Raptacon / Robot-2023

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Navigate field based on April Tag info #201

Open raylmorris opened 5 months ago

raylmorris commented 5 months ago


Use April Tag information on current position/orientation of the robot to navigate to a particular spot on the field.

  1. Basic drive forward and stop based on navigational input from April tags
  2. Implement pathfinding algorithms into navigation

Branch: drivingToAprilTagResume in 2023

End of day notes:

1/19/2023 - AJ - Friday The bot isn't stopping when getting close to the April tag The terminal messages usually state that there are ~1.7 meters left when there should be less than one       If the calculation for the distance to the April tag is changed from -1 to +1, the value is changed to ~3.7 meters       The terminal messages seem to be delayed in the terminal             I was working on doing date time stuff to find if it was truly delayed The Photonvision client has the correct number       at the end of today, the Photonvision client stopped connecting entirely       The Photonvision client says that there is delay, and there's a low FPS            I think this might be the limelight being terrible

1/24/2023 - AJ - Wensday No direct work on the stopping problem, but today's work might still fix it Changed from limelight to Orange Pi 5 Flashed Orange Pi 5 Limelight still doesn't have photon client, but Orange Pi does Camera settings are having trouble importing       Error: "Error while uploading calibration file. The backend didn't respond to the upload attempt"       doesn't always error, but doesn't seem to work either way       the backend's connection to network tables is spotty

2/2/2023 - AJ - Friday Error from last time is still happening It errors no matter what file I try Camera settings are somewhat old, but I can't take from the limelight because it's photon client doesn't work FRC console has the following print every few seconds, but the port changes between each time it prints - the limelight has the same prints       19:38:44:466 INFO : nt : DISCONNECTED NT4 client 'photonvision@1' (from connection timed out        INFO:nt:NT4 socket error: socket is not connected        19:38:44:488 INFO : nt : NT4 socket error: socket is not connected        INFO:nt:Got a NT4 connection from port 54816        19:38:45:468 INFO : nt : Got a NT4 connection from port 54816        INFO:nt:CONNECTED NT4 client 'photonvision@1' (from        19:38:45:479 INFO : nt : CONNECTED NT4 client 'photonvision@1' (from  I also cannot seem to affect the photonvision pipeline is anyway(renaming, creating a new one, deleting, etc), it doesn't error but nothing happens I made a post to discord about it, it was suggested that the software wasn't running right. It would be a good idea to reimage the orange pi, but I don't have time today.