Closed colin-combe closed 5 years ago
further user requests for this. (Not having it blocks people from moving from xiNET to xiView.)
How do you detect "mono-links"?
omit LinkPos2 in uploaded CSV, same as here
can you see any problems with this?
there's currently no way of doing it with mzId
i need to update documentation about CSV format on xiView website
loop links are not yet implemented as they were in
Xi does not write a monolink as such but just writes the cross-linker as a modification into the file. So I was wondering if one could provide a list of modifications to display like that?
yes, its always been something that's used by people using search software other than xi
you should be able to include things displayed like that by providing CSV files in which there's no LinkPos2
i think i've misinterpreted you - you'll be asking for an automated way of doing it on basis of whats already in xi output?
No. I am basically asking for some means to flag specific observed modifications.
Meaning to provide a lsit of modifications found in the CSV/mzIdentML and let the user select some to be flagged on the protein-sequence.
That could be usefull beyond monolinks
as xiNET at does