Raptacon / Robot-2020

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Differential Drive PID (Gyro feedback) #10

Open tuffinmuffin opened 4 years ago

tuffinmuffin commented 4 years ago

releated https://github.com/Raptacon/Robot-2020/issues/8

Investigate how to use PID for a differential drive to get robot to drive in more controllable manner (needed to autonomous improvements and driver handling improvements).

Example of using a Gyro for the feedback is at https://frc-pdr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/control/pid_control.html

Exit Ability to have robot drive in straight line in a simple autonomous mode example PID feed back intergrated into drive train subsystem Ability to enable PID at creation time Network table entry to enable and disable PID feedback at run time Tested on sample robot Pull Request created