Open koaning opened 3 years ago
Hi @koaning, I would like to contribute here. I have been looking to learn how to create such iPy visuals/widgets
The tools that I'm interested in porting here are mainly the Altair charts for now. I've got one bulk labelling demo in a notebook that uses widgets but that's already made. I'm mainly interested in porting the spelling
/nlu-live charts
for now. Once ported I'd also prefer to use these implementations from streamlit.
I might ask another question though since you mentioned you were interested, what would you like to make that would be useful in your day-to-day work in NLP? :smile:
The idea would be to provide a visual for any pipeline, especially the annotation-based pipelines to show what's being annotated and how ( NER, Question Answering ) similar to displacy. Another could be model attention visualisation to allow interpretation of models
I knew that displacy does NER, but I was unaware of question answering. Do you have a link?
I'm working on a model attention visualization already but that's something that I'm building for our research team internally. It'll be open-sourced but only after my colleagues confirm it is useful.
If you're working on a variant of a labeling tool for the notebook you might want to check if you can extend pigeon.
For QnA ( tagging a span) , I have used displacy's manual annotation function where you just pass a dict with start, end index params. For streamlit based apps, I have used st-annotate :
@tanmaylaud for my understanding, are you familiar with Rasa?
@tanmaylaud for my understanding, are you familiar with Rasa?
@koaning I am familiar with Rasa and what is used for and the methodologies ( thanks to the videos on Rasa Youtube channel), but unfortunately I haven't used it yet for any task, so I won't know the internals
The best thing for Rasalit would be to ask ourselves: what chart would we like to see? Maybe there's a view missing that might make it easier to folks to understand why certain predictions are being made. When you consider this question, is there a view/chart that comes to your mind?
@koaning I am guessing Rasa uses some form of beam search. In that case a minimum span tree could be created and then the chosen beam could be highlighted. And how a change in params could lead to another beam selection
Some of the tools we provide are really swell for streamlit, but some of use like to hack. We should also make some of the charts/tools available from Jupyter.
Something like;