Rappsilber-Laboratory / XiSearch

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add modification by specify the position #77

Closed ShadoWyyyy closed 1 year ago

ShadoWyyyy commented 1 year ago

hello, I know the modifications are represent as follow: modification:(fixed|variable|known)::SYMBOL:(how is the modification represented);MODIFIED:[amino acid];MASS:[mass of the modified amino acid] for example Carbamidomethylation on cysteine are modification:fixed::SYMBOLEXT:cm;MODIFIED:C;DELTAMASS:57.021464

if I have a modification on protein N term or peptide N term, regardless of what amino acids it is, what should i fill in the MODIFIED[amino acid], I can't just fill in all amino acids, because the main point is to show it's a modification on N term, appreciate any help.

lutzfischer commented 1 year ago

I know it's a closed issue but just in case somebody else stumbles over this - peptide nterminal modification:


Protein nterminal modification:


if the X is replaced with a list of residues, only these will be modified if nterminal.

newer versions of xisearch also permit


meaning C anywhere and anything on a protein nterminal (peptide would be pepnterm)