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PDF 'test' instructions for HTML / Python #131

Closed rikcross closed 5 months ago

rikcross commented 9 years ago

Currently all PDFs say 'click the green flag to test', which is only applicable to Scratch.

screen shot 2014-12-22 at 11 47 44

This could be changed to say simply 'run program to test it' (Python) and 'view your page' or similar in HTML.

I also wonder whether the icon for testing generally should be a green flag, when this is something specific to Scratch?

andylolz commented 9 years ago

Yes – very good point! Personally, I’d probably stick with the green flag iconography, but modify the instruction text for non-Scratch projects.

Also, though… We probably need more ## Test your project { .flag } calls to action throughout the new lessons. There are 5 in Felix and Herbert, 9 in Fireworks, 9 in Fish Chomp… But there’s only 4 in the whole first Scratch term.

rikcross commented 9 years ago

@andylolz I was thinking exactly that when I posted the above comment. The trouble is, all added/modified code should really be tested, and so it got to the point where I was adding a ## Test... after every checkpoint. Maybe we could optionally add a 'test' icon to certain steps, rather than making it a step in itself? Otherwise, I can replace the "test your code..." steps with proper ## Test... steps, but then there are just too many!

rikcross commented 9 years ago

Oh @andylolz I've just remembered why I left out the 'test' checkpoints. They can only be added to the end of an entire activity (as can the challenges) and not at various arbitrary points in the project.

Is there any way around this? If not, it's not the end of the world, as most test points are at the end of activities -- the rest can just be test points without the {.flag} marker.

andylolz commented 9 years ago

I would bet money that it works that way by design, as a means to gently push a project author towards a consistent style.