Open MapleHe opened 1 month ago
I rerun the pipeline from mapping step, got the same error.
concatenate contigs -m 2000 contigs.2k.fa sample1.contigs.fasta sample2.contigs.fasta
bwa-mem2 index -p contigs.2k contigs.2k.fa
mapping to contigs
bwa-mem2 mem contigs.2k sample1_1.fq sample1_2.fq | \
samtools view -bS -F 3584 - | \
samtools sort -O bam -o bams/sample1.contigs.bam
3. run vamb
conda run -p vamb4 vamb bin default --outdir vamb_output -m 2000 -p 32 --cuda --fasta contigs.2k.fa.gz --bamdir bams/
These two version of VAMB works fine using the same data, the separator can be either default "C"
or customized "."
Thanks for your excellent tool. Previously I used vamb 3.0.2 for data analysls. Currently I'm trying to run the latest version of vamb4, but unfortunately met such Runtime Error which I haven't figured out how to solve. I would be grateful if you can provide any suggestion.
Other notes
, assembled using metaspades, were manually renaming, filtering and concatenating. I assume the concatenation should be the same asVamb
script with--keepnames
option. The read ID is formatted as:BAM_DIR
were generated using bwa-mem2, with reads mapped to concatenated contig, for each sample separately , and sorted using samtools.Logs
The full content of log file can be found here in log.txt
Here are tail contents of vamb log: