Rappsilber-Laboratory / XiSearch

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Search for linear modification #85

Open cxdummies opened 1 year ago

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

Dear Lutz

If I understood correctly, in the default setting, the following line defines the search for BS3amidated linear peptide


In the defaut BS3 crosslinker setting, there is also the MODIFICATIONS:NH2,17.026549105

From which one of these two does xiSEARCH use to find the linear modification? Does one take precedence over the other? If BS3 is quenched by an amine-based reagent other than ammonia, e.g. Tris, where should the modifiation be defined to find the corresponding monolinks?

In the Linear Peitides result table from a search using the default BS3 setting, one can find both bs3nh and bs3nh2 in the peptide sequences. bs3nh2 is not in the search setting. Could you explain what it is and why it shows up in the sequences?

Many thanks!

grandrea commented 1 year ago


As far as I know, those are additive i.e. you are defining a modification on linear peptides only called bs3nh with a deltamass of 155.094619105 AND a modification on all peptides with an NH2 group that has a mass of crosslinker mass+17.026549105. The priority will be given to the one that matches better (but here @lutzfischer is the one that should answer!).

If you want to simplify the search, use only


and remove the MODIFICATIONS lines from the BS3 defitinition.

If instead you want to consider more possibilities (mods on both linear and crosslinked peptides), use only


What you are referring to is the fact that the same syntax can be put inside the crosslinker definition instead (https://github.com/Rappsilber-Laboratory/XiSearch#crosslinker-settings) Here with modifications on linear peptides only


here with modifications on all peptides


to define Tris as the quencher, you can define a modification for it, again as a separate modification or inside the crosslinker definition (please double check the bs3-tris mass!!)




And the same definitions can be given inside the crosslinker as well with the same syntax as above.

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for the explanation! It's still not entirely clear to me.

Do all peptides mean the masses of both linear and crosslinked peptides?

If MODIFICATIONS are added to the crosslinker definition, any precusor mass matched to the mass of peptide1+crosslinker+modification+peptide2 will be considered as a crosslinked peptide. If we take BS3 and NH2 as an example, where would the NH2 modification be added to peptide1-BS3-peptide2? If loop, 0 is added to the MODIFICATIONS as well, shouldn't a loop link only be considered in a linear peptide?

Would it be correct to define loop link like this? modification:linear::SYMBOLEXT:bs3loop;MODIFIED:K,S,T,Y,nterm;DELTAMASS:138.06807

If MODIFICATIONS are added to the crosslinker definition and are searched in both linear and crosslinked peptides, would matches to linear peptides show up in the Linear Peptides result table?

In the example of modification:linear::SYMBOLEXT:bs3nh;MODIFIED:K,S,T,Y;DELTAMASS:155.094619105, why is nterm not added to MOIDIFIED? I believe that nterm is interpreted as protein N-terminus not peptide N-terminus in xiSEARCH?

In the Linear Peptides result table from a search using the default BS3 setting, one can find both bs3nh and bs3nh2 in the peptide sequences. bs3nh2 is not in the search setting. Could you explain what it is and why it shows up in the sequences?

Many many thanks!

grandrea commented 1 year ago


No problem- sorry I was not clear enough, it is a bit confusing in its flexibility. There are 2 kinds of modifications: variable and linear. "Variable" searches for the modification on all peptides, "Linear" only on linear peptides.

You can encode these modifications 2 ways:

  1. in a line defining a modification
  2. inside the crosslinker definition

If you are encoding a linear modification with 1) indeed what you write:


is correct. The deltamass is the mass change relative to the original amino acid. Then the crosslinker definition should look like this


I.e. not include the modification inside the crosslinker, as they are defined separately.

If instead you use 2), then you should not have the separate line that says modification:linear and so on, but rather


In this case, the modification mass is the mass to change the crosslinker by- hence a loop link is 0 (a loop link has the same mass as a crosslink) and an nh2 group is 17.02654915. this is what defines the bs3nh2 that was not in your search.

