in total, windows and others used lets say 8Gb, you only have 24Gb of available memmory to work with. Thus, don't exceed the available memmory.