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Why can't raptoreum coin handle staking in raptoreum wallet? #325

Closed kbuwel closed 9 months ago

kbuwel commented 9 months ago

https://www.sullynode.com/#Dashboard https://www.inodez.com/dash-user/data/general The two links above are rtm node providers. But I'm not sure. I doubt they will give me proper compensation when I provide my coins as collateral. There are many coins that provide staking within a coin wallet. However, Raptoreum is a system that rewards rewards only when collateral is deposited with the node provider. What should I do if the node provider takes my coins and does not reward me? Developer, can you trust the above two node providers? Coin fraud is happening all over the world. It would be nice to support staking coins in a local wallet.

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Bigpiggy01 commented 9 months ago

There is no staking as a consensus mechanism on RTM and there won't be. There is an incentive for collateralized nodes which provide additional security for the chain.

michal-zurkowski commented 9 months ago

You can hold all the coins and make a node yourself. Node collateral that is needed is 1.8M RTM so you will need to have that many coins in your wallet to get benefits (payouts) for them, in addition, you will need to have a machine with public IP which will have to run 24/7 as a node.

What node providers you mentioned give access to, is they pull the smaller amounts of coins from all the users, and make a full node from that, giving all the users proportional rewards, because not everyone has 1.8M chunk of RTM laying around. Also, if you do not want to host the node yourself, but have 1.8M, they can also host it for you, in that case, your coins stay in your wallet, but you redelegate the actual node hosting and maintenance to the node providers which take some % RTM cut of the rewards.