Whether you want a linear or a variable modification in 1) is defined by the choice of




In 2) it is defined by using the word




Back to your original question- you defined the modification twice (once as a separate line and once in the crosslinker) and xiSEARCH was assigning both, also because they were defined with slightly different masses. Simply choose one and you're good to go. You can edit your config by clicking "as text config" after setting things in the interface to adjust definitions as needed.

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for the further explanation!

If I define a monolink or a loop link in a linear peptide as follows

modification:linear::SYMBOLEXT:bs3nh;MODIFIED:K,S,T,Y,nterm;DELTAMASS:155.094619105 modification:linear::SYMBOLEXT:bs3loop;MODIFIED:K,S,T,Y,nterm;DELTAMASS:138.06807

I think it is reasonable to include the protein N-terminus as the possible modified amino acid for a monolink. My question is does xiSEARCH treat "nterm" as protein N-terminus or peptide N-terminus in this context?

Am I correct that if I add "nterm" to the defintion of a crosslinker "nterm" will be considered as protein N-terminus?

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

One more question if I may. In the Github document, the following is written

"Similarly, to perform a search with a lot of modifications on a peptide, the value MAX_MODIFICATION_PER_PEPTIDE (default 3) also needs to be adjusted in order to consider combinations of more than 3 modifications. Variable modifications don't count against either limit. Both of these variables reduce the search space. Increasing them leads to a computational cost in terms of memory and search time."

Am I right that this limit of default 3 maximum modifications per peptide includes fixed modifications but not variable modifications? Does this limit include the modification:linear as well? If I define linear peptide modifications for bs3nh, bs3oh and bs3loop, would this exceed the total limit of 3 modifications already?

grandrea commented 1 year ago


these are correct provided your crosslinker definition then does not have MODIFICATIONS or LINEARMODIFICATIONS defined in it.

"Similarly, to perform a search with a lot of modifications on a peptide, the value MAX_MODIFICATION_PER_PEPTIDE (default 3) also needs to be adjusted in order to consider combinations of more than 3 modifications. Variable modifications don't count against either limit. Both of these variables reduce the search space. Increasing them leads to a computational cost in terms of memory and search time."

I am sorry, I made a typo there. FIXED modifications do not count against the limit. Meaning, for example, if you have carbamidomethylation on C, and a peptide is GKLCMKR, the Ccm will not count against the modification limit in the search.

bs3nh, bs3oh and bs3loop, would this exceed the total limit of 3 modifications already?

No- what that means is in the step of generating theoretical peptides in the search, all those mods will be included (you can define as many as you like, but that explodes your memory and search time), but theoretical peptides will be defined with at most with MAX_MODIFICATION_PER_PEPTIDE.

For example, if you define 2 mods, "a" that can go on K/S/T/Y and "b" that can go on K/L, and set MAX_MODIFICATION_PER_PEPTIDE to 3. for the peptide


Only theoretical peptides with up to 3 modifications will be considered. This generates a lot of combinations! Hence there is also the number MAX_PEPTIDES_PER_PEPTIDE to tweak how many different peptides are generated per peptide

grandrea commented 1 year ago

"nterm" is protein N terminus and xiSEARCH automatically considers the possibility of trimming of n-terminal methionine

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for the speedy replies!

There seems to be one problem. When I defined a linear peptide modification including "nterm" like this


all the linear peptide modifications previously detected using MODIFIED:K,S,T,Y were gone from the linear peptide result table. Only linear peptides with a protein N-terminal modification were in the table.

If I switched the modification definition back to


then all those linear peptides with the a modication showed up again in the table.

I've tried a couple of different datasets. This behaviour appeared consistent. Could this problem be solved?

grandrea commented 1 year ago

which version of xiSEARCH are you using? I will try to reproduce this. Could you also attach your config file?

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

xiSEARCH_1.7.6.7 is the version I'm using. I used MODIFIED:K,S,T,Y,nterm for all the bs3 monolink and loop link linear peptide modification search.

Many thanks.

