Rapptz / jimaku

A site for hosting (Japanese) subtitles
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Regarding the server #10

Closed tatsumoto-ren closed 3 months ago

tatsumoto-ren commented 3 months ago

Since there's no Matrix space yet, can I ask some questions here instead?

When I ran the site locally, I noticed one strange thing. If you change an html file and reload the page, or even restart the binary, the page doesn't update. The new content is shown only when I re-run cargo run. I haven't studied the code much, but are the html pages being baked into the binary? Otherwise I'm not sure why it's happening.

Sometimes, when I run the server, I can't kill it with ctrl+c afterwards. Only kill -9 works. But sometimes it works just fine.

It is not documented where I should look for configs,databases,logs,leftovers,etc. By running lsof and find I could figure out that:

Are there any other files that jimaku creates? I think, ideally they should be mentioned in the README.

Lastly, how do I access the admin page? Haven't quite figured it out yet.

Rapptz commented 3 months ago

You can ask questions here I don't mind.

When I ran the site locally, I noticed one strange thing. If you change an html file and reload the page, or even restart the binary, the page doesn't update. The new content is shown only when I re-run cargo run. I haven't studied the code much, but are the html pages being baked into the binary? Otherwise I'm not sure why it's happening.

Yes. The HTML is compiled into the binary for maximum performance and type safe templates. That means a developer flow of changing the HTML requires a recompilation. It's an unfortunate consequence but it's something I'm willing to put up with.

Sometimes, when I run the server, I can't kill it with ctrl+c afterwards. Only kill -9 works. But sometimes it works just fine.

I'm unsure on the trigger for that but it's most likely a bug.

It is not documented where I should look for configs,databases,logs,leftovers,etc. By running lsof and find I could figure out that:

This could probably be documented somewhere.

Lastly, how do I access the admin page? Haven't quite figured it out yet.

It's just /admin. There's nothing special on that page outside of some very lazy logs that I should probably change at some point.

tatsumoto-ren commented 3 months ago

It's just /admin. There's nothing special on that page outside of some very lazy logs that I should probably change at some point.

When I'm trying to open /admin, I'm getting immediately redirected back to /

Upd: probably figured it out. I'm going to address this in a different issue.