RasPlex / OpenPHT

OpenPHT is a community driven fork of Plex Home Theater
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Play Queue is missing from home dashboard #209

Open ndbroadbent opened 7 years ago

ndbroadbent commented 7 years ago

I'm looking at the original articles for Plex Home Theater, and there was a really handy menu item where you could manage your play queue. That seems to be missing from OpenPHT. I've been able to add items to my play queue with "Queue", "Play next", and "Add to Up Next", but then there's no way to easily see that list.

I know I can find the queue by playing a video, then pressing a button to open the menu. But I can't play a video without clearing the queue, so that doesn't really work.

I've figured out how to open the Queue by configuring a remote button:


However, there's a small problem with that. It doesn't work immediately after OpenPHT starts up, because I don't think the play queue window is loaded. So when OpenPHT starts, I have to play a random video, then pause it, open up the play queue menu, then stop the video. Then after that, the button starts working.

I've also tried editing the skin.plex theme. I added this to the <include name="HomeMenu_Items"> section in skin.plex/720p/HomeMenu.xml:

    <description>Play Queue</description>
    <label>Play Queue</label>

This has the same problem as my remote button, where the window can't be activated until it has been displayed at least once. It's also just a plain menu item. I would love to get the queue thumbnails showing in the home screen.

Was this feature removed intentionally, or is this a bug? It seems like a lot of the original code is still there, it's just not working anymore.

EDIT: I just found this: https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/comment/983991/#Comment_983991

Something was removed from PHT and the option to see/enter the Play Queue accidentally(?) got removed as well. There's a discussion on the internal bug tracker about this.

I guess they never got around to fixing it. It would be nice if we could figure out what got removed, and how to restore it.

OpenPHT:, OpenPHT skin, (Ubuntu 16.04.1) PMS: (Ubuntu 16.04.1)