Sorry, I was searching for where to attached a file... here it is. bs3_nterm_Mod_linear.txt

grandrea commented 1 year ago

could you attach it as a text file (just change the extension to .txt) so that it doesn't take the markdown formatting

grandrea commented 1 year ago

could you check with this configuration: one line for mods on residue, the other line on any amino acid and specifying position

grandrea commented 1 year ago

We could reproduce the bug whenever "nterm" is in the definition of the modification. The workaround of defining the n-terminal modification separately as above seems to solve the issue

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

Thank you! Indeed, with two separate deifintions for KSTY and nterm, it seems to have solved the issue.

Now I have 6 defined modifications (bs3nh, bs3nhn, bs3oh, bs3ohn, bs3loop, bs3loopn) instead of 3 (bs3nh, bs3oh, bs3loop), do you think I should increase the value of MAX_MODIFICATION_PER_PEPTIDE (default 3)? Or rather not, since the protein N-terminal peptide is unlikely to carry more than 3 of these different modifications?

grandrea commented 1 year ago

It's hard to know, that depends on the number of proteins in your database. I would start with default values and see what memory and search times come out. If your database is small, rather than increasing MAX_MODIFICATION_PER_PEPTIDE, I would increase MAX_MODIFIED_PEPTIDES_PER_PEPTIDE to for example 100, if your memory and search time allows for it. Half those mods can only occur on n-terminal peptides, so i don't think number of modifications per peptide is what is limiting you, rather how many possibilities of the different combinations to consider in site assignment.

grandrea commented 1 year ago

as an aside- we strongly recommend searching with multiple crosslinker and including noncovalent associations in the search

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

Do you mean adding unrelated crosslinkers together into the search? Is this practice more for in-cell crosslink data or also for recombinant proteins? Could you point to a publication showing the comparison to a regular single crossliner search? That would be great. Thank you.

grandrea commented 1 year ago

No- I mean to select "multiple crosslinkers" in the interface and select the crosslinker you used and "NonCovalent" which handles non-covalent association of peptides in the gas phase. This helps removing false positive identifications. https://github.com/Rappsilber-Laboratory/xisearch#crosslinker-selection This defines an additional crosslinker with mass 0 called "NonCovalent" (see the end of this section https://github.com/Rappsilber-Laboratory/xisearch#crosslinker-settings on how to add it to the config file).

Publication: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04037 (see fig.5 for an example of why this is useful to add).

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

I see. Thank you very much for you help and all the speedy replies!

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

If I may ask again, with "NonCovalent" added, I saw an extra table "NAPS". Have these PSMs been automatically excluded from the result of the Links table?

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

I'm afraid I've encountered another problem. If I included crosslinker:NonCovalentBound:Name:NonCovalent additionally, the search crashed with the following error:

Search Crashed:null Peptides:DDDDK, DDDDK

What might be the problem?

grandrea commented 1 year ago

If I may ask again, with "NonCovalent" added, I saw an extra table "NAPS". Have these PSMs been automatically excluded from the result of the Links table?

The NAPS table reports noncovalently associated peptides and the links table your crosslinks. If you open the links table in excel, you will see the "crosslinker" column and check that no "NonCovalent" are there. MzIdentML will contain both reporting which psm is which, and xiview.org will show only crosslinkers that aren't from noncovalent association.

I'm afraid I've encountered another problem. If I included crosslinker:NonCovalentBound:Name:NonCovalent additionally, the search crashed with the following error:

Search Crashed:null Peptides:DDDDK, DDDDK

What might be the problem?

at what stage of the search? could you paste more of the log? Have you tried rerunning allocating more memory if possible?

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

Allocating more memory didn't help. It stopped about midway during the search. Here is the error log of the latest try.

