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Add feedback link to every project (not just beta ones) #144

Closed rikcross closed 8 years ago

rikcross commented 9 years ago

as mentioned in #138 currently the project feedback link is a bubble at the top of beta projects.

it would be nice if this form was available somewhere for volunteers to give feedback on any project. this could be at the top of every project (as it currently is for beta projects) but maybe it could instead be in the term sections instead of individual projects?

oh, and there's a different form for Scratch / HTML / Python.

rikcross commented 9 years ago

@andylolz suggested somewhere here maybe?


martinpeck commented 9 years ago

More of a general question, rather than one specific to this issue: do we need to get a designer to spend some time on these generated web pages so that they have added awesome?

rikcross commented 9 years ago

@martinpeck I think that would be great!

andylolz commented 9 years ago

Haha – let the record show that I most definitely flagged up my total lack of design skills!

My design skills are non-existent. But there’s a lot of white space up here: http://cl.ly/image/1U2e2e0b3p1R

Maybe we could use some of that? I dunno. Maybe another thing for someone with a design eye to take a look at, I guess!

andylolz commented 9 years ago

I've created a "design" label for issues in need of a design eye.

rikcross commented 9 years ago

FYI: here's the current beta project feedback form

rikcross commented 8 years ago

I'm closing this, because it's been done for codeclubprojects.org.