RasmusLindroth / tut

TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys
MIT License
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The ESC key seems to go too far #187

Closed kotp closed 1 year ago

kotp commented 1 year ago

Hitting ESC eventually quits the application, rather than backing out, and stopping within the application.

I was surprised to find myself out of the application.

RasmusLindroth commented 1 year ago

What version are you running? You can get it with tut -v

Because you should see "Do you want to exit tut?" first and by default you must use q and not ESC to exit the application in the latest versions.

If it's the latest version 1.0.20, could you please post your config file and I'll have a look

kotp commented 1 year ago

The version is 1.0.20.

Configuration file ← Click here ```ini # Configuration file for tut [general] # Shows a confirmation view before actions such as favorite, delete toot, boost # etc. # default=true confirmation=true # Enable support for using the mouse in tut to select items. # default=false mouse-support=false # Timelines adds windows of feeds. You can customize the number of feeds, what # they should show and the key to activate them. # # Available timelines: home, direct, local, federated, bookmarks, saved, # favorited, notifications, lists, tag # # Tag is special as you need to add the tag after, see the example below. # # The syntax is: # timelines=feed,[name],[keys...] # # Tha values in brackets are optional. You can see the syntax for keys under the # [input] section. # # Some examples: # # home timeline with the name Home # timelines=home,Home # # local timeline with the name Local and it gets focus when you press 2 # timelines=local,Local,'2' # # notification timeline with the name [N]otifications and it gets focus when you # press n or N # timelines=notifications,[N]otifications,'n','N' # # tag timeline for #linux with the name Linux and it gets focus when you press # timelines=tag linux,Linux,"F2" # # # If you don't set any timelines it will default to this: # timelines=home # timelines=notifications,[N]otifications,'n','N' # # The date format to be used. See https://godoc.org/time#Time.Format # default=2006-01-02 15:04 date-format=2006-01-02 15:04 # Format for dates the same day. See date-format for more info. # default=15:04 date-today-format=15:04 # This displays relative dates instead for statuses that are one day or older # the output is 1y2m1d (1 year 2 months and 1 day) # # The value is an integear # -1 = don't use relative dates # 0 = always use relative dates, except for dates < 1 day # 1 - ∞ = number of days to use relative dates # # Example: date-relative=28 will display a relative date for toots that are # between 1-28 days old. Otherwhise it will use the short or long format. # default=-1 date-relative=-1 # The max width of text before it wraps when displaying toots. # 0 = no restriction. # default=0 max-width=0 # Where do you want the list of toots to be placed? # Valid values: left, right, top, bottom. # default=left list-placement=left # If you have notification-feed set to true you can display it under the main # list of toots (row) or place it to the right of the main list of toots # (column). # default=row list-split=row # You can change the proportions of the list view in relation to the content # view list-proportion=1 and content-proportoin=3 will result in the content # taking up 3 times more space. # Must be n > 0 # default=1 list-proportion=1 # See list-proportion # default=2 content-proportion=2 # If you always want to quote original message when replying. # default=false quote-reply=false # If you're on an instance with a custom character limit you can set it here. # default=500 char-limit=500 # If you want to show icons in the list of toots. # default=true show-icons=true # If you've learnt all the shortcut keys you can remove the help text and only # show the key in tui. So it gets less cluttered. # default=false short-hints=false # If you want to display the filter that filtered a toot. # default=true show-filter-phrase=true # If you want to show a message in the cmdbar on how to access the help text. # default=true show-help=true # 0 = No terminal title # 1 = Show title in terminal and top bar # 2 = Only show terminal title, and no top bar in tut. # default=0 terminal-title=0 # If you