Aug 14, 2023 2:36:27 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_27 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 14, 2023 2:36:27 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_23 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 14, 2023 2:36:24 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 68% processed (41905) 42572 read of 61021 Estimated remaining: 1minute 42seconds to 1minute 52seconds Aug 14, 2023 2:36:22 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_29 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 14, 2023 2:36:33 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 68% processed (41905) 42572 read of 61021 Estimated remaining: 1minute 42seconds to 1minute 52seconds Aug 14, 2023 2:36:30 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_17 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 14, 2023 2:36:34 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 69% processed (42419) 42572 read of 61021 Aug 14, 2023 2:36:34 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 69% processed (42419) 42572 read of 61021 Aug 14, 2023 2:36:35 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcess waitEnd INFO: Search Finished (42419) 42572 read of 61021 Aug 14, 2023 2:36:35 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Finished (42419) 42572 read of 61021 waiting for writing out results Aug 14, 2023 2:36:35 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Finished (42419) 42572 read of 61021 waiting for writing out results Aug 14, 2023 2:36:36 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcess waitEnd INFO: All Results : 38135 Top Matches : 38135 Aug 14, 2023 2:36:36 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Search Crashed:-1 Peptides:EVEEMoxCcmK, DYD Aug 14, 2023 2:36:36 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Search Crashed:-1 Peptides:EVEEMoxCcmK, DYD

grandrea commented 1 year ago

and the search runs otherwise through to the end without the NonCovalent line? Could you attach your current config file? Apologies for the many questions, just trying to understand.

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

I tried a different dataset and got the following error log if I included NAP search. Without the NonCovalent line, it always went through, also the previous one.

INFO: Search Thread Search_22 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 14, 2023 5:57:41 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_12 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 14, 2023 5:57:40 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_24 finished () Aug 14, 2023 5:57:53 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 74% processed (45515) 46407 read of 61021 Estimated remaining: 2minutes 45seconds to 2minutes 53seconds Aug 14, 2023 5:57:48 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_16 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 14, 2023 5:57:57 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 75% processed (46301) 46407 read of 61021 Aug 14, 2023 5:57:58 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 75% processed (46301) 46407 read of 61021 Aug 14, 2023 5:57:58 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcess waitEnd INFO: Search Finished (46301) 46407 read of 61021 Aug 14, 2023 5:57:58 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Finished (46301) 46407 read of 61021 waiting for writing out results Aug 14, 2023 5:57:58 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Finished (46301) 46407 read of 61021 waiting for writing out results Aug 14, 2023 5:58:00 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcess waitEnd INFO: All Results : 41821 Top Matches : 41821 Aug 14, 2023 5:58:00 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Search Crashed:null Peptides:DDDDK, DDDDK Aug 14, 2023 5:58:00 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Search Crashed:null Peptides:DDDDK, DDDDK BS3_with_NAPsearch.txt

lutzfischer commented 1 year ago

can you post the full log - or email it to me? From what you send, a error occurred somewhere and as a result xisearch stopped the search. Just that the actual error is not in the part of the log you posted - need to see why that is the case - the null in

INFO: Search Crashed:null Peptides:DDDDK, DDDDK

should have been the error reported again. I hope in the full log there is somewhere the actual error.

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

I've just re-run the search with apl files using the same config file. Here is the error log. Thank you.

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:24 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_10)Spectra Read 10200

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:24 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_0)Spectra Read 10200

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:24 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_29)Spectra Read 10200

Link site is < 0 DDDDK - -1 DDDDK - -1 peak_list - 15107 Aug 22, 2023 5:49:25 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process SEVERE: (Search_32) Error while processing spectra java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:25 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_19)Spectra Read 10300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:25 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_11)Spectra Read 10300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:25 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_34)Spectra Read 10300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:25 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_12)Spectra Read 10300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:25 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_2)Spectra Read 10300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:26 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_16)Spectra Read 10400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:26 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_22)Spectra Read 10400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:26 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_9)Spectra Read 10400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:26 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_7)Spectra Read 10400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:26 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_17)Spectra Read 10400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:26 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_6)Spectra Read 10400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:28 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_25)Spectra Read 10500

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:28 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_1)Spectra Read 10500

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:28 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_7)Spectra Read 10600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:28 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_14)Spectra Read 10600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:28 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_17)Spectra Read 10600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:28 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_4)Spectra Read 10600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:28 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_15)Spectra Read 10600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:28 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_6)Spectra Read 10600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:29 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_16)Spectra Read 10700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:29 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_22)Spectra Read 10700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:29 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_12)Spectra Read 10700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:29 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_9)Spectra Read 10700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:29 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_2)Spectra Read 10700

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Aug 22, 2023 5:49:30 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Search Crashed:null Aug 22, 2023 5:49:30 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_29)Spectra Read 10800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:30 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_34)Spectra Read 10800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:30 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_19)Spectra Read 10800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:30 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_11)Spectra Read 10800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:30 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_0)Spectra Read 10800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:31 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_23)Spectra Read 10900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:31 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_10)Spectra Read 10900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:31 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_20)Spectra Read 10900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:31 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_27)Spectra Read 10900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:31 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_33)Spectra Read 10900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:32 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_26)Spectra Read 11000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:32 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_13)Spectra Read 11000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:32 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_3)Spectra Read 11000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:32 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_8)Spectra Read 11000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:32 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_24)Spectra Read 11000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:33 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_30)Spectra Read 11100

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:33 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_21)Spectra Read 11100

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:33 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_31)Spectra Read 11100

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:33 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_18)Spectra Read 11100

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:33 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_28)Spectra Read 11100

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:34 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_18)Spectra Read 11200

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:34 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_31)Spectra Read 11200

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:34 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_21)Spectra Read 11200

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:34 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_28)Spectra Read 11200

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:34 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_5)Spectra Read 11200

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:35 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 15% processed (10222) 11354 read of 65740 Estimated time remaining: 8minutes Aug 22, 2023 5:49:35 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_13)Spectra Read 11300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:35 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_3)Spectra Read 11300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:35 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_8)Spectra Read 11300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:35 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_30)Spectra Read 11300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:35 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_24)Spectra Read 11300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:36 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_20)Spectra Read 11400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:36 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_27)Spectra Read 11400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:36 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_26)Spectra Read 11400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:36 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_33)Spectra Read 11400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:36 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_10)Spectra Read 11400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:37 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_0)Spectra Read 11500

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:37 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_11)Spectra Read 11500

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:37 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_19)Spectra Read 11500

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:37 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_23)Spectra Read 11500

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:37 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_34)Spectra Read 11500

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:38 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Search Crashed:null Aug 22, 2023 5:49:39 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_29)Spectra Read 11600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:39 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_22)Spectra Read 11600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:39 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_12)Spectra Read 11600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:39 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_9)Spectra Read 11600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:39 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_2)Spectra Read 11600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:40 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_6)Spectra Read 11700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:40 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_16)Spectra Read 11700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:40 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_4)Spectra Read 11700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:40 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_15)Spectra Read 11700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:40 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_17)Spectra Read 11700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:41 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_1)Spectra Read 11800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:41 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_25)Spectra Read 11800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:41 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_14)Spectra Read 11800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:41 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_7)Spectra Read 11800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:41 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_17)Spectra Read 11800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:42 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_6)Spectra Read 11900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:42 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_16)Spectra Read 11900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:42 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_4)Spectra Read 11900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:42 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_15)Spectra Read 11900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:43 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_12)Spectra Read 12000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:43 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_22)Spectra Read 12000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:43 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_2)Spectra Read 12000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:43 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_9)Spectra Read 12000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:43 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process SEVERE: Crashed Spectrum:Run Scan Precursor MZ Charge Intensity Elution Time peak_list 15107 451.84039710915 3 -1.0 -1.0 IONS MZ Intensity 141.0660 7,395.5050 141.1024 7,243.7240 143.0817 4,371.9595 143.1178 64,285.5695 147.1128 129,405.3185 148.1165 18,902.7418 155.0816 4,018.4321 156.0769 23,384.7671 156.1125 4,941.3848 157.1086 11,678.0094 157.1337 11,663.1650 158.0922 40,361.1802 158.3871 4,217.0067 159.0767 16,710.7928 167.0815 13,511.2988 167.0929 42,755.8080 167.1178 13,928.7095 167.7191 6,132.3191 169.0974 7,357.5571 171.0768 4,502.1553 171.1127 27,560.0462 173.1286 4,585.5764 175.1189 177,503.5023 176.1227 7,871.4823 178.0529 9,649.2245 179.0930 10,661.8127 181.0724 4,290.5057 181.0977 4,260.1880 183.0764 13,166.5104 183.1128 24,732.4634 185.1648 16,923.5076 187.1079 10,219.1492 187.1441 12,858.8215 188.0703 9,906.9669 193.0715 11,518.0673 193.0972 7,137.8738 195.0769 21,333.7134 195.0874 8,282.4958 195.1130 7,209.5736 197.1032 5,704.9167 197.1284 13,571.8397 197.1650 14,302.3501 200.1394 4,584.2729 201.1234 14,040.4225 205.0967 5,404.1622 207.0876 5,000.2290 210.0251 4,954.6202 212.1029 