Raptor007 / aq2-tng

Action Quake 2: The Next Generation. Raptor007's sandbox for testing changes. When verified stable, this code is pushed to the official aq2-tng repo:
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Some times unable to spawn in warmup mode after map change. #60

Open stan0x opened 7 years ago

stan0x commented 7 years ago

after map change we can not always spawn in warmup mode. Dont know the reason of it.

m4son commented 7 years ago

You only spawn to warmup if you select teams by MENU that shows up when joining server but If you join to a team by a bind, you can only observe.

stan0x commented 7 years ago

strange thing i joined team by the menu and still no spawn ! other people complain about the same issues.

m4son commented 7 years ago

You need to pick weapon&item too, either by menu or with a bind.

stan0x commented 7 years ago

ofc i did.

deluv commented 7 years ago

Yo Raptor, dont know how to send a message in this site so I'm just using an open issue to get in touch with you, sorry about that. I've recently spoken to Quetoo creator and he is pretty open about the idea of making a "Quetoo Action Quake 2"... and to have an enhanced Action Quake 2 would be awesome... but I don't know what it would take to make this happen. Anyway, people told me you're the one "responsible" for maintaining Aq2 alive and that's why I'm here bugging you :). If this is possible, get in touch with me because I'm very interested in this project. wdeluv@gmail.com

Raptor007 commented 7 years ago

@deluv This is an okay place to reach me, but opening a new issue would be better than commenting on an existing one. Even better, message me on QuakeNet #aq2world: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=aq2world I also keep an eye on the AQ2 subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AQ2/

Action Quetoo is a cool idea, but I haven't done enough research to commit to anything yet. If the Quetoo mod interface is similar enough to Quake2, it might just take a few #ifdef branches and wrapper functions to get it working. If it requires a major rewrite, I doubt I'll have time for that anytime soon. Assets are another potential problem; if Quetoo can use Quake2 models/maps/textures we could just rebundle AQ2 pak files as pk3, but if not somebody good at modeling (not me) would have to remake these assets for Action Quetoo.

Raptor007 commented 6 years ago

It seems like you can't late-join in domination mode, and I think it might be the same bug as this warmup spawn issue. I have a couple of possible guesses based on this part of the code: https://github.com/Raptor007/aq2-tng/blob/742044566591f26637876e5a3e467085a555e18e/source/p_client.c#L3140-L3191

It could be due to ent->deadflag = DEAD_NO; when going observer; that flag would need to be set somewhere else for it to reconsider that observe/spawn block. Or it could be that client->respawn_framenum is not always getting initialized correctly, which would also prevent that block from executing. I'm not sure yet, just brainstorming.