RasPlex / OpenPHT

OpenPHT is a community driven fork of Plex Home Theater
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OSX Crash on Open After Upgrading 1.5.2 to 1.6.1 #87

Open ekrizon opened 8 years ago

ekrizon commented 8 years ago


1.5.2 works great for me, however when trying 1.6.1 it crashes upon launch. Please see attached crash log.

I have also tried cleaning out OpenPHT data from the user Library which did not help.


OpenPHT: 1.6.1 default skin OSX 10.8.5 Mac Mini PMS: OSX 10.8.5 Mac Mini

NedtheNerd commented 8 years ago

Sorry I cannot reproduce, I have been running this for a number of weeks on OSX without issues (same PMS version, and versions of 0.9.17.x before it.

Can I suggest that you completely remove the following:

/Library/Application Support/OpenPHT /Library/Logs/OpenPHT.log /Library/Logs/OpenPHT.old.log /Library/Saved Application State/tv.openpht.openpht.savedState /Library/Application Support/com.apple.sharedfilelist/com.apple.LSSharedFileList.ApplicationRecentDocuments/tv.openpht.openpht.sfl /Applications/OpenPHT

Clear out the Trash.

Redownload https://github.com/RasPlex/OpenPHT/releases/download/v1.6.1.120-4ab39d17/OpenPHT-

Unzip the OpenPHT app.

Move the OpenPHT app to the Applications folder.

Start OpenPHT.

ekrizon commented 8 years ago


Thank you for reply. Just followed your above steps 100% and the issue still persists. You are on OSX 10.8.5 as well? Again tested and went back to 1.5.2 and it works fine.

Let me know if there is any other information I can give you.

NedtheNerd commented 8 years ago

No, running 10.11.5 (El Capitan), suggest you upgrade.

storem commented 8 years ago

Hi Ned,

I have the same issue. I first tried on OSX 10.6.8, but upgraded to OSX 10.7.5 (as OpenPHT is only supported and OSX 10.7 and above, no?). I cannot upgrade to El Capitan on this Mac Mini (2007 model). I could go to OSX 10.8.5 using MacPostFactor, but the original poster reported issues on that OS version as well :-(

I can see the following error in the crash report.

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
  Symbol not found: __ZNSt12out_of_rangeD1Ev
  Referenced from: /Applications/OpenPHT.app/Contents/MacOS/OpenPHT
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
 in /Applications/OpenPHT.app/Contents/MacOS/OpenPHT

Full crash report attached. This system is a dedicated Plex client, and has as little other software installed as possible. Are we missing a library perhaps?


NedtheNerd commented 8 years ago

Can you upgrade to 1.6.2 and advise whether the issue is fixed for you?

ekrizon commented 8 years ago

Just tried 1.6.2 and same issue. Mavericks is not that old of an OS, only 3 years old.

storem commented 8 years ago

Hi Ned,

I have tested with 1.5.2 - which was OK, and experienced the issue with 1.6.0, 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 (both for 32 and 64 bit architectures).

I'm setting up a ML partition with XCode 5.0.2 (5.1.1?) and will try to build PHT myself: fingers crossed :-)

storem commented 8 years ago

I have a new build based on 1.5.2 which includes the https://github.com/RasPlex/OpenPHT/commit/07fda3f5835156d093a4f502090d3a2330406d92 'Fix parse of PMS 1.0.0+ version' commit. Works nicely :-)

I wasn't able however to successfully compile/build the ffmpeg version required by 1.6(.2). I'm not sure this is still possible with the 10.8 SDK. Should it?

Kwiboo commented 8 years ago

@storem I recommend you use the tip of the openpht-1.5 branch if you used the 1.5.2 tag. For 1.6.x we have only ever built it with SDK 10.10 and a minimum set to 10.7. 1.5.x was built with SDK 10.9 and a minimum set to 10.6.

storem commented 8 years ago

@Kwiboo I have used the tip of the openpht-1.5 branch and merged the https://github.com/RasPlex/OpenPHT/commit/07fda3f5835156d093a4f502090d3a2330406d92 locally. Any chance we can get an official back-port build for 1.5.2 so the users with challenged hardware can still continue using OpenPHT?

dericco commented 8 years ago

That would be great! My MacBook cannot be upgraded further than OSX 10.7.5 and since installing PMS 1.0.0 I have the well known issues with resume and watched states.

storem commented 8 years ago

@dericco: I can share my unofficial 4.5.3 build (the one I use). It's not signed as I don't have an Apple developer account right now, but it works like a charm :-)

Let me know how to get the package to you.

raidersan commented 8 years ago

@storem: Same issue here on a 2006 mini that is running 10.7 Did you upload your build anywhere I could get it from (Dropbox,...)?

dericco commented 8 years ago

@storem: Thanks for helping out! Since others are interested as well, maybe you could provide a Dropbox link or make it a fork here on GitHub? Or just attach it to your post in this thread (if that works).

unregist commented 8 years ago

@storem Would you mind sharing your build somewhere?

storem commented 8 years ago

@dericco @unregist Please find my personal build here. I've upped the version to 1.5.3 to distinguish with the original.

Note: it slipped my mind I had to upload this to Dropbox. I hope this is still useful.

unregist commented 8 years ago

@storem It crashed immediately on launch. I'm thinking it's missing some libraries which are not in the app bundle but you have on your machine from doing the build?


storem commented 8 years ago

@unregist I'm not sure how to fix this, but you could try the "bundle" build here. This is the first thing I ever built on MacOSX; possibly I didn't do everything right :-(

I can take a further look and/or upload the code to GitHub later this week. My wife and I are having a baby in a couple hours... that's top priority right now :-)

unregist commented 8 years ago


Ledgend! This one works. And congrats with the Baby!

Just as a tip to other users: Once I downloaded it, it gave me something in the like of "OpenPHT is damaged and can't be opened" on 10.7.5, but worked on 10.9 and up (didn't test 10.8)

To resolve this just run this in the terminal "xattr -rc /Applications/OpenPHT.app" Obviously replacing the path with wherever you have the app :)