Raptor007 / aq2-tng

Action Quake 2: The Next Generation. Raptor007's sandbox for testing changes. When verified stable, this code is pushed to the official aq2-tng repo:
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add follow cmd #123

Open m4son opened 2 years ago

m4son commented 2 years ago

By adding follow command, spectators can choose who to chase. follow <id> ID's can spectators get by typing the command skins

Raptor007 commented 2 years ago

I like it! It could also search by name like follow Raptor. :¬)

darkshade9 commented 2 years ago

As part of this perhaps we could have a cvar that automatically switches from player to player after some time, sort of like an automatic camera view? If the player dies while you're watching, automatically go to the next, and so forth? Do the uf commands via MVD fit this model?

Raptor007 commented 2 years ago

If a player dies while you're watching, it already goes to the next one. As a spectator, my first indication that a match has ended with no survivors is the chase cam switching to free cam rather than following another player.

Automatically changing follow targets on a timer doesn't sound like something you'd want to set for the whole server, but could be implement in g_cmds for each client to decide. Can't say it's a feature I've ever wished for, but it could be done.

Sorry, I'm not really familiar with MVD uf commands.

m4son commented 2 years ago

[MVD] Usage: autofollow <add|rm|set|list|on|off> [...]

That's the command in q2pro MVD server. I can follow some random guy and type autofollow add to add him to a follow list. If I have a few players on the list, the first guy has the priority over 2nd guy... With jump bind, i can switch between the ones I've selected.

Since all this is nice and working nicely, I think it could take some coding time to make it work. That is why I'm cheering for simple follow <id> cmd and I can use triggers on LIGHTS... to switch to the preferred chasing target. On a pickup game with 16 players, it's a hassle if his id is 16 :D

m4son commented 2 years ago


One small problem tho ;) in theory, if limchasecam is on, teammates can only specatate own team. With current version of follow, they can spectate enemies too.

Raptor007 commented 2 years ago

Thank you! I will fix that before pushing upstream to aq2-tng.