RasaHQ / rasa

💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
Apache License 2.0
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Run New RASA X #3541

Closed yaput closed 5 years ago

yaput commented 5 years ago
**Rasa version**: Rasa 1.0 **Python version**: 3.6 **Operating system** (windows, osx, ...): OSX **Issue**: ``` pip install rasa-x Requirement already satisfied: rasa-x in /Users/bluelogic2/anaconda3/envs/bluebot2/lib/python3.6/site-packages (0.0.0) ``` But when i tried `rasa x` command got: ``` rasa x Rasa X is not installed. The `rasa x` command requires an installation of Rasa X ``` **Content of configuration file (config.yml)**: ```yml ``` **Content of domain file (domain.yml)** (if used & relevant): ```yaml ```
amn41 commented 5 years ago

hi @yaput ! the correct install command is:

pip install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com
yaput commented 5 years ago

hi @amn41

pip install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://pypi.rasa.com
Requirement already satisfied: rasa-x in /Users/bluelogic2/anaconda3/envs/bluebot2/lib/python3.6/site-packages (0.0.0)

Yup did that already before. Also tried to uninstall and install the package again.

plattenschieber commented 5 years ago

It seems that your pypicloud return a version with the tag 0.0.0:

pip install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com --no-cache-dir
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://pypi.rasa.com
Collecting rasa-x
  Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/00/90/7b46d9b6b5ac1174113f87644d97b1111100043079e86d68e6d305876fc1/rasa_x-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: rasa-x
Successfully installed rasa-x-0.0.0

Trying to install the version 0.19.0 directly doesn't work either:

pip install -Iv rasa-x==0.19.0 --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com --no-cache-dir     
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement rasa-x==0.19.0 (from versions: 0.0.0, 0.0.1)
No matching distribution found for rasa-x==0.19.0
akelad commented 5 years ago

@plattenschieber sorry about this the installation url in the docs was wrong, we've updated this now and it'll get pushed shortly. This is the correct installation command: pip install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple

plattenschieber commented 5 years ago

Did you already fix this @amn41? I just got the RuntimeError indicating to use the following way:

raise RuntimeError('Please use `pip install rasa-x -i https://pypi.rasa.com/simple` instead to install the rasa-x package')

So pip install rasa-x -i https://pypi.rasa.com/simple seems to work for me.

akelad commented 5 years ago

@plattenschieber yes we did, we commented at the same time :D i'll leave this open until the new docs are published

plattenschieber commented 5 years ago

👍 😄

yaput commented 5 years ago

Thanks @akelad @amn41 @plattenschieber 👍

tuanvuvo commented 5 years ago


pip install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple

Thanks @akelad

akelad commented 5 years ago

will close now as docs have been pushed -- thanks for spotting!

GhadyAlhamad commented 3 years ago

Actully for me not working:

pip install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://pypi.rasa.com/simple Requirement already satisfied: rasa-x in c:\programdata\miniconda3\envs\hellorasa\lib\site-packages (0.0.1)

please help