Rapptz / discord.py

An API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
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Does Discord.py not support channel categories yet? #950

Closed NimecShady closed 6 years ago

NimecShady commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to use the create_channel() command and use the 'parent_id=#' argument but I get the error:

TypeError: create_channel() got an unexpected keyword argument 'parent_id'

I assume that discord.py does not have support for creating channels in specific categories? Is there a workaround I can use or is this a limitation of the API at this time.


scragly commented 6 years ago

async (v0.16) doesn't. rewrite (v1.0.0a0) does.

NimecShady commented 6 years ago

Ah, I wasn't aware of rewrite. I assume there would be compatibility issues with my current project if I just switched over eh?

scragly commented 6 years ago

Yes. Here's the migration info: http://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/rewrite/migrating.html

NimecShady commented 6 years ago

I appreciate the feedback. I'm extremely scared about migrating as I have countless hours in my project and I'm scared I wouldn't be able to get the port working properly.

Guess I'll stick with not being able to create channels under categories. Bummer, but I appreciate it.

scragly commented 6 years ago

It's really not too bad. Shouldn't take too long to flip it and there's a tool that can assist with getting you a general headstart, which automatically gives you updated code for rewrite. I personally don't know much about that though, you'd have to ask others.

While rewrite is very stable atm, it's still an in-development version so it's possible that breaking changes can still occur before full release, plus voice is not yet completely done if I remember correctly. So it's definitely a choice you're welcome to make one way or another, no stress either way.

If you do decide to migrate though and need help, you're welcome to join the discord.py support server. There's heaps of people that would be willing to answer questions and have the experience of going through the same thing.

If you're not already in it, here's the code: r3sSKJJ

NimecShady commented 6 years ago

Thank you.