Rareloop / lumberjack

Lumberjack is a powerful MVC framework for the modern WordPress developer. Write better, more expressive and easier to maintain code.
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Internal server error when running site with MAMP in CGI Mode (Individual PHP version for every host) #11

Closed philmmoore closed 6 years ago

philmmoore commented 6 years ago

I'm sure I won't be the only one running trying to run Lumberjack with MAMP but after installing and activating the theme the only thing I could access was the wordpress backend, trying to access the site thew an internal server error, here's the error apache threw:

FastCGI: comm with server "/Applications/MAMP/fcgi-bin/php7.1.12.fcgi" aborted: error parsing headers: duplicate header 'content-type', referer: http://lumberjack/wp/wp-admin/

Turning CGI mode off (Identical PHP version for all hosts) resolved the issue.

adamtomat commented 6 years ago

Thanks @philmmoore, I'll chat with @joelambert and see if there's anything we can do.

joelambert commented 6 years ago

@philmmoore we've been able to replicate and have identified the issue. Working on a patch now. Thanks for reporting this.

joelambert commented 6 years ago

@philmmoore we've got a fix on a branch which resolves the issue locally on MAMP PRO, are you able to test it for us?

You can checkout the branch by updating your composer.json to use the following:

"rareloop/lumberjack-core": "dev-bf-duplicate-headers@dev"

Just make sure you run composer update again afterwards.

craig-lovelock commented 6 years ago


I had the same issue, can confirm updating to suggested branch fixed the issue 👍🏻

joelambert commented 6 years ago

Thanks @craig-lovelock, this has now been merged into master as part of the v3.2.1 release.