10,158.7423 213.0869 10,288.6570 213.1601 9,744.4558 215.1382 5,075.6044 216.0977 9,500.4988 218.1496 5,670.3188 219.0765 9,044.9713 221.0917 5,367.2045 221.1284 63,264.0602 222.1327 15,201.9583 224.1142 15,380.6140 225.0980 14,176.8213 226.1188 20,616.0753 226.1548 34,221.3619 227.1385 4,263.5447 227.1585 12,219.3717 229.1176 7,324.6584 229.1304 7,940.6876 232.1396 16,787.7302 234.0199 5,867.2316 235.0830 10,600.7324 239.1136 15,594.3457 240.0993 5,066.3674 240.1342 57,906.6068 241.0816 10,784.4265 242.1864 7,688.8884 244.0932 8,501.5516 244.1300 5,559.8341 244.1653 205,493.7265 245.0921 9,712.1479 245.1691 81,910.7480 246.1558 18,652.2784 246.1709 10,492.5066 249.1235 27,894.0498 249.1594 10,404.9008 252.1100 10,222.3237 257.6524 13,453.8000 258.1453 9,960.2947 260.1969 11,654.9697 261.0068 8,033.6813 262.1398 20,856.3160 266.1121 5,222.8575 266.1642 7,867.3547 271.0722 8,463.8667 271.1757 11,741.8027 278.0332 25,524.4142 279.0418 21,498.5913 284.1216 4,917.2097 287.1351 5,012.5095 288.2028 183,238.6385 289.0819 18,987.0857 289.2064 20,574.9457 293.0888 11,003.3398 293.1245 9,162.8093 294.1551 7,041.7421 302.0843 6,523.3436 304.1612 7,385.8373 305.0968 7,099.0040 306.1455 6,931.5052 310.1143 91,041.4001 311.1179 40,755.7957 312.1189 5,024.2598 317.0764 11,425.9384 318.3812 4,214.4979 319.1112 8,562.5142 321.1555 8,521.6572 323.1714 34,035.9979 331.6863 5,012.4852 333.1714 4,949.1083 338.1834 17,020.1599 351.1661 24,415.9935 358.1739 8,785.2582 358.6463 7,699.6733 362.0784 8,569.3256 368.1927 6,810.9236 369.1771 6,020.9064 375.1989 11,026.2212 376.2018 4,176.7770 377.2161 4,350.0781 386.2043 8,196.8324 386.7404 12,021.8546 387.1957 12,634.4971 387.7004 5,169.8640 388.4838 8,770.7041 389.1520 18,780.9703 394.7122 5,376.2205 397.2210 5,858.1299 397.7108 5,601.1615 399.2016 7,667.3274 401.7343 4,464.2046 403.2293 87,513.4819 404.2309 9,024.4253 406.0695 13,351.4266 406.1746 5,814.4297 406.2249 144,557.6719 406.7265 51,903.6146 407.2276 15,688.8040 408.6164 11,232.4469 409.1830 40,313.7278 410.1850 30,235.3190 413.4910 5,516.4382 416.8181 40,572.7339 417.1490 17,015.7454 417.2459 4,722.9198 417.4881 14,699.0818 418.2420 6,282.8809 419.2139 6,710.2559 422.1591 8,186.5226 422.4912 5,622.5585 422.8215 298,633.0052 423.1558 161,521.6492 423.2106 9,215.4685 423.4906 50,462.9229 423.6128 8,222.8335 424.2189 6,526.5125 426.1628 5,001.2993 426.4949 7,983.1530 429.2515 5,089.2992 432.6185 17,415.7842 433.1197 10,393.3771 434.0646 10,298.2239 434.2093 23,476.7626 434.2436 7,711.6893 435.1987 12,595.1537 437.1712 7,882.3562 441.2188 5,035.6761 442.2056 38,207.5979 442.7115 23,343.9634 442.7565 11,152.1665 443.7280 27,881.6177 445.2460 7,203.4740 445.5817 5,575.3916 446.1714 12,178.9833 446.2354 29,813.0785 446.4995 5,376.1804 451.2000 11,988.7739 451.2316 50,042.9141 451.2663 412,127.9458 451.5975 18,975.0898 451.7297 15,375.0803 451.7667 125,730.9688 451.8406 17,270.7051 452.1447 14,253.7783 452.2176 47,354.9297 452.2425 138,458.6765 452.5085 6,719.4167 452.7471 10,018.2280 473.3099 6,629.1217 476.0509 9,587.2222 487.7364 13,274.5325 488.2358 5,241.3086 490.1318 8,965.9834 514.6948 5,082.4253 515.3255 9,362.1859 516.2439 5,373.4178 528.8292 5,740.3069 531.3260 31,319.5198 532.3297 5,753.6365 536.2930 12,864.9069 538.2404 10,144.8088 541.2111 5,590.9725 541.2944 5,213.6273 542.2698 7,062.1750 557.2565 11,696.6277 564.3476 33,657.7361 564.8521 21,552.6675 565.3521 9,913.2429 574.2930 11,917.4457 586.3165 12,303.2858 598.7255 12,221.3851 601.2413 5,226.1245 603.3182 9,581.6439 605.0902 27,724.6561 606.0961 11,058.5092 615.3238 7,183.6165 631.3143 46,855.9558 632.3202 9,112.2345 637.3440 5,479.3652 643.3160 11,816.1665 644.2826 29,737.6061 644.3485 6,700.9297 645.2853 6,136.8088 648.1377 5,020.6737 652.3380 5,642.0612 653.3456 23,233.0205 657.2982 58,162.5481 658.3016 158,059.0532 659.3062 47,774.5322 659.8174 7,371.6405 660.3241 7,562.2377 662.3655 10,699.7832 665.3359 37,610.9529 666.3401 14,847.1145 670.3617 5,383.0471 672.3494 6,527.9521 673.3934 30,299.3564 674.3892 5,903.1533 683.3529 5,669.9890 692.1475 8,009.0298 693.1604 6,031.4760 714.8408 5,122.5312 727.4234 5,032.2051 729.3577 9,015.2909 732.3650 39,347.7136 733.3685 10,667.2991 736.1333 13,712.2228 747.3784 16,595.5167 788.4249 7,293.5858 811.4414 25,972.7211 812.4439 5,854.0320 954.4605 4,463.6772 993.4750 4,973.1412