don't want the whole UI to update, and only the text content you can # set this option to true. This will lead to some artifacts being left on the # screen when emojis are present. But it will keep the UI from flashing on every # single toot in some terminals. # default=true redraw-ui=true # The leader is used as a shortcut to run commands as you can do in Vim. By # default this is disabled and you enable it by setting a leader-key. It can # only consist of one char and I like to use comma as leader key. So to set it # you write leader-key=, # default= leader-key= # Number of milliseconds before the leader command resets. So if you tap the # leader-key by mistake or are to slow it empties all the input after X # milliseconds. # default=1000 leader-timeout=1000 # You set actions for the leader-key with one or more leader-action. It consists # of two parts first the action then the shortcut. And they're separated by a # comma. # # Available commands: home, direct, local, federated, clear-notifications, # compose, history, blocking, bookmarks, saved, favorited, boosts, favorites, # following, followers, muting, newer, preferences, profile, notifications, # lists, tag, window, list-placement, list-split, proportions # # The shortcuts are up to you, but keep them quite short and make sure they # don't collide. If you have one shortcut that is "f" and an other one that is # "fav", the one with "f" will always run and "fav" will never run. # # Some special leaders: # tag is special as you need to add the tag after, e.g. tag linux # window is special as it's a shortcut for switching between the timelines # you've set under general and they are zero indexed. window 0 = your first # timeline, window 1 = your second and so on. # list-placement as it takes the argument top, right, bottom or left # list-split as it takes the argument column or row # proportions takes the arguments [int] [int], where the first integer is the # list and the other content, e.g. proportions 1 3. See list-proportion above # for more information. # # Some examples: # leader-action=local,lo # leader-action=lists,li # leader-action=federated,fed # leader-action=direct,d # leader-action=history,h # leader-action=tag linux,tl # leader-action=window 0,h # leader-action=list-placement bottom,b # leader-action=list-split column,c # leader-action=proportions 1 3,3 # [media] # Your image viewer. # default=xdg-open image-viewer=xdg-open # Open the image viewer in the same terminal as toot. Only for terminal based # viewers. # default=false image-terminal=false # If images should open one by one e.g. "imv image.png" multiple times. If set # to false all images will open at the same time like this "imv image1.png # image2.png image3.png". Not all image viewers support this, so try it first. # default=true image-single=true # If you want to open the images in reverse order. In some image viewers this # will display the images in the "right" order. # default=false image-reverse=false # Your video viewer. # default=xdg-open video-viewer=xdg-open # Open the video viewer in the same terminal as toot. Only for terminal based # viewers. # default=false video-terminal=false # If videos should open one by one. See image-single. # default=true video-single=true # If you want your videos in reverse order. In some video apps this will play # the files in the "right" order. # default=false video-reverse=false # Your audio viewer. # default=xdg-open audio-viewer=xdg-open # Open the audio viewer in the same terminal as toot. Only for terminal based # viewers. # default=false audio-terminal=false # If audio should open one by one. See image-single. # default=true audio-single=true # If you want to play the audio files in reverse order. In some audio apps this # will play the files in the "right" order. # default=false audio-reverse=false # Your web browser. # default=xdg-open link-viewer=xdg-open # Open the browser in the same terminal as toot. Only for terminal based # browsers. # default=false link-terminal=false [open-custom] # This sections allows you to set up to five custom programs to upen URLs with. # If the url points to an image, you can set c1-name to img and c1-use to imv. # If the program runs in a terminal and you want to run it in the same terminal # as tut. Set cX-terminal to true. The name will show up in the UI, so keep it # short