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Unable to upload data to XiVIEW #36

Closed pdoppler closed 6 years ago

pdoppler commented 6 years ago

log id: 76di0igvngcvt5lskeusa0ps44_1532268989.log (include this in the github issue) error type: Error message: Inconsistent number of protein to decoy values for Protein1 and Decoy1 in row 431! id: undefined

I tried now several times with different fasta, mgf files and completely other XiSearch results, but always showed this error.

I attended the EuPA Summer School of Advanced Proteomics in Vienna earlier this week and did the same steps with my data set now, but unfortunately, it did not work!

Thanks in advance! Philipp

colin-combe commented 6 years ago

Hi Phillip, thanks for this error report. You are encountering two problems we need to fix here.

There is in incompatibility between the output of xiFDR and the input of xiVIEW when the peptide could have come from more than one protein - xiVIEW needs the file to say whether each of the proteins listed is a decoy but it currently doesn't. We'll fix it.

Also, I think after one failed attempt it kept trying to read the first files you uploaded even though you'd uploaded others since then. Again, we'll fix it.

(@lars-kolbowski - i have a mistake in that the "create github issue" link on the xiVIEW uploads page still points here rather than https://github.com/Rappsilber-Laboratory/xiView_container/issues/, I'll fix it.)

We'll keep you updated, best wishes, Colin

pdoppler commented 6 years ago

Hey Colin, thanks for your fast reply!

I now did an XiSearch without the second very similar protein and uploaded a different file name and it worked!

Thanks a lot! Philipp

colin-combe commented 5 years ago

incompatibility between the output of xiFDR and the input of xiVIEW

this should be fixed now, ambiguous results output from xiFDR should be loadable in xiView