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worker + web dynos exceed heroku free plan #109

Closed andylolz closed 9 years ago

andylolz commented 9 years ago

Super boring infrastructure issue:

On heroku, we use a worker dyno (that does the build) and a web dyno (that listens for the pings from github saying something has changed). The worker is required because the build takes a long time, and the web request would time out if it had to do the build.

Having both running goes over the free allowance.

If the web dyno can switch the worker dyno on when needed, and the worker can switch itself off when done, then we’ll stay inside the allowance.

Note that the nightly build uses one-off dynos, which are always free.

andylolz commented 9 years ago

Note that the nightly build uses one-off dynos, which are always free.

This isn’t true! Maybe it was true once, but it isn’t now.

In any case, I’ve now switched off web and worker dynos (Procfile moved to ~Procfile) so there’s no risk of exceeding any allowances. Closing as invalid(-ish).