so all five fits. # # c1-name=name # c1-use=program # c1-terminal=false # # c2-name=name # c2-use=program # c2-terminal=false # # c3-name=name # c3-use=program # c3-terminal=false # # c4-name=name # c4-use=program # c4-terminal=false # # c5-name=name # c5-use=program # c5-terminal=false [open-pattern] # Here you can set your own glob patterns for opening matching URLs in the # program you want them to open up in. You could for example open Youtube videos # in your video player instead of your default browser. # # You must name the keys foo-pattern, foo-use and foo-terminal, where use is the # program that will open up the URL. To see the syntax for glob pattern you can # follow this URL https://github.com/gobwas/glob#syntax. foo-terminal is if the # program runs in the terminal and should open in the same terminal as tut # itself. # # Example for youtube.com and youtu.be to open up in mpv instead of the browser. # # y1-pattern=*youtube.com/watch* # y1-use=mpv # y1-terminal=false # # y2-pattern=*youtu.be/* # y2-use=mpv # y2-terminal=false [desktop-notification] # Notification when someone follows you. # default=false followers=false # Notification when someone favorites one of your toots. # default=false favorite=false # Notification when someone mentions you. # default=false mention=false # Notification when someone edits their toot. # default=false update=false # Notification when someone boosts one of your toots. # default=false boost=false # Notification of poll results. # default=false poll=false # Notification when there is new posts in current timeline. # default=false posts=false [style] # All styles can be represented in their HEX value like #ffffff or with their # name, so in this case white. The only special value is "default" which equals # to transparent, so it will be the same color as your terminal. # # You can also use xrdb colors like this xrdb:color1 The program will use colors # prefixed with an * first then look for URxvt or XTerm if it can't find any # color prefixed with an asterisk. If you don't want tut to guess the prefix you # can set the prefix yourself. If the xrdb color can't be found a preset color # will be used. You'll have to set theme=none for this to work. # The xrdb prefix used for colors in .Xresources. # default=guess xrdb-prefix=guess # You can use some themes that comes bundled with tut. Check out the themes # available on the URL below. If a theme is named "nord.ini" you just write # theme=nord # # https://github.com/RasmusLindroth/tut/tree/master/config/themes # # You can also create a theme file in your config directory e.g. # ~/.config/tut/themes/foo.ini and then set theme=foo. # # If you want to use your own theme but don't want to create a new file, set # theme=none and then you can create your own theme below. # default=default theme=default # The background color used on most elements. # default= background= # The text color used on most of the text. # default= text= # The color to display sublte elements or subtle text. Like lines and help text. # default= subtle= # The color for errors or warnings # default= warning-text= # This color is used to display username. # default= text-special-one= # This color is used to display username and key hints. # default= text-special-two= # The color of the bar at the top # default= top-bar-background= # The color of the text in the bar at the top. # default= top-bar-text= # The color of the bar at the bottom # default= status-bar-background= # The color of the text in the bar at the bottom. # default= status-bar-text= # The color of the bar at the bottom in view mode. # default= status-bar-view-background= # The color of the text in the bar at the bottom in view mode. # default= status-bar-view-text= # Background of selected list items. # default= list-selected-background= # The text color of selected list items. # default= list-selected-text= # The background color of selected list items that are out of focus. # default= list-selected-inactive-background= # The text color of selected list items that are out of focus. # default= list-selected-inactive-text= # The main color of the text for key hints # default= controls-text= # The highlight color of for key hints # default= controls-highlight= # The background color in dropdowns and autocompletions # default= autocomplete-background= # The text color in