RasaHQ / pokedex-demo

Rasa Demo for a digital assistant for pokemon
Apache License 2.0
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pokemon name entities not detected #20

Closed EmmaWightman closed 3 years ago

EmmaWightman commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug Here are a couple of examples the chatbot should get right, but currently doesn't. Step 2 was correct, but step 4 / 6 had to manually annotate.

Chat History

 #    Bot                                                                                        You        
 1    action_listen                                                                                         
 2                                                                   hey is [rasa](pokemon_name) a pokemon? 
                                                                                intent: confirm_exists 0.96 
 3    slot{"pokemon_name": "rasa"}                                                                          
      action_check_existence 1.00                                                                           
      I do not recognize rasa, are you sure it is correctly                                                 
      action_listen 0.98                                                                                    
 4                                                                          are [pichuka](pokemon_name) and 
                                                                        [charmander](pokemon_name) pokemon? 
                                                                                intent: confirm_exists 1.00 
 5    slot{"pokemon_name": "charmander"}                                                                    
      action_check_existence 1.00                                                                           
      I do not recognize pichuka, are you sure it is correctly                                              
      Yes, charmander is a pokemon.                                                                         
 6                                                                             are [snorlax](pokemon_name), 
                                                                               [gariddos](pokemon_name) and 
                                                                            [dittto](pokemon_name) pokemon? 
                                                                                intent: confirm_exists 1.00 
 7    slot{"pokemon_name": "dittto"}                                                                        
      action_check_existence 1.00                                                                           
      Yes, snorlax is a pokemon.                                                                            
      I do not recognize gariddos, are you sure it is correctly                                             
      I do not recognize dittto, are you sure it is correctly                                               

Current slots: 
        attribute: None, knowledge_base_last_object: None, knowledge_base_last_object_type: None, knowledge_base_listed_objects: None, mention: None, object_type: None, pokemon: None, pokemon_name: dittto

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

steps above were made in rasa interactive