RaspberryPiFoundation / lesson_format

Lesson formatter
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PDF styling #100

Closed codecleaner closed 9 years ago

codecleaner commented 9 years ago


andylolz commented 9 years ago

This looks sooo good, @codecleaner! I really love the { .try } boxes! It’s great that you got the .unbreakable stuff working, too! I’d given up on it.

andylolz commented 9 years ago

Some thoughts:

Do you want to carry on making changes, or shall I just merge it in now? Happy to do either.

Either way – this is looking fantastic. Thanks Wojtek!

codecleaner commented 9 years ago

You’ve added the .unbreakable class via javascript. That’s fine… But I think it could actually all be done in css

You're right. I'll fix that this evening.

Do you want to carry on making changes, or shall I just merge it in now? Happy to do either.

I can change Sass too, no problem for me. I've overlooked that.

andylolz commented 9 years ago

Perfect! I’ll leave the PR for now, then – just ping me (or just add a comment on here) when you’ve made the updates and I’ll merge :)

BTW I’ve created a milestone with the final last few tasks. I noticed you’ve been removing excess whitespace too (i.e. #99), which is brilliant. This is looking so much better now :)

codecleaner commented 9 years ago

@andylolz I've changed .scss files and regenerated .css files. I'm not sure about these .css.map files, should they be in repo or not? If not, please feel free to remove them from this PR and merge it whitout them.

andylolz commented 9 years ago

feel free to remove them from this PR and merge it whitout them

I can’t do that since I don’t have access to your fork :) but don’t worry – I’ll merge it with them in, then remove them (since I don’t think we need them. To be honest, I’m not really sure if we need the css… I guess it’s handy since it saves remembering to re-run grunt.)

This looks great by the way! I like the use of @extend %unbreakable;, that’s really nice.

andylolz commented 9 years ago

By the way… what did you use to comile the Sass? Are you running the sass binary?

If you follow the instructions here, I don’t think grunt will generate the .map files: https://github.com/codeclub/lesson_format#compiling-sass