dropdowns at autocompletions # default= autocomplete-text= # The background color for selected value in dropdowns and autocompletions # default= autocomplete-selected-background= # The text color for selected value in dropdowns and autocompletions # default= autocomplete-selected-text= # The background color on selected button and the text color of unselected # buttons # default= button-color-one= # The text color on selected button and the background color of unselected # buttons # default= button-color-two= # The background on named timelines. # default= timeline-name-background= # The text color on named timelines # default= timeline-name-text= [input] # You can edit the keys for tut below. # # The syntax is a bit weird, but it works. And I'll try to explain it as well as # I can. # # Example: # status-favorite="[F]avorite","Un[F]avorite",'f','F' # status-delete="[D]elete",'d','D' # # status-favorite and status-delete differs because favorite can be in two # states, so you will have to add two key hints. # Most keys will only have on key hint. Look at the default value for reference. # # Key hints must be in some of the following formats. Remember the quotation # marks. # "" = empty # "[D]elete" = Delete with a highlighted D # "Un[F]ollow" = UnFollow with a highlighted F # "[Enter]" = Enter where everything is highlighted # "Yan[K]" = YanK with a highlighted K # # After the hint (or hints) you must set the keys. You can do this in two ways, # with single quotation marks or double ones. # # The single ones are for single chars like 'a', 'b', 'c' and double marks are # for special keys like "Enter". Remember that they are case sensetive. # # To find the names of special keys you have to go to the following site and # look for "var KeyNames = map[Key]string{" # # https://github.com/gdamore/tcell/blob/master/key.go # Keys for moving down # default="",'j','J',"Down" global-down="",'j','J',"Down" # Keys for moving up # default="",'k','K',"Up" global-up="",'k','K',"Up" # To select items # default="","Enter" global-enter="","Enter" # To go back # default="[Esc]","Esc" global-back="[Esc]","Esc" # To go back and exit Tut # default="[Q]uit",'q','Q' global-exit="[Q]uit",'q','Q' # Move to the top # default="",'g',"Home" main-home="",'g',"Home" # Move to the bottom # default="",'G',"End" main-end="",'G',"End" # Go to previous feed # default="",'h','H',"Left" main-prev-feed="",'h','H',"Left" # Go to next feed # default="",'l','L',"Right" main-next-feed="",'l','L',"Right" # Focus on the previous feed window # default="","Backtab" main-prev-window="","Backtab" # Focus on the next feed window # default="","Tab" main-next-window="","Tab" # Focus on the notification list # default="[N]otifications",'n','N' main-notification-focus="[N]otifications",'n','N' # Compose a new toot # default="",'c','C' main-compose="",'c','C' # Open avatar # default="[A]vatar",'a','A' status-avatar="[A]vatar",'a','A' # Boost a toot # default="[B]oost","Un[B]oost",'b','B' status-boost="[B]oost","Un[B]oost",'b','B' # Delete a toot # default="[D]elete",'d','D' status-delete="[D]elete",'d','D' # Favorite a toot # default="[F]avorite","Un[F]avorite",'f','F' status-favorite="[F]avorite","Un[F]avorite",'f','F' # Open toots media files # default="[M]edia",'m','M' status-media="[M]edia",'m','M' # Open links # default="[O]pen",'o','O' status-links="[O]pen",'o','O' # Open poll # default="[P]oll",'p','P' status-poll="[P]oll",'p','P' # Reply to toot # default="[R]eply",'r','R' status-reply="[R]eply",'r','R' # Save/bookmark a toot # default="[S]ave","Un[S]ave",'s','S' status-bookmark="[S]ave","Un[S]ave",'s','S' # View thread # default="[T]hread",'t','T' status-thread="[T]hread",'t','T' # Open user profile # default="[U]ser",'u','U' status-user="[U]ser",'u','U' # Open the view mode # default="[V]iew",'v','V' status-view-focus="[V]iew",'v','V' # Yank the url of the toot # default="[Y]ank",'y','Y' status-yank="[Y]ank",'y','Y' # Remove the spoiler # default="Press [Z] to toggle spoiler",'z','Z' status-toggle-spoiler="Press [Z] to toggle spoiler",'z','Z' # View avatar # default="[A]vatar",'a','A' user-avatar="[A]vatar",'a','A' # Block the user # default="[B]lock","Un[B]lock",'b','B' user-block="[B]lock","Un[B]lock",'b','B' # Follow user # default="[F]ollow","Un[F]ollow",'f','F' user-follow="[F]ollow","Un[F]ollow",'f','F' # Follow user # default="Follow [R]equest","Follow [R]equest",'r','R' user-follow-request-decide="Follow [R]equest","Follow [R]equest",'r','R' # Mute user # default="[M]ute","Un[M]ute",'m','M' user-mute="[M]ute","Un[M]ute",'m','M' # Open links # default="[O]pen",'o','O' user-links="[O]pen",'o','O' # View user profile # default="[U]ser",'u','U' user-user="[U]ser",'u','U' # Open view mode # default="[V]iew",'v','V' user-view-focus="[V]iew",'v','V' # Yank the user URL # default="[Y]ank",'y','Y' user-yank="[Y]ank",'y','Y' # Open list # default="[O]pen",'o','O' list-open-feed="[O]pen",'o','O' # List all users in a list # default="[U]sers",'u','U' list-user-list="[U]sers",'u','U' # Add user to list # default="[A]dd",'a','A' list-user-add="[A]dd",'a','A' # Delete user from list # default="[D]elete",'d','D' list-user-delete="[D]elete",'d','D' # Open URL # default="[O]pen",'o','O' link-open="[O]pen",'o','O' # Yank the URL # default="[Y]ank",'y','Y' link-yank="[Y]ank",'y','Y' # Edit spoiler text on new toot # default="[C]W text",'c','C' compose-edit-spoiler="[C]W text",'c','C' # Edit the text on new toot # default="[E]dit text",'e','E' compose-edit-text="[E]dit text",'e','E' # Include a quote when replying # default="[I]nclude quote",'i','I' compose-include-quote="[I]nclude quote",'i','I' # Focus on adding media to toot # default="[M]edia",'m','M' compose-media-focus="[M]edia",'m','M' # Post the new toot # default="[P]ost",'p','P' compose-post="[P]ost",'p','P' # Toggle content warning on toot # default="[T]oggle CW",'t','T' compose-toggle-content-warning="[T]oggle CW",'t','T' # Edit the visibility on new toot # default="[V]isibility",'v','V' compose-visibility="[V]isibility",'v','V' # Edit the language of a toot # default="[L]ang",'l','L' compose-language="[L]ang",'l','L' # Switch to creating a poll # default="P[O]ll",'o','O' compose-poll="P[O]ll",'o','O' # Delete media file # default="[D]elete",'d','D' media-delete="[D]elete",'d','D' # Edit the description on media file # default="[E]dit desc",'e','E' media-edit-desc="[E]dit desc",'e','E' # Add a new media file # default="[A]dd",'a','A' media-add="[A]dd",'a','A' # Vote on poll # default="[V]ote",'v','V' vote-vote="[V]ote",'v','V' # Select item to vote on # default="[Enter] to select",' ', "Enter" vote-select="[Enter] to select",' ', "Enter" # Add a new poll option # default="[A]dd",'a','A' poll-add="[A]dd",'a','A' # Edit a poll option # default="[E]dit",'e','E' poll-edit="[E]dit",'e','E' # Delete a poll option # default="[D]elete",'d','D' poll-delete="[D]elete",'d','D' # Toggle voting on multiple options # default="Toggle [M]ultiple",'m','M' poll-multi-toggle="Toggle [M]ultiple",'m','M' # Change the expiration of poll # default="E[X]pires",'x','X' poll-expiration="E[X]pires",'x','X' # Change display name # default="[N]ame",'n','N' preference-name="[N]ame",'n','N' # Change default visibility of toots # default="[V]isibility",'v','V' preference-visibility="[V]isibility",'v','V' # Change bio in profile # default="[B]io",'b','B' preference-bio="[B]io",'b','B' # Save your preferences # default="[S]ave",'s','S' preference-save="[S]ave",'s','S' # Edit profile fields # default="[F]ields",'f','F' preference-fields="[F]ields",'f','F' # Add new field # default="[A]dd",'a','A' preference-fields-add="[A]dd",'a','A' # Edit current field # default="[E]dit",'e','E' preference-fields-edit="[E]dit",'e','E' # Delete current field # default="[D]elete",'d','D' preference-fields-delete="[D]elete",'d','D' ```
kotp commented 1 year ago

I have confirmed that this time, it is not, so it may have been that I had been using it and caused it to crash, while thinking I was only escaping to the top level after going "deep". Not enough experience with it to know, or report well enough.

It very well may be that it was a "off hand" failure.

I can not duplicate it locally.

RasmusLindroth commented 1 year ago

I will close this issue, but if tut crashes for you again feel free to open a new issue :)

kotp commented 1 year ago

I am able to quit without the confirmation if I am pressing qq when two levels deep. Almost like it does not wait to finish processing the first input. (Behavior observation, not technical analysis.)

It has happened twice in an hour of using it.

I think prior I was pressing escape in the same way. Just hoping to back out to the "top" without having to keep track of where I am.