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:44 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_29)Spectra Read 12100

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:44 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_19)Spectra Read 12100

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:44 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_23)Spectra Read 12100

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:44 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_34)Spectra Read 12100

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:45 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_10)Spectra Read 12200

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:46 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_33)Spectra Read 12200

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:46 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_11)Spectra Read 12200

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:46 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_0)Spectra Read 12200

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:47 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_20)Spectra Read 12300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:47 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_24)Spectra Read 12300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:47 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_26)Spectra Read 12300

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:47 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_8)Spectra Read 12400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:47 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_13)Spectra Read 12400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:47 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_30)Spectra Read 12400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:47 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_27)Spectra Read 12400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:47 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_3)Spectra Read 12400

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:48 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 15% processed (10222) 11354 read of 65740 Estimated time remaining: 8minutes Aug 22, 2023 5:49:49 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_21)Spectra Read 12500

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:49 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_5)Spectra Read 12500

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:49 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_28)Spectra Read 12500

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:49 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_31)Spectra Read 12500

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:50 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_28)Spectra Read 12600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:50 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_5)Spectra Read 12600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:50 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_31)Spectra Read 12600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:50 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_18)Spectra Read 12600

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:51 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_30)Spectra Read 12700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:51 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_3)Spectra Read 12700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:51 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_21)Spectra Read 12700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:51 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_27)Spectra Read 12700

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:52 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_26)Spectra Read 12800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:52 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_24)Spectra Read 12800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:52 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_13)Spectra Read 12800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:52 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_8)Spectra Read 12800

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:53 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_20)Spectra Read 12900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:53 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_33)Spectra Read 12900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:53 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_0)Spectra Read 12900

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:54 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_23)Spectra Read 13000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:54 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_10)Spectra Read 13000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:54 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_34)Spectra Read 13000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:54 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_11)Spectra Read 13000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:54 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: (Search_19)Spectra Read 13000

Aug 22, 2023 5:49:55 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_32 finished () Aug 22, 2023 5:49:55 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_29 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:55 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_9 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:55 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_2 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:56 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_22 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:56 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_12 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:56 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_15 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:57 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_4 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:57 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_16 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:57 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_6 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:57 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_17 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:58 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_7 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:58 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_14 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:58 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_25 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:49:59 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_1 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:03 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_19 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:03 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_11 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:03 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_34 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:04 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_10 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:04 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_23 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:04 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_0 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:05 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_20 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:05 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_33 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:05 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_8 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:06 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_13 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:06 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 19% processed (12535) 13114 read of 65740 Estimated time remaining: 8minutes Aug 22, 2023 5:50:06 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_24 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:06 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_26 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:07 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_27 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:07 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_21 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:07 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_3 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:08 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_30 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:08 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_18 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:08 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_31 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:09 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_5 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:09 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcessMultipleCandidates process INFO: Search Thread Search_28 finished (Search got stoped through config) Aug 22, 2023 5:50:12 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 19% processed (12535) 13114 read of 65740 Estimated time remaining: 8minutes Aug 22, 2023 5:50:16 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 19% processed (13024) 13114 read of 65740 Aug 22, 2023 5:50:17 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: 19% processed (13024) 13114 read of 65740 Aug 22, 2023 5:50:18 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcess waitEnd INFO: Search Finished (13024) 13114 read of 65740 Aug 22, 2023 5:50:18 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Finished (13024) 13114 read of 65740 waiting for writing out results Aug 22, 2023 5:50:19 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Finished (13024) 13114 read of 65740 waiting for writing out results Aug 22, 2023 5:50:19 PM rappsilber.applications.SimpleXiProcess waitEnd INFO: All Results : 11267 Top Matches : 11267 Aug 22, 2023 5:50:19 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Search Crashed:null Peptides:EVEEMoxCcmK, DYD Aug 22, 2023 5:50:20 PM rappsilber.ui.LoggingStatus setStatus INFO: Search Crashed:null Peptides:EVEEMoxCcmK, DYD

grandrea commented 1 year ago

hello, Could you repeat your search with .mgf files insead of .apl? Apl files also provide spectra with unknown precursor charge state. Could be that that is part of the problem

cxdummies commented 1 year ago

I only used the sil0.apl files and I can confirm that every spectrum in there has a known precursor charge state.

In the NAP paper, I tried to find an answer to why QE produced a higher proportion of NAP peptides compared to Velos or even to Lumos which uses a quad similar to QE's as an ion filter. I could not find it. Maybe I missed it in the paper. Could you comment on this?

lutzfischer commented 1 year ago

I am not aware that there is any official reason given for that behaviour.

But the reason for more NAPs in QE products MIGHT be down to how the ions get forwarded into the machine. The "lens" (is named somewhat differently in different machines) is different and might lead to peptides not as easily (in relative terms) disassociate for QE than in others. But that is only an very untested hypothesis. When we looked at crosslink identifications from an early qexactive instrument - without considering non-covalent peptides at the time - we had an surprising number of overlength and in fact made us in turn aware of the problem of non-covalent associated peptides.