RasPlex / OpenPHT

OpenPHT is a community driven fork of Plex Home Theater
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OpenPHT Embedded v2.0 build fails - remote branch not found #296

Closed brimur closed 6 years ago

brimur commented 6 years ago

Just tried building openpht-2.0 but it fails towards the end... It says it cannot find the remote branch but it is listed when I look... Any ideas? Excited to see the latest on my Hub. Thanks

Cloning into '/home/build/OpenPHT-Embedded/build.RasPlex-WeTek_Hub.arm-9.0-devel/openpht-2.0'...
warning: Could not find remote branch openpht-2.0 to clone.
fatal: Remote branch openpht-2.0 not found in upstream origin
Makefile:12: recipe for target 'image' failed
make: *** [image] Error 128
build@Build:~/OpenPHT-Embedded$ git branch -r
  origin/HEAD -> origin/openpht-1.8
LinzN commented 6 years ago

You need to spezific this branch manually. Openpht-2.0 branch is only public in kwiboo`s repository at the moment. Openpht-2.0 embedded build command for my case [raspberry pi]:

DISTRO=RasPlex PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ARCH=arm make image OPENPHT_BRANCH=openpht-2.0-rebrand OPENPHT_REPO=https://github.com/Kwiboo/plex-home-theater.git

In your case: DISTRO=OpenPHT PROJECT=Amlogic DEVICE=WeTek_Hub ARCH=arm make image OPENPHT_BRANCH=openpht-2.0-rebrand OPENPHT_REPO=https://github.com/Kwiboo/plex-home-theater.git

Greetings Linzn

Kwiboo commented 6 years ago

I have only pushed the OpenPHT-Embedded/LibreELEC based openpht-2.0 branch as of now, will push the OpenPHT openpht-2.0 branch as soon as I have spare time to finish configuring weekly builds on Jenkins. Initial push will manly include a rebranded Kodi without any Plex functionality. Kodi Leia adoption of proof-of-concept code will follow.

brimur commented 6 years ago

@LinzN Thanks I'll try that but there is a 2.0 here too https://github.com/RasPlex/OpenPHT-Embedded/tree/openpht-2.0


@Kwiboo Oops missed your message before I answered. The one I mentioned above it the one I used, I figured out I had to use the Repo so ... OPENPHT_REPO=https://github.com/RasPlex/OpenPHT-Embedded.git OPENPHT_BRANCH=openpht-2.0 DISTRO=RasPlex PROJECT=Amlogic DEVICE=WeTek_Hub ARCH=arm make image

But it always fails towards the end even if I specify the file to patch...

  UNPACK   openpht
Cloning into '/home/build/OpenPHT-Embedded/build.RasPlex-WeTek_Hub.arm-9.0-devel/openpht-2.0'...
remote: Counting objects: 4182, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2847/2847), done.
remote: Total 4182 (delta 988), reused 2927 (delta 335), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (4182/4182), 44.84 MiB | 22.30 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (988/988), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
      APPLY PATCH (common)   packages/mediacenter/openpht/patches/kodi-100.02-add-libreelec.tv-RSS-news.patch
can't find file to patch at input line 4
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -Naur a/userdata/RssFeeds.xml b/userdata/RssFeeds.xml
|--- a/userdata/RssFeeds.xml    2016-05-01 03:36:53.000000000 -0700
|+++ b/userdata/RssFeeds.xml    2016-05-05 00:42:53.999990267 -0700
File to patch: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RasPlex/OpenPHT-Embedded/openpht-2.0/packages/mediacenter/openpht/patches/kodi-100.02-add-libreelec.tv-RSS-news.patch
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RasPlex/OpenPHT-Embedded/openpht-2.0/packages/mediacenter/openpht/patches/kodi-100.02-add-libreelec.tv-RSS-news.patch: No such file or directory
Skip this patch? [y] n
File to patch: /home/build/OpenPHT-Embedded/build.RasPlex-WeTek_Hub.arm-9.0-devel/openpht-2.0/packages/mediacenter/openpht/patches/kodi-100.02-add-libreelec.tv-RSS-news.patch
patching file /home/build/OpenPHT-Embedded/build.RasPlex-WeTek_Hub.arm-9.0-devel/openpht-2.0/packages/mediacenter/openpht/patches/kodi-100.02-add-libreelec.tv-RSS-news.patch
Hunk #1 FAILED at 3.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file /home/build/OpenPHT-Embedded/build.RasPlex-WeTek_Hub.arm-9.0-devel/openpht-2.0/packages/mediacenter/openpht/patches/kodi-100.02-add-libreelec.tv-RSS-news.patch.rej
Makefile:12: recipe for target 'image' failed
make: *** [image] Error 1
LinzN commented 6 years ago

Year but this is the embedded Version. An Version 2.0 from openpht is needet too.

Greetings Linzn

But Kwiboo already Said that this Version has no Plex functions at the Moment.

brimur commented 6 years ago

@LinzN Ah, I see, so only https://github.com/Kwiboo/plex-home-theater.git has the Plex features using the newer LE?

LinzN commented 6 years ago

Hey, Nope is only the rebrand. There is no functionaly Public openpht-2.0. we